Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

29 Oct 2016, 9:52pm
And I'd love to volunteer but Luke and Lilith are a bit incapable at the moment lol.

I say use Nicks ship then. It may be "boring" but if it's effective....
29 Oct 2016, 9:55pm
Since Nick has his own ship, the way is clear.

The security officer will only question nick as he was seen fiddling with the security panel of the locked down ship. A simple. "Oh, I got confused, I though this was my pad...." Would probably get him out of that trouble
30 Oct 2016, 4:55pm
Not strictly role-play, I know, but flight log stuff........

Is there any lore about how life-support kicks in when a canopy shatters?

Is one surrounded by a magic bubble of air and atmosphere?

Does an invisible hand clamp an oxygen mask over the luckless Commander's face?

Or is it make it up as you go along?
30 Oct 2016, 5:09pm
Reverend TZWNot strictly role-play, I know, but flight log stuff........

Is there any lore about how life-support kicks in when a canopy shatters?

Is one surrounded by a magic bubble of air and atmosphere?

Does an invisible hand clamp an oxygen mask over the luckless Commander's face?

Or is it make it up as you go along?
I was always under the impression it was your Remlock Suit that kept you alive.
30 Oct 2016, 5:13pm
Reverend TZWNot strictly role-play, I know, but flight log stuff........

Is there any lore about how life-support kicks in when a canopy shatters?

Is one surrounded by a magic bubble of air and atmosphere?

Does an invisible hand clamp an oxygen mask over the luckless Commander's face?

Or is it make it up as you go along?

I was always under the impression it was your Remlock Suit that kept you alive.

I've attributed that to the Remlock Suit as well.
30 Oct 2016, 5:19pm

Thanks, guys.
30 Oct 2016, 9:00pm
This is how it's supposed to work.

30 Oct 2016, 9:04pm
Steve SakeThis is how it's supposed to work.

Did you draw that Steve? If so, nice job!
30 Oct 2016, 9:09pm
30 Oct 2016, 9:54pm
Steve SakeThis is how it's supposed to work.


That right there is why Matt doesn't smoke or chew tobacco.
30 Oct 2016, 10:13pm
Cool, thanks for digging the newsletter out.

'In the event of trauma such as limb loss the suit seals itself and the wound.'

That's comforting.

A little.
30 Oct 2016, 10:28pm
Very informative article, thank you for posting.
31 Oct 2016, 2:51pm
I used to really love the role playing lore of the Elite universe when it was on the C-64. Frontier really boofed it for me on this version, specifically about ejecting and life support. I fly jets for a living, and the amount of O2 on board a 150 liter bottle will last 1 man around 300 hours, or 150 men 2 hours. If even the smallest ship is the size of a 737, and the life support system is measured in tonnes not kilograms, how can it only last a few minutes?

Also, if I eject at the center of the galaxy, how do I even get picked up to make it back to my last station? Sure, it's instant for gameplay, but wouldn't it be more realistic if you had a better chance of getting rescued the closer to inhabited space you are? And what's the deal with losing your computer data from exploration scans, but you keep all the chunks of rock and space debris when your ship is destroyed?

It's losing more and more RPlaying and turning into a video game shooter with every patch.
31 Oct 2016, 3:03pm
J.TringaliI used to really love the role playing lore of the Elite universe when it was on the C-64. Frontier really boofed it for me on this version, specifically about ejecting and life support. I fly jets for a living, and the amount of O2 on board a 150 liter bottle will last 1 man around 300 hours, or 150 men 2 hours. If even the smallest ship is the size of a 737, and the life support system is measured in tonnes not kilograms, how can it only last a few minutes?

Also, if I eject at the center of the galaxy, how do I even get picked up to make it back to my last station? Sure, it's instant for gameplay, but wouldn't it be more realistic if you had a better chance of getting rescued the closer to inhabited space you are? And what's the deal with losing your computer data from exploration scans, but you keep all the chunks of rock and space debris when your ship is destroyed?

It's losing more and more RPlaying and turning into a video game shooter with every patch.

*waves hands*


31 Oct 2016, 3:08pm
J.TringaliI used to really love the role playing lore of the Elite universe when it was on the C-64. Frontier really boofed it for me on this version, specifically about ejecting and life support. I fly jets for a living, and the amount of O2 on board a 150 liter bottle will last 1 man around 300 hours, or 150 men 2 hours. If even the smallest ship is the size of a 737, and the life support system is measured in tonnes not kilograms, how can it only last a few minutes?

Also, if I eject at the center of the galaxy, how do I even get picked up to make it back to my last station? Sure, it's instant for gameplay, but wouldn't it be more realistic if you had a better chance of getting rescued the closer to inhabited space you are? And what's the deal with losing your computer data from exploration scans, but you keep all the chunks of rock and space debris when your ship is destroyed?

It's losing more and more RPlaying and turning into a video game shooter with every patch.

Just my opinion, but perhaps Frontier is catering to a new generation of people that expect instant gratification. FPS are all the rage, so why not cash in on that. Wave a magic wand, and poof, respawn....

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