Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

26 Nov 2016, 5:47pm
Good thoughts are good. Thank you. The game is (subtly) on!
26 Nov 2016, 6:09pm
Don't go barging in, wearing a mole suit/singlet and pin an obscenely large tracking device to the pirate princess. (I got away with it bexause Stryker works for her, but he is going to get his I'm sure) but as a ice breaker, I wouldn't advise it.
Act normally, or be subtle. And don't get discouraged if your RP hooks go unnoticed. In some cases adding another unknown element to the existing plot might throw that existing plot off, or its rhythm.
26 Nov 2016, 7:12pm
Think about the last time you were at a real bar. What would you say or not say? Do or not do? Though the InGaBa is a fictional place, it's often best to fall back to reality when moments of uncertainty hit.
26 Nov 2016, 8:11pm
Luke3107Also, don't be insulted or put off if your attempts to engage others are fobbed off... I myself made a couple of attempts with Lilith in the Citi Gateway section. One attempt where I had her push in between Jemine and Kyla as they made their way to the bar, which they either didn't notice or chose to ignore...

I apologise, Luke. We definitely weren't ignoring you. I simply didn't spot the interaction in your post, and I don't think Kyla did either. If we had, then we'd have certainly incorporated it into our own.
26 Nov 2016, 9:15pm
Jemine Caesar
Luke3107Also, don't be insulted or put off if your attempts to engage others are fobbed off... I myself made a couple of attempts with Lilith in the Citi Gateway section. One attempt where I had her push in between Jemine and Kyla as they made their way to the bar, which they either didn't notice or chose to ignore...

I apologise, Luke. We definitely weren't ignoring you. I simply didn't spot the interaction in your post, and I don't think Kyla did either. If we had, then we'd have certainly incorporated it into our own.
No need for apologies, it was very vague and your next actions were in the bar not Citi Gateway so it seemed obvious it was just unseen rather than ignored
27 Nov 2016, 12:54am
Stryker AuneDon't go barging in, wearing a mole suit/singlet and pin an obscenely large tracking device to the pirate princess. (I got away with it bexause Stryker works for her, but he is going to get his I'm sure) but as a ice breaker, I wouldn't advise it..

Great, now I gotta go change.....well, shit
27 Nov 2016, 12:59am
Stryker AuneDon't go barging in, wearing a mole suit/singlet and pin an obscenely large tracking device to the pirate princess. (I got away with it bexause Stryker works for her, but he is going to get his I'm sure) but as a ice breaker, I wouldn't advise it..

Great, now I gotta go change.....well, shit

I hear voles are in this year, maybe meerkats but I'd steer clear of badgers, those are frowned upon

Last edit: 27 Nov 2016, 1:59am
27 Nov 2016, 1:56am
Stryker AuneDon't go barging in, wearing a mole suit/singlet and pin an obscenely large tracking device to the pirate princess. (I got away with it bexause Stryker works for her, but he is going to get his I'm sure) but as a ice breaker, I wouldn't advise it..

Great, now I gotta go change.....well, shit

I hear voles are in this year, maybe meerkats but I'd steer clear of badgers,those are frowned upon

Did someone say badgers?

27 Nov 2016, 1:58am
Even before it loaded I facepalmed knowing full well what was coming...

My apologies to the rest of the community
27 Nov 2016, 4:39am
Holy shitbiscuits...I'm already starting love yall
27 Nov 2016, 5:42am
Ok, spoke too much. I'm afraid I have offended someone here by saluting their creativity. I stand corrected. I am fast coming to the understanding that this is more of a private place for a select few to be accepted. Its ok, I am not noob to RP or any facet of it. I attempted to give a bit of a shout out to someone I thought was a decent writer in this genre and apparently I am not welcome to salute creativity in my own way. I truly do understand. With that said, may your stories continue to be fruitful and hours of happiness for you all who are accepted into your fold. I am off.
27 Nov 2016, 5:57am
From what I understand of the situation, you used one or more characters created by someone else, without permission, in a personal logbook entry. I don't know where you've been RP-ing, but that's not kosher in any community I've been a part of.

Maybe stop playing the victim and think about how others might perceive your actions before you start complaining.
27 Nov 2016, 6:28am
Mate, I simply asked politely that you consult me before referencing/using my characters in your log books. It is basic RP etiquette to do so regardless of how big or small your references to those characters are.

I am flattered that you enjoy my work, but I think this is a bit of an overreaction.
27 Nov 2016, 12:51pm
What happened?
27 Nov 2016, 1:55pm
Someone pouted?

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