Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

28 Dec 2016, 1:54am
M. LehmanThis is going to be extremely unlike me to say, but if someone actually went to the effort and grind of UA bombing City Gateway just to have it suit their RP, I would actually find myself totally willing to roll with that in RP.

agreed, though I doubt the character would be very well liked after doing so.

And for the record I am still "Active" in the bar. I'm just waiting for an opportunity to present itself.
28 Dec 2016, 4:02am
Stryker Aune

It won't turn out well for you. Much hurt feelings, yadda yadda yadda, shit storm on the OOC forums, etc.

My advice is if you want to do something along the lines of a UA bombing, move it over to the Off Station thread, make up a outpost (I would shy away from an actual full blown space station, its too large and complicated and I don't think it would be feasible to shut one down (that pesky suspending disbelief thing...)) and have at it there.

That way your not forcing others into it. And, you could leave it open to invention for others that might want to join in.

Please keep in mind that this was not my idea. Another PC flew the ship loaded with UAs into the docks and abandoned it there. I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with it. One way would be just ignore the posts and go on like it never happened. Another way is to figure out how to roll play this thing out.
28 Dec 2016, 6:03am
Quarantine and burn.
28 Dec 2016, 10:27pm
Did Citi Gateway get legit UA bombed in-game?
28 Dec 2016, 10:28pm

I can go check if you want.
28 Dec 2016, 11:00pm
Crikey Jacob. Finally someone has spoken to Ten after how long dropping hints??
28 Dec 2016, 11:08pm
EDIT: False alarm. Still getting used to Outfitting not being on the same side as the contacts and commodities tab.

All good at Citi Gateway.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2016, 11:18pm
29 Dec 2016, 2:22am
Isaiah EvansonEDIT: False alarm. Still getting used to Outfitting not being on the same side as the contacts and commodities tab.

All good at Citi Gateway.

Then there's your answer.
29 Dec 2016, 1:09pm
O.K. Then we'll play it as a false alarm. Sorry Mr. Poach if you are still out there...
29 Dec 2016, 5:45pm
Is there a way to prevent colours from showing in text on the site?

Normally, it doesn't bother me however the blue in that post by CMDR BlackSkulCoyote makes words impossible to read. This might just be isolated to myself or a widespread thing, I don't know, but I can say that blue light in general appears blurry to me so any help with this would be appreciated.
29 Dec 2016, 6:04pm
The use of a special color to denote speech was debated and discussed here a few months ago. Personally, I feel that it comes off as gimmicky at best and a slap in the face to the reader at worst. People don't need their hand held to know when someone is speaking if the writer properly uses quotation marks. To go a step further, it denotes insecure writing and expresses no faith in the reader to know when one of your characters is speaking.

"Okay, reader- I'm going to make extra special sure that you know that dialogue  is happening. I'll use quotation marks and special text color for speech!!"

I mean c'mon.

But you're right- it does create something of a strain to see a dark color against a dark-ish background.

Last edit: 29 Dec 2016, 6:09pm
29 Dec 2016, 6:12pm
That dark blue on black background, suffice it to say, was very straining. I couldn't even read the post.
29 Dec 2016, 7:47pm
I already talked to Rowen about the colors, but hadn't noticed the new one till just now.

I for one would rather not go into this on OOC again, so perhaps we could start sending messages to those who do it? No? Just me? Ok...
29 Dec 2016, 8:17pm
wait you guys on about me in the docks roleplay thing? if so sorry i can change it
29 Dec 2016, 10:03pm
Yeah. Sorry Coyote. Nothing against you, it's just a physical issue with that colour.

As Lehman said there was quite a discussion about the use of colours to denote speech and it was concluded to be a no.

My issue was purely that my eyes struggle to focus on the shade of blue used rather than the fact it was a colour in general.

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