Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

11 Nov 2016, 3:29am
Cartlidge1000Hey, that's not fair! Those things are almost ten times the size of Farragut class battle-cruisers here in Elite!

Could I please trade my Sidewinder for a couple of BattleStars and ten wings of fighters? Those Cylons are behind the Alien Artefact messages!
11 Nov 2016, 3:37am
Only if I get a Colonial Viper MKVII
11 Nov 2016, 8:42am
Anna ReidYeah ok buddy.

We could all see the puddle of drool you were leaking from a light year away

Yeah, right
11 Nov 2016, 6:55pm
Simon DaturaOnly if I get a Colonial Viper MKVII

Done. Where is that rag tag fleet supposed to be about now?

I'll bring one back for you when I find the Battlestars, and you can be in StarBuck's wing.

11 Nov 2016, 7:09pm
Wonderful. So I assume everyone has their ship of choice now? Or maybe I can recommend a Firefly class transport to Kyla and a Correlian Battle Cruiser for Jemine?
11 Nov 2016, 7:45pm
I think I didn't choose yet. It'll be this one here for me.

12 Nov 2016, 2:01am
I might just go for this. It's priced low for a quick sale. Seems legit. What could possibly go wrong...
12 Nov 2016, 2:25am
I think I'll go with this ship.

Because V'ger is just so awesome.

Last edit: 12 Nov 2016, 3:56am
12 Nov 2016, 2:34am
Oh god... What have I started....
12 Nov 2016, 2:36am
Stryker AuneI think I'll go with this ship.

Because V'ger is just so awesome.

12 Nov 2016, 2:37am
Bah, I'll be taking this.

Because I praise the Emperor, no matter the time period.
12 Nov 2016, 2:38am
Luke3107Wonderful. So I assume everyone has their ship of choice now? Or maybe I can recommend a Firefly class transport to Kyla and a Correlian Battle Cruiser for Jemine?

I can recommend my own ship, thank you.
12 Nov 2016, 2:41am
All of you suck. This is the ship I'd fly around in.

Failing that:

12 Nov 2016, 2:42am
Hey CMDR's

I heard a rumor the "Death Star" is for sale.
12 Nov 2016, 2:44am
Kyla Emmerich
Luke3107Wonderful. So I assume everyone has their ship of choice now? Or maybe I can recommend a Firefly class transport to Kyla and a Correlian Battle Cruiser for Jemine?

I can recommend my own ship, thank you.
Is that the 3300's version of "I'm a strong independant woman who don't need no man"?

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