Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

28 Nov 2016, 7:19pm
Rebecca HailThere's an option at the bottom when you create a new log.

Category ---> Character Biography?  Is this what you speak of?
28 Nov 2016, 7:31pm
Rebecca HailThere's an option at the bottom when you create a new log.

Category ---> Character Biography?  Is this what you speak of?
That's what I used
28 Nov 2016, 7:39pm
Rebecca HailThere's an option at the bottom when you create a new log.

Category ---> Character Biography?  Is this what you speak of?

That's what I used

Fabulous. Thank you.
29 Nov 2016, 7:56pm
Hello good people (and not so good people, I don't discriminate). I would like to ask for volunteers to aid me in a Logbook story for Luke.

Those of you that followed his Citi Gateway escapades will know that after his involvement in the whole "Marybelle Incident" at the InGaBa, and his subsequent (but brief) incarceration, he left the station in a somewhat wobbly manner (He was very drunk in other words).

Having been playing a certain other RPG that involves a character referred to as the Dovahkin, I completed a quest line involving a drinking contest that leads to a "Dude, Where's My Car" retracing of your steps. This, naturally, gave me an idea and this is where you lot come in.

I would like suggestions for random items or even scenarios, as random or obscure as you like, that Luke can begin retracing in order to retrieve something he lost in his drunken stupor. (What he might have lost, I haven't decided yet, a ship seems a bit obvious and, given the in-game mechanics that allow you to see what ship is where, would also be hard to justify. So suggestions for that are welcome too.) The only rule is that whatever it is needs to be considered 'canon', or at least justifiable within the canon. As much as I'd love to, it would be a bit ridiculous having him wake up with a baby dragon on board.

I ask this because I find it easy enough to come up with an idea myself, and link it to other ideas I've come up with myself. It's more of a challenge when I have to join the threads of other peoples ideas. Feel free to PM your thoughts or just comment them here. Naturally, I will give credit in the story to those who contributed.
01 Dec 2016, 1:09pm
Luke3107Hello good people (and not so good people, I don't discriminate). I would like to ask for volunteers to aid me in a Logbook story for Luke.

Those of you that followed his Citi Gateway escapades will know that after his involvement in the whole "Marybelle Incident" at the InGaBa, and his subsequent (but brief) incarceration, he left the station in a somewhat wobbly manner (He was very drunk in other words).

Having been playing a certain other RPG that involves a character referred to as the Dovahkin, I completed a quest line involving a drinking contest that leads to a "Dude, Where's My Car" retracing of your steps. This, naturally, gave me an idea and this is where you lot come in.

I would like suggestions for random items or even scenarios, as random or obscure as you like, that Luke can begin retracing in order to retrieve something he lost in his drunken stupor. (What he might have lost, I haven't decided yet, a ship seems a bit obvious and, given the in-game mechanics that allow you to see what ship is where, would also be hard to justify. So suggestions for that are welcome too.) The only rule is that whatever it is needs to be considered 'canon', or at least justifiable within the canon. As much as I'd love to, it would be a bit ridiculous having him wake up with a baby dragon on board.

I ask this because I find it easy enough to come up with an idea myself, and link it to other ideas I've come up with myself. It's more of a challenge when I have to join the threads of other peoples ideas. Feel free to PM your thoughts or just comment them here. Naturally, I will give credit in the story to those who contributed.

What if:
Luke sobers up and finds that someone has "modified" his shield generator into a combination waste recycler and espresso maker, and his favorite bobble-head is missing! Somehow, while drunk, he traded his bobble-head to some engineer as payment for turning his shield generator into a machine that converts human waste into tasty espresso! So, he has to visit each engineer, trying to find the one who did the mod. And perhaps discovers that he visited all these engineers while drunk as well, with silly results...

yeah, thats all I got
01 Dec 2016, 9:35pm
Harold Sackoski
Luke3107Hello good people (and not so good people, I don't discriminate). I would like to ask for volunteers to aid me in a Logbook story for Luke.

What if:
Luke sobers up and finds that someone has "modified" his shield generator into a combination waste recycler and espresso maker, and his favorite bobble-head is missing! Somehow, while drunk, he traded his bobble-head to some engineer as payment for turning his shield generator into a machine that converts human waste into tasty espresso! So, he has to visit each engineer, trying to find the one who did the mod. And perhaps discovers that he visited all these engineers while drunk as well, with silly results...

yeah, thats all I got
It's something. I may not use exactly that, but it's a jumping off point for something similar nonetheless
01 Dec 2016, 10:11pm
For whatever reason my first reaction was what if Luke was the lost item? Say he wakes up somewhere fantastic, like Sag A, with no idea how he got there.

I mean, imagine the horror of that!
01 Dec 2016, 10:24pm
SonofMacPhistoFor whatever reason my first reaction was what if Luke was the lost item? Say he wakes up somewhere fantastic, like Sag A, with no idea how he got there.

I mean, imagine the horror of that!
That's kinda the principle of the whole thing lol. Think "Hangover" (1, 2 & 3) or "Dude, Where's My Car?" Retracing their steps and trying to figure out how these weird things kept happening and where their missing thing/person is.

It's like a long chain, and the story will start off at the final link and Luke has to retrace his steps to find each link by following bizarre clues, working backwards from each link until finding the thing that went missing or whatever
01 Dec 2016, 10:26pm
How did I manage to literally just say what you'd planned already.

My brane broke Fdev plz fix
01 Dec 2016, 10:42pm
Happens to us all, don't worry

If you have any zany thoughts, feel free to throw them out here or through private message.
04 Dec 2016, 12:10pm
Apologies for the very long post in Citi Gateway. I'm moving house and my Internet will be off fgor a while so I needed to rush through and put Lilith somewhere slightly 'open ended' so as not to leave things hanging.
04 Dec 2016, 3:52pm
False alarm. My generous parents have permitted me to stay at theirs until my new plsace is sorted so I can sponge internets here
05 Dec 2016, 4:17am
All good Luke, IRL always should take precedence.
07 Dec 2016, 7:27pm
I don't know why, but I keep picturing Dr. Glaboski as Stryker in a lab coat with glasses and a finely trimmed mustache.
07 Dec 2016, 7:27pm
So with whatever the hell happened with the glitter fairies at the bar, why would the assumption that someone who runs a faction with millions of credits to invest in a hacking and private military crew deciding to spend countless hours utilizing that said crew to track down someone who tried to kill him such a hard to grasp concept? I don't know or care how others spend their money, but if I have a resource, I will use it as I see fit. It's not "out of character" for a person with some authority to be inclined to use it within reason, as I did not magically hack the station's security myself (nor use a ship computer remotely), nor do I employ actively aligned Federal soldiers as a personal task force. Go stuff your glitter somewhere else.

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