Elite: Odyssey

01 Oct 2021, 3:20pm
Aunty Sledge
Oh no, have I talked myself into more grind?

One medal that does worry me is the Exobiology's Organic Data Registered. It looks like most people are hitting Elite before they get past tier 3. It's such a grind people are looking for the 800K species so we're scanning a lot more from orbit than we're scanning on foot.

Actually the opposite. I thought it's something around 80-100 fires per settlement, so I will lower the medal requirements.
The organic data will be probably lowered, too, I am still gathering more data and it's better to decrease to requirements later than to increase them. Hitting Elite before the tier 5 medal is a desired state, to give something to work on after that, but some re-balance is probable.
01 Oct 2021, 8:03pm
Iwao Kishiro
SalmoneaI want to possibility play poker in bar on starport. It should be so hard to develope it,huh?

The problem of locking that activity away from the players across different countries what might create a major, yet unnecessary, problem to program and administer. RDR Online has playing poker as activity disabled in a lot of countries due to gambling restrictions - and mostly because Rockstar wanted to add buying currency like in case of GTA Online. The latter had its entire casino outright inaccessible to a lot of players due to local anti-gambling laws in their countries, because betting real money - in any form - is a crime.

It is still gambling if you play with game currency? No real money?
02 Oct 2021, 8:52am
SalmoneaIt is still gambling if you play with game currency? No real money?

It definitely falls under gambling, if you can to buy in-game currency for real money to take part in a randomized chance game for a prize that has some sort of value - even if they are virtual prizes. In case of RDO, Rockstar put restriction before they were pushed to do so unlike in case of GTA Online (if I remember right), because they wanted to avoid a few things that are a necessary bureaucracy. Example:

In Poland gambling is illegal unless you do that in establishment which has a special and very restrictive permit, which is to have tax control from such activities (as such places are used for money laundering). Sounds easy? Not really for yet another reason: in order to get permit over here, game companies not only have to pay the fees in order to get the permit, but they fall into different - and obviously higher - taxes due to being involved into gambling. European Union law does not take precedence here, because each member state has to decide about gambling themselves. Especially if, like in case of Germany, provinces within a country may have separate laws and restrictions.

Another problem with i.e. poker in video games is that kids are playing games. Let's ignore the "moral aspect of parents allowing kids to play games aimed for +18" here for a moment. Exposing children to gambling is a big no-no (regardless of the country you live in) and that also might be the reason why game companies might restrict entire regions. Belgian government entirely banned lootboxes for example, due to the fact the mechanic falls under gambling because you can buy in-game currency with real money and exposing such activities to children is against law in Belgium.

The promotion of gambling itself as activity may also fall into the category which game companies do not want to enter as well.

Last edit: 02 Oct 2021, 9:13am
02 Oct 2021, 9:45am
So what about games like VR PokerStars on Oculus? That is all about playing poker with other folks all over the world around a VR table, it also has a slot machine mini game. The ‘chips’ are available free in game from a sort of ‘spin the wheel’ function that randomises how many chips you get and you can spin it once a day.
Kids can and do play it too, can be a bit of a nuisance to be honest.

So is that game, and others like it, banned in countries like Poland?
02 Oct 2021, 10:02am
Silver TafferSo what about games like VR PokerStars on Oculus? That is all about playing poker with other folks all over the world around a VR table, it also has a slot machine mini game. The ‘chips’ are available free in game from a sort of ‘spin the wheel’ function that randomises how many chips you get and you can spin it once a day.
Kids can and do play it too, can be a bit of a nuisance to be honest.

So is that game, and others like it, banned in countries like Poland?

That wouldn't be the case I think. It's more about operating without special permit if it involves using real money to boost in-game currency. In case of Rockstar, I guess disabling poker and casino in respective games came out from the issue of paying higher taxes for involvement into gambling and abiding to the gambling restrictions in other countries.

As for promotion of gambling as activity, this is more of a gray zone in Poland but generally no one does it. It's like with phasing out cigarette advertisements or - quite recently - even the beer and wine ads being removed from the common media, with increase of non-alcoholic beers and similar drinks ads in exchange.

Last edit: 02 Oct 2021, 10:22am
02 Oct 2021, 10:32am
Iwao KishiroThat wouldn't be the case I think. It's more about operating without special permit if it involves using real money to boost in-game currency. In case of Rockstar, I guess disabling poker and casino in respective games came out from the issue of paying higher taxes and abiding to the gambling restrictions in other countries.

As for promotion of gambling as activity, this is more of a gray zone in Poland but generally no one does it. It's like with phasing out cigarette advertisements or - quite recently - even the beer and wine ads being removed from the common media, with increase of non-alcoholic beers and similar drinks ads in exchange.

Thanks for the explanation, I was genuinely curious.
For the record I played the pokerstars game a couple of times because my son (he’s 30 yo) invited me to play with his group of pals. To be honest I am very dubious about games that encourage gambling, even with virtual currency, and the fact that some players in the ‘lounge’ (an open sort of reception area) seemed to be very young, no older than early Teens and maybe even younger, gave me pause for thought!
I’m sure it’s all good, clean fun ..... but, still
07 Oct 2021, 3:17am
Silver TafferAlthough Arthur Tolemy repeatedly denied ship interiors he did say on one occasion (words to the effect) that if the player base were solidly in favour they may have to reconsider at some point in the future.

I see a logical progression going on. Station, Outpost and Settlement/POIs. Next we're getting Megaships, then Fleet Carriers. Ships may be a ways away, but I think the progression makes sense. IMagine how bad things would have been if they tried to do all of them from the get-go with what we have at the moment.
07 Oct 2021, 6:07am
All, I see is that Frontier is trying to satisfy some players requests by choosing low effort aproach while ignoring the big fat elephant in the room called performance and his friend the giraffe called meaningful game play.
07 Oct 2021, 11:06am
EpisparhAll, I see is that Frontier is trying to satisfy some players requests by choosing low effort aproach while ignoring the big fat elephant in the room called performance and his friend the giraffe called meaningful game play.

If anything is said against what they want, it is dismissed for one reason or the other. They think none of us know what we are talking about and that they are the sole experts. Seems to be prevalent in nearly any organization where there is a governing body of some sort, particularly one that has lost touch with reality. I don't blame the ones coding necessarily (although they do seem to be less capable that their predecessors) but the decision makers.
09 Oct 2021, 11:38am
I am still a bit confused on when you get bounties or not. I was in an anarchy system at an anarchy settlement (according to the in-game information on the consoles). The faction was not anarchy so it seems the faction type is the only consideration and not anything else? So... only system type matters for ships and only faction type matters for settlements?
09 Oct 2021, 12:10pm
KurakilI am still a bit confused on when you get bounties or not. I was in an anarchy system at an anarchy settlement (according to the in-game information on the consoles). The faction was not anarchy so it seems the faction type is the only consideration and not anything else? So... only system type matters for ships and only faction type matters for settlements?

If system is Anarchy but settlement/station/etc. belongs to non-Anarchy faction faction, doing any crimes around it will get you bounties by that non-Anarchy faction. Likewise, it beings a few advantages. a) If you are sought by system owner* via bounties but there is an installation by another faction that didn't bounty you - you may land on it. That's because the surrounding forces are not the system owners. b) Doing attacks on settlements belonging to other factions no longer get you bountied by system-owning faction.

That often led into weird situations in the past: doing bad stuff in installation Y got you bountied system-wide by the faction X... which gave you the mission to do in the first place.

*I honestly don't remember that if you are chased by one Federation/Empire/Alliance faction, you may be chased by all Federation/Empire/Alliance factions or not. That's because I mainly operate in Independent systems and obviously Independent bounties are separate.
10 Oct 2021, 5:14pm
KurakilI am still a bit confused on when you get bounties or not. I was in an anarchy system at an anarchy settlement (according to the in-game information on the consoles). The faction was not anarchy so it seems the faction type is the only consideration and not anything else? So... only system type matters for ships and only faction type matters for settlements?

I had my explanation few pages back.


TL;DR - If no asset in the instance - jurisdiction is same as system controlling faction. If there is an asset (e.g. settlement, station, megaship, installation) - the jurisdiction is same as asset controlling faction.

P.S. I just logged after few weeks break and it looks like all missions around are for illegal stuff. No wonders anarchy systems are dying.

Last edit: 10 Oct 2021, 5:25pm
10 Oct 2021, 5:28pm
KurakilI am still a bit confused on when you get bounties or not. I was in an anarchy system at an anarchy settlement (according to the in-game information on the consoles). The faction was not anarchy so it seems the faction type is the only consideration and not anything else? So... only system type matters for ships and only faction type matters for settlements?

I had my explanation few pages back.


TL;DR - If no asset in the instance - jurisdiction is same as system controlling faction. If there is an asset (e.g. settlement, station, megaship, installation) - the jurisdiction is same as asset controlling faction.

P.S. I just logged after few weeks break and it looks like all missions around are for illegal stuff. No wonders anarchy systems are dying.

Well my confusion came about because the in-game information said the settlement was Anarchy even if the faction at that settlement was not.
10 Oct 2021, 9:58pm
EpisparhAll, I see is that Frontier is trying to satisfy some players requests by choosing low effort aproach while ignoring the big fat elephant in the room called performance and his friend the giraffe called meaningful game play.

If anything is said against what they want, it is dismissed for one reason or the other. They think none of us know what we are talking about and that they are the sole experts. Seems to be prevalent in nearly any organization where there is a governing body of some sort, particularly one that has lost touch with reality. I don't blame the ones coding necessarily (although they do seem to be less capable that their predecessors) but the decision makers.

Yeah well ... that's the thing. If you pay attention to realty and not just jump on the toxicity bandwagon, every update so far has shown improvement in performance. If you haven't seen any then you need to look at what YOU are doing. Settings, internet connections, hardware age, etc. I am now at a point where game performance is back to (or better than) Horizon's levels. However, I am running very advanced hardware, especially GPU, and have the fastest possible consumer internet connections. So I can see the improvements. Once you sit back and let technology pass you by, as a gamer it is going to eventually mean performance is going to do same with your favorite titles, eventually.

I do agree gameplay could be better, but historically Fdev does added things to the game very periodically, always has. Some of it is good, some not so good. I mean I would love to simply have the ability to "lean" around a corner when on foot. Things like that. However, I see now that Fdev is doing two things they haven't done before: One, better communication and two, adding things that being requested based on the number of requests they receive. These are positive developments for Fdev.

I do like SC gameplay, but I also see this game is evolving into a pay-to-win game platform which I avoid like the plague. You have to work for it in ED, I prefer that.
10 Oct 2021, 10:08pm
KluugI am now at a point where game performance is back to (or better than) Horizon's levels.

I call BS.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.