Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

22 Dec 2016, 4:39am
Lol, Phone troll strikes again. An expresso machine that is quite good at expressing itself......
22 Dec 2016, 4:46am
Thanks for the comments. I understand where I was wrong by imposing so much of my character onto or into everyone else's story's. and I also see where I caused a headache for some people. Especially those who try to keep things running smoothly.

PMs between other RPs is probably more than I'm willing to get into. I'm more of an improv type. I feel the development of the story should cascade naturally off those prior.
22 Dec 2016, 4:57am
Question: does the inara role playing universe exist within the elite dangerous universe or is it a parallel/alternate?
22 Dec 2016, 5:06am
Mister PoachQuestion: does the inara role playing universe exist within the elite dangerous universe or is it a parallel/alternate?

It exists as though it's within the ED universe.

Edit: That is to say, nothing can occur in Inara RP that cannot occur, or be reflected, In Game. For example, see Roleplay: Off Station - Page 1

Last edit: 22 Dec 2016, 5:25am
22 Dec 2016, 5:10am
Communicate with others if you find you have a story arc developing with another person's character. Improv is good but making sure you have your bases covered before going ahead with something is important.  
22 Dec 2016, 5:14am
Mister PoachThanks for the comments. I understand where I was wrong by imposing so much of my character onto or into everyone else's story's. and I also see where I caused a headache for some people. Especially those who try to keep things running smoothly.

PMs between other RPs is probably more than I'm willing to get into. I'm more of an improv type. I feel the development of the story should cascade naturally off those prior.

Much of what I do is improv. But it doesn't hurt to bounce some things off of others, so you don't come off as "power gaming." for example the fight between Rex and Lilith was almost exclusively improv. The only thing agreed upon was in a pm at the beginning stating that both would be evenly matched, and neither one would be seriously harmed. So a parameter was defined, and within that, everything was imrpov. It's like a stanza. A rigorous set of parameters define what it is, but within that, the author is free to to use whatever wording, phrases and creativity to bring it to fruition.

For me, it's not about the characters. It's about the story. And since there are multiple people involved in co-creating the story it's important they are heard and understood and clarify any misconceptions.

Your approach is perfectly fine and acceptable so long as your not forcing other characters into something and expecting them to follow through.

Another thing, and this is just a quirk about me, is that I tend to stray into satirical exposition. (Which I truly love) and this could be off putting or down right frustrating for others RPing with me. That is also another reason why I open lines of communication with them to give them a heads up and see if they are okay with that.

The end goal is to have fun. However you do that is fine (so long as it follows the lore and somewhat adheres to the culture created here). I'm just sharing with you my personal experiences and what I've found works for me.

Now I'll get off my soap box! Go forth and enjoy yourself! I'm curious to see how your story pans out.
22 Dec 2016, 5:36am
Idk if I can progress my story without the inara universe being alternate. I wanted to keep my in game role play and inara role play separate.

Here in inara he was meant to be a sort of sci-fi jeykel and Hyde meets the man who knew too little. But in game he's a gung-ho explorer. I think I'll have him exit fairly quickly and I'll make a separate account for inara role play threads.
22 Dec 2016, 5:45am
Mister PoachPMs between other RPs is probably more than I'm willing to get into. I'm more of an improv type. I feel the development of the story should cascade naturally off those prior.

*Takes Strykers Soap Box* "Ahem..."

Improv is good. It's fun and what I got into it for too. It should be obvious, but just in case, it's important to note that we're not saying that for every post, you should PM the person/people you may affect and await permission. We just mean that if you intend to aim for something, it's an idea to PM those involved at the time and they will be more likely to guide the story down that route.

When Stryker mentioned the 100+ PM thread we have, that particular thread began as a result of one of his characters impeding progress for my characters arc (Specifically, Lilith (Me) was in a hospital bed with a guard (Stryker) posted at her door that wasn't shifting). So I asked permission to subdue him in order to push her story forward. After that, it kinda escalated into a back and forth with him helping me develop Lilith as a character via escapades and antics involving Dr Glaboski and Rex Castro, amongst others. Mostly just stuff such as "Would it be reasonable to assume 'x' about your character?" or "If I did 'y' would that be too much?". At no point did we collude with story, bar the main details of it's conclusion (Is anyone killed/maimed, that sorta thing).

In contrast, the stuff between Luke (myself) and Cartlidge is completely off the cuff. Sure, we've PMed each other about things, but nothing much regarding the RP. Just friendly chat really.

If you're unsure about something, ask. If you try to interact with someone elses character they'll generally react accordingly. Unless they're preoccupied with something else which will lead to a subtle RP post stating their character brushed yours off. In which case just move on and try elsewhere in these forums.
22 Dec 2016, 5:48am
Mister PoachQuestion: does the inara role playing universe exist within the elite dangerous universe or is it a parallel/alternate?

It exists as though it's within the ED universe.

Edit: That is to say, nothing can occur in Inara RP that cannot occur, or be reflected, In Game. For example, see Roleplay: Off Station - Page 1

So is my reference to "Pontar" and the "lab" not ok because they exist in game? Or is it ok because, even though they exist, I'm not destroying them or attempting to alter any in game story?
22 Dec 2016, 5:50am
Geez guys stop gabbing here and go post.
22 Dec 2016, 5:54am
Stryker AuneWell, Stryker is currently off station, fighting for his life.

Dr. Glaboski is on his way to Clair dock to strike up a deal with Black Omega.

Rex Castro is off station, preening himself.

The hawk faced medic that scowls making people feel uncomfortable is now the hawk faced pole dancer that scowls making people feel uncomfortable.

Eddie is learning how to be a douchebag and finished rehab, finally getting off of nacho cheese flavored Doritos and Code Red Mountain Dew.

Marybelle is now just a head in a jar mounted on a robotic body

Jose is just a pile of bones, that no can seem to figure out how they got there.

Mitch is still an idiot, dealing with his newly acquired penguin supernatant freakshow, Mork.

Mindy is trying to rebuild her life.

And the malfunctioning security drone that Lilith destroyed is now been repurposed into an expression machine happily making lattes.

I think that's everyone for me.

Thanks for the premonitions Stryker.  Can't wait for the deja vous (deja vwah? what IS the plural for that?)
22 Dec 2016, 5:59am
Mister PoachIdk if I can progress my story without the inara universe being alternate. I wanted to keep my in game role play and inara role play separate.

Here in inara he was meant to be a sort of sci-fi jeykel and Hyde meets the man who knew too little. But in game he's a gung-ho explorer. I think I'll have him exit fairly quickly and I'll make a separate account for inara role play threads.
Funny, someone mentioned to me that was what you were aiming for.

As for the idea, just bare in mind that there has been many occasions where people have felt chased off just because their character was unique in some way. But in truth, it was simply because their character and/or actions didn't fit Elite Lore. That is to say, we had Khajit visiting the station and people having planets explode. I'm not a lore master, hell I barely go beyond newbie as far as lore goes so I'm definitely not the person to ask in that regard.

Just my saying that, to me (my view, no one elses), the part where your characters bones all dislocated and he slithered away raised my concerns that there was going to be another "Special Snowflake Vs Interesting Characters/Story" argument/discussion here. But that said, if people here accept that and/or you can make it fit the lore, I'm not going to critiscise or ignore it. That was literally just my gut reaction.

As for a seperate account, many people here have that. The alternative is that you could just have your characters RP here be seperate from the stuff he does In-Game. Mine have done more flying and had more adventures in the past month than I have in Elite since August...
22 Dec 2016, 6:03am
Mister Poach
Mister PoachQuestion: does the inara role playing universe exist within the elite dangerous universe or is it a parallel/alternate?

It exists as though it's within the ED universe.

Edit: That is to say, nothing can occur in Inara RP that cannot occur, or be reflected, In Game. For example, see Roleplay: Off Station - Page 1

So is my reference to "Pontar" and the "lab" not ok because they exist in game? Or is it ok because, even though they exist, I'm not destroying them or attempting to alter any in game story?
Are they actual characters in Elite or your own invention?

If they are already in the game, they're off limits. Simply because what they do is up to the Frontier Devs. Think of them as FDevs RP characters. No one here will allow you to RP as Zachary Hudson or Aisling Duval for example.

If they're your own creation, they're yours to do with as you see fit within the boundaries of what's been discussed already.

Hope that clears things up
22 Dec 2016, 6:47am
Maestro_57Geez guys stop gabbing here and go post.
There, I writed some stuffs... Happy?
22 Dec 2016, 6:51am
Maestro_57Geez guys stop gabbing here and go post.

There, I writed some stuffs... Happy?

Good but has nothing to do with me.

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