Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

03 Nov 2016, 1:33pm
Wait... did people seriously think you two were actually fighting?

I thought it was all pretty obvious that it was IC

Also I still don't feel convinced that we should lump pirates in the same group as gankers. I've encountered quite a few (legitimate) pirates before. They're pretty interesting people (for being, you know, parasites). Besides, in a proper pirate encounter you shouldn't really be killed if you send some cargo their way.

Gankers on the other hand are just dicks that make the game difficult for everyone to enjoy, even the poor pirates who are perceived as part of that group.

Last edit: 03 Nov 2016, 1:59pm
03 Nov 2016, 2:28pm
Also I still don't feel convinced that we should lump pirates in the same group as gankers. I've encountered quite a few (legitimate) pirates before. They're pretty interesting people (for being, you know, parasites). Besides, in a proper pirate encounter you shouldn't really be killed if you send some cargo their way.

Gankers on the other hand are just dicks that make the game difficult for everyone to enjoy, even the poor pirates who are perceived as part of that group.

I'm happy that you're making the distinction, although to be fair, pirating and ganking are both legitimate ways of playing the game.

The main difference is that pirates don't want you dead - they want your cargo and for you to go on your way. Gankers just want you dead.

I would count neither as griefing - that's a different thing altogether.

If anyone starts slinging around personal insults and abuse in these encounters, then I count that as griefing - it's going out of the game's boundaries to personally attack the player, which isn't on.
03 Nov 2016, 4:28pm
haha I guess I just find it difficult to see the validity of a wing of fdl's attacking a lone viper or hauler, but that's probably just a difference of opinion (part of the mentality of being a bounty hunter I guess). You definitely have a good point though.

As for my parasite comment. I'm a bounty hunter. Couldn't help it.
03 Nov 2016, 6:19pm
Marra Morgan

I'm happy that you're making the distinction, although to be fair, pirating and ganking are both legitimate ways of playing the game.

The main difference is that pirates don't want you dead - they want your cargo and for you to go on your way. Gankers just want you dead.

I would count neither as griefing - that's a different thing altogether.

If anyone starts slinging around personal insults and abuse in these encounters, that I count that as griefing - it's going out of the game's boundaries to personally attack the player, which isn't on.

There's also other forms of game play that should be considered griefing. 2 examples I've seen happen in the game.
1. Taking a sidewinder, removing the shields, and suicide boosting into someone's Anaconda/Cutter/Corvette as they are entering/exiting the station. This will cause the station to list them as wanted and open fire. Even the largest ships are blown to bits in seconds.
2. Parking your ship underneath a player trying to dock their T9 and damaging their hull down to 0%.
03 Nov 2016, 7:21pm
There's also other forms of game play that should be considered griefing. 2 examples I've seen happen in the game.
1. Taking a sidewinder, removing the shields, and suicide boosting into someone's Anaconda/Cutter/Corvette as they are entering/exiting the station. This will cause the station to list them as wanted and open fire. Even the largest ships are blown to bits in seconds.

Only if the Anaconda/Cutter/Corvette is speeding. If they are watching the scanner and controlling their speed accordingly, such "accidents" can be prevented.

2. Parking your ship underneath a player trying to dock their T9 and damaging their hull down to 0%.

Can they can do that in the 30 seconds before they are vapourised for pad loitering?

Both are quite creative, I must admit, and there may be a grounds to call it griefing if it's repeated deliberate behaviour. Also, they are good example that advocates of an official Open PvE Only mode should think about, but that's another topic.
03 Nov 2016, 7:31pm
I just want to be clear that in my earlier post I was in no way trying to insinuate that Pirating should be considered illegitimate gameplay.

Liable to get a few choice swear words from me sure. But not illegitimate :-P
03 Nov 2016, 11:45pm
Dont forget the RP pvpers, I ran into one when I was flying Hudson tags, Interdicted, then a nice message about how they were going to vaporise me for being an affront to the "Glorious Empire..." And boof. I just sat there and laughed tbh. Ran into another one, and explained things to him and he let me by. Not all are bad, just the few rotten eggs give a bad name to everyone else.
08 Nov 2016, 1:03am
In these role play threads do you attempt to carry on the running story in a form of collective improvisation or are you recording your cmdrs daily events in games and other can embellish this from their perspective?
08 Nov 2016, 1:26am
Octalhercules27In these role play threads do you attempt to carry on the running story in a form of collective improvisation or are you recording your cmdrs daily events in games and other can embellish this from their perspective?

Use your log book for your commandes daily events. The RP forums are more for character interactions in, my case, a semi improve collaborative story. Speaking of which. Dr. Glaboski has some work to do to reattach that Aisling Cosplay's head to a robotic body....

Last edit: 08 Nov 2016, 2:28am
08 Nov 2016, 2:40am
Octalhercules27In these role play threads do you attempt to carry on the running story in a form of collective improvisation or are you recording your cmdrs daily events in games and other can embellish this from their perspective?
Basically what Stryker said but to clarify, they aren't mutually exclusive. Some people run short stories and ignore them during RP, but others allow their RP to influence the short stories.

Best I can do is use myself as an example. I have short stories in the pipeline that are basically a backstory that I intend to finish where the characters enter the RP forums then have the short stories continue where my characters leave the station. Like you said, a running narrative between the two.

It's entirely up to you how you do it. But while your short stories are your own and you can do what you like with them, we ask that during the RP, you stick to the rules of the Elite: Dangerous Universe. There are really two main reasons for this:

1. Your rules may be different to someone elses rules. Having a set universe allows everyones ideas to remain consistent and parallel.
It's all fun and games until one person decides their Sidewinder has a direct link to the Death Star and intends to target Starfleet Academy and destroy the Dragonborn to gain control of the Master Chief. (Or something.... I dunno....)
2. You control your character in RP and only your own. Whether they are a "good" writer or not is a matter of opinion but the fact remains that the person you are interacting with knows their character better than you. Some people are content to let little things slide such as (directly from my experience again) "expressing bewilderment at being let loose from jail" but others would prefer that even those remain products of the owners own thoughts.
Again, it's a problem when someone is, say, running down a corridoor and an unexpected person jumps in and writes "And he shouted at the person running to stop, and in response the runner stopped and turned around before flipping him the bird." Now the owner of that character has an action to deal with that he/she may not have even wanted in her characters story. Nor even one that he/she deems consistent with that character.

Simply put, if you are interacting, or starting an interaction with another RP'er. You dictate YOUR action, then await the other persons reaction. But bare in mind that even a simple hello can escalate rapidly to something more sinister.

On a sub note, time in RPing doesn't flow normally. Best I can recommend is ignore timelines for events and only deal with what your character is involved with. It only takes thirty seconds to get a drink. But in the time it takes you to sit down and begin talking with someone, 3 murders, a fight and a space battle could easily have come and gone by the time you get a response.

Hopefully that helps. Welcome aboard CMDR and hope to see you out in the black as well as here... In the orange? (Sounded better in my head... Sorry...)
08 Nov 2016, 3:57am
It's all fun and games until one person decides their Sidewinder has a direct link to the Death Star and intends to target Starfleet Academy and destroy the Dragonborn to gain control of the Master Chief. (Or something.... I dunno....)

Dammit Luke, why did you have to go and ruin my fun? Now to be spiteful I'm going to include Godzilla and the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers on top of all that, so there.

Last edit: 08 Nov 2016, 4:10am
08 Nov 2016, 8:22am
That's cool folks, I quite like the idea of fleshing out the universe of game, giving it a bit more depth than the point to point and pew pew of everyday gameplay
08 Nov 2016, 7:17pm
Stryker Aune
It's all fun and games until one person decides their Sidewinder has a direct link to the Death Star and intends to target Starfleet Academy and destroy the Dragonborn to gain control of the Master Chief. (Or something.... I dunno....)

Dammit Luke, why did you have to go and ruin my fun? Now to be spiteful I'm going to include Godzilla and the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers on top of all that, so there.
Fine, but only if I'm allowed to use The Avengers and Batman to protect me. Humph!!
08 Nov 2016, 11:40pm
Stryker Aune
It's all fun and games until one person decides their Sidewinder has a direct link to the Death Star and intends to target Starfleet Academy and destroy the Dragonborn to gain control of the Master Chief. (Or something.... I dunno....)

Dammit Luke, why did you have to go and ruin my fun? Now to be spiteful I'm going to include Godzilla and the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers on top of all that, so there.

Fine, but only if I'm allowed to use The Avengers and Batman to protect me. Humph!!

Can... can I... trade my Fer-de-Lance in for the Slave 1?
09 Nov 2016, 12:24am
Stryker Aune
It's all fun and games until one person decides their Sidewinder has a direct link to the Death Star and intends to target Starfleet Academy and destroy the Dragonborn to gain control of the Master Chief. (Or something.... I dunno....)

Dammit Luke, why did you have to go and ruin my fun? Now to be spiteful I'm going to include Godzilla and the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers on top of all that, so there.

Fine, but only if I'm allowed to use The Avengers and Batman to protect me. Humph!!

Can... can I... trade my Fer-de-Lance in for the Slave 1?
Well... Since you ARE a bounty hunter I suppose.... But Lilith has dibs on the Millenium Falcon!!!

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