Elite: Odyssey

09 Dec 2021, 9:08am
GryphnnWell there are vehicle schematics in the game

True! There are also building schematics and FD have already ruled out base building
09 Dec 2021, 9:35am
Several of their design decisions make little sense.

Why is there litter glued to the floor of zero-g stations?
Why are there open liquid containers in zero-g stations?
Why are sidewinders a fighter class in the Arena, but can't be deployed from Fighter Bays?
Why does the Concourse have turbolifts on every wall instead of just 1 main set of 2-4 that you CHOOSE where to go IN THE ALREADY EXISTING ACTION DIALOGUE.
Why can't you walk in and out of a planetary outpost's Concourse directly to the outside? Are firecodes not a thing anymore?
Why does the Remove Orbit Lines option also disable that critical safety feature of the Exclusion Zone line? Is a separate toggle too much to ask?
Why are Docking and Supercruise Computers separate and each weigh a ton, in the future?
Hey Skimmers are cool concept. Why aren't we using a Skimmer Recon Vehicle instead of that potato handling Scorpion?
Why can you punch a ship to death?
Why can a hand held rifle do more damage than ship and vehicle main weaponry?
Why are black holes harmless?

09 Dec 2021, 10:08am
No fleet carrier interiors?
09 Dec 2021, 10:09am
Why doesn't your arse get flat on the surface of this planet with 45G?
09 Dec 2021, 10:18am
MeowersWhy doesn't your arse get flat on the surface of this planet with 45G?

Who says it doesn't? Have you looked at your arse since you landed?
09 Dec 2021, 10:34am
BurstarSeveral of their design decisions make little sense.

Why is there litter glued to the floor of zero-g stations?
Why are there open liquid containers in zero-g stations?
Why are sidewinders a fighter class in the Arena, but can't be deployed from Fighter Bays?
Why does the Concourse have turbolifts on every wall instead of just 1 main set of 2-4 that you CHOOSE where to go IN THE ALREADY EXISTING ACTION DIALOGUE.
Why can't you walk in and out of a planetary outpost's Concourse directly to the outside? Are firecodes not a thing anymore?
Why does the Remove Orbit Lines option also disable that critical safety feature of the Exclusion Zone line? Is a separate toggle too much to ask?
Why are Docking and Supercruise Computers separate and each weigh a ton, in the future?
Hey Skimmers are cool concept. Why aren't we using a Skimmer Recon Vehicle instead of that potato handling Scorpion?
Why can you punch a ship to death?
Why can a hand held rifle do more damage than ship and vehicle main weaponry?
Why are black holes harmless?

Oh man, head on the nail x 11.

Every time I turn orbit lines on/off, I ask myself the same thing. If I were an actual real life ED pilot, I would never ever fly without visible exclusion zone line, so why would we even want to turn it off?

The ship's computer should definitely have built in docking, supercruise assist and an autopilot. Just turn them off if you don't need/want them. If they absolutely must be separate load out items, make a new category for them with slots that are separate from the regular optional internals.

But the biggest of them all. The SRV. I mean, it's fun to drive around and all. But what's even more fun is to use better, more advanced technology. I could overlook many other flaws if I just could get a drivable skimmer-like vehicle for surface exploration.

And I would add this: please let us change the HUD colors individually, per ship, in game.
09 Dec 2021, 10:55am
BurstarSeveral of their design decisions make little sense.

Oh man, head on the nail x 11.

Every time I turn orbit lines on/off, I ask myself the same thing. If I were an actual real life ED pilot, I would never ever fly without visible exclusion zone line, so why would we even want to turn it off?

The ship's computer should definitely have built in docking, supercruise assist and an autopilot. Just turn them off if you don't need/want them. If they absolutely must be separate load out items, make a new category for them with slots that are separate from the regular optional internals.
And I would add this: please let us change the HUD colors individually, per ship, in game.

Oh yeah I can't believe I forgot that one. Why make ORANGE of all colours your default choice for the ENTIRE GAME? You ask anyone what their favourite colours are and 95% of the time its either Red, Blue, or a combination of the 2. The other 5% are possibly colourblind (no disrespect) or go out of their way to be 'unique' with their undying love of Walnut Brown or whatever. Nobody seriously thinks orange is the most 4m4z0rs colour possible. It is literally mistaken for dooky in the dark. But to then not make in game customization options to change this? Or (although I'm loathe to say it) make it an ARX purchase! You can stuff your cockpit with garbage bobbleheads, line the glass with the ugliest lighting, but orange, the colour that blends in with the majority of star light, is CRITICAL to the Elite experience for some reason.

I think Braben mandated that colour choice intentionally as a way to test how much garbage we'd be willing to accept. The modifiable cfg file that lets you change the HUD colour was probably exposed by a sneaky programmer to get around this stupidity.
09 Dec 2021, 11:07am
SakashiroNo fleet carrier interiors?

Apparently, we'll only be getting those somewhere in 2022.
09 Dec 2021, 11:27am
SakashiroNo fleet carrier interiors?

Apparently, we'll only be getting those somewhere in 2022.

Ugh, just have to wait another year I guess.

I for one can wait considering it'll basically be a Megaship Concourse but with your ship's name on it.

If it takes that long to get them to remove the litter off my carrier and put sippy cup lids on the beverage containers it'll be sooo worth it.
09 Dec 2021, 11:48am
SakashiroNo fleet carrier interiors?

Apparently, we'll only be getting those somewhere in 2022.

Ugh, just have to wait another year I guess.

I for one can wait considering it'll basically be a Megaship Concourse but with your ship's name on it.

If it takes that long to get them to remove the litter off my carrier and put sippy cup lids on the beverage containers it'll be sooo worth it.

They'll be doing a livestream of the FC interiors on Dec 16th, and they said they'll be giving a "tour", which certainly implies more than 1 accessible room besides the already-confirmed bridge window view.
09 Dec 2021, 1:17pm
SakashiroNo fleet carrier interiors?

Consider I bought the DLC just because they promised it. I am disappointed.
09 Dec 2021, 2:26pm
Anybody with the same issue?

Fire groups are reset and I can't assign a new set.

Okay I switched to Solo and it worked but after assigning one fire group it I'm stuck outside that menu again.

And I also can't scan Tussock.

Last edit: 09 Dec 2021, 3:06pm
09 Dec 2021, 2:37pm
Now we need an option to find Scarab or Scorpion. I have to fly around searching ...
09 Dec 2021, 2:42pm
It should be present in the military stations. It's not a part of the outfitting data provided by the game like journals, so no dedicated search for that, I am afraid.
09 Dec 2021, 2:45pm
BurstarThe day we can engineer (or even swap out for a different weapon) the turret is the day we start screaming for things like deployable Sidewinders in the fighter bay.

Honestly at this point anymore, game balance is so broken, I don't see any reason to not permit deployable sidewinders or eagles. If it can be used in CQC then for all I care might as well permit it in SLF hangers. Why not let players engineer the heck out of them and let AI's fly them as SLFs? Balancing issues in combat? That was literally thrown out the window the moment engineering became a thing. I have never played a multiplayer game with less combat related balance than Elite.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.