Elite: Odyssey

31 Mar 2021, 9:47am
I have been playing Elite on my old c64, then om my amiga. Elite is, I even tried First encounters but it demanded some kind of memory i was not wizard enough to give it. to me a very hard game with a strange sense of humor and it punishes you all the way. Elite as a FPS. It is not my kind of game but I will give it a try. Get me some laughs. So here we go.

The lag makes it unplayable on my old GeForce GTX 765. Even on the lowest graphics settings, so no testing for me. Hope you have better luck.
31 Mar 2021, 10:43am
MalgarviusApex is boring time sink, but flying yourself in SC for 10 minutes isn't? How so?

Apex isn't a problem. The problem is a daft idea of choosing a system with 150K ly distances for Alpha test.

If you fly your own ship, you can make mistakes. You can get interdicted. You can change your mind and fly to that signal source which just popped up. You're actually playing the game.

Apex literally locks you out of the game for the entire duration of the trip. It's basically an unskippable cut scene. They might as well show a loading screen instead, because nothing interesting or unexpected will happen anyway.

I’m pretty sure someone could gank an apex shuttle. We’ll have to wait and see though, because obviously no one can fly a ship yet. I’ll guarantee you I’ll be trying to gank one as soon as I can.
31 Mar 2021, 10:45am
WolfmanwolfThis is not optimized yet, so it's likely you'll be fine, but don't get your hopes up. Rumor has it they basically rewrote the whole game for this expansion, and that likely means they're bringing the game into the 2020s in terms of quality. That can be both a blessing for people with high end systems that don't even break a sweat on maximum settings, and a curse for people used to running E:D using computers from 2012.

What about people running ED on consoles from 2012? Does FDev still plan to release Odyssey on last gen consoles? At this point I don't see how this could possibly work. It might end up in a disaster like Cyberpunk 2077.

Elite: Dangerous has been the poster child of optimization of the 2010s. It will run on literally anything. I doubt that’s going to change, I think they just need data from running it on a bunch of people’s computers so they can figure out how to optimize the game, either that or they’re not quite done optimizing, or maybe they just want to save optimizations for later after they’ve made the biggest changes.
31 Mar 2021, 10:46am
EpisparhMy Apex driver landed over my toon killing it immediately

... Few minutes later... I called Apex on the surface. Once it landed I have unloaded my guns... The bugger low waked soo fast

Good to know, I’ll be sure to gank people using ship rams.
31 Mar 2021, 11:04am
So far I have had 2 taxis suicide into stations.

Good fun mission failed.

Fire will kill you even with your shields up.......

Last edit: 31 Mar 2021, 11:14am
31 Mar 2021, 11:08am
These outposts are... so bad. Supposed to be zero g in here but it’s clearly not. I’ve always loved how well fdev has gotten small details very scientifically accurate where they could, but this... is awful.

Magnetic boots? Yeah sure, makes sense.

Hmm okay you’re standing... and your hair isn’t floating. Okay okay that’s fine, not that big of a deal but still a little annoying.

Why normal stairs? This would make sense if it was a ship because it may end up landing on a planet, in which case gravity would require stairs, but this is an immovable outpost.. I’m not sure what I’d use instead of stairs to get to the lower level, but still. Personally I would just design the whole damn interior around it being zero g instead of just reusing assets from star ports that have artificial gravity.

Why are you leaning... your hair isn’t floating... those drinks are in normal glasses (which you would have a very hard time drinking out of in zero g)...

This stuff is just resting here as if it has something keeping it stuck to the floor. Don’t say magnets, that wouldn’t make sense for things like papers on desks (apex desk specifically).
31 Mar 2021, 11:36am
Those are magnetic drinks in magnetic glasses. And I'm sure there's hairspray in 3307.

By the way, I've been to shoebox stations in Horizons where in the starport services screen you can see the station administrator standing in front of an office desk with items scattered around.

When it comes to zero-G realism, the only game I know that gets it right is Space Engineers.
31 Mar 2021, 11:45am
Don't stations rotate to essentially make gravity? I was always under the impression that the force from the constant rotation provided gravity, and that all orbitals spun at the speed that matches earth's gravity?
31 Mar 2021, 11:47am
The small shoebox stations don't rotate.
31 Mar 2021, 11:48am
Is it realistic? Not very much. Does bother me? Not at all. I am willing to contribute it to the artistic license, it doesn't break my experience and I think there are much more important things with a bigger impact.
31 Mar 2021, 11:55am
I can't wait to disembark and jump around on a 9G planet.
31 Mar 2021, 11:57am
Don't forget that the sheer mass of the sation, and nearby planet has as well some influence. Furthermore i am not sure if the space stations are geo-stationary.. and else they could contribute some....
31 Mar 2021, 12:00pm
I'm just saying. From a scientific standpoint, the gravity technically IS covered and realistic. Maybe not perfectly and everywhere, but enough to not break immersion. Applying the rules that absolutely work for large orbitals to small ones for continuity works for me
31 Mar 2021, 12:05pm
What ED got right (for the most part) is stellar mechanics. In Space Engineers all stellar bodies are static because they exist in a shared voxel space.
31 Mar 2021, 12:10pm
SakashiroWhat ED got right (for the most part) is stellar mechanics. In Space Engineers all stellar bodies are static because they exist in a shared voxel space.

[Insert over-the-head gif here] Haven't played that game, no idea what you actually mean sorry. But that said, Fdev definitely got stellar mechanics right. Last i checked, including gravity on stations too though, the science is sound. How they adapt the operating theory for large orbitals to small ones idk, but the gravity on large stations is definitely gravity

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.