Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

11 Dec 2016, 7:54am
Ok. So now we've all been introduced to Lilith and watched her enter Citi Gateway, get into trouble, escape captivity, cause more trouble, then finally leave the station. I would like to get a wide opinion range on her.

My View
I don't know if it was obvious or not, but I'd initially started her off with the intention of being a 'villianous' character. With Marras announcement at Semi Retirement I took up a personal challenge to create a character that I've never done before. (Not to replace Marra obviously, but to hopefully fill the void that would be left in some way.) Having always played the good guy, an 'evil' character is outwith my confirt zone but I feel she's grown more complex than that.

This is where you come in. I'd like to know if anyone here would take her seriously if she was to descend further inbto darkness, or if she just needs saving from her personal demons. Or even if in following her RP or Logbook stories, you found her inconsistent. Any feedback is welcome so long as it's constructive. Luke was an easy character for me to make, he's my cookie cutter character no matter what game I play, and I wouldn't be surprised if people found him a bit boring.

But I'm serious about Lilith. I want critique here, good or bad. If you don't feel comfortable posting it publicly, PM it to me. I promise, here, in front of everyone, that even if you tear her to shreds and write her off as garbage, I will not harbour ill feelings towards you. If I start swearing at you over PM you can tell everyone here what a D***head I was and chase others away from me.

The current RP story she is involved in is drawing to a close, so I'm asking for the critique now as the next portion is really going to be a continuation of the logbook entries. The direction they take, will be influenced directly by the opinions and suggestions of you lot. (That's not to say I'm going to do exactly as I'm told, I just mean that there's no point in asking for critique if I'm just going to ignore it...)

Thank you in advance.

P.S. If at any point I'm coming across as a needy little brat, someone feel free to tell me... I appreciate I have posted several of these sort of statements and requests and while I assure you it's just to help better my writing, I can appreciate that it might irritate some people.
11 Dec 2016, 11:03pm
Kurama10... bro... talk to us here.

Please let us help you out.
11 Dec 2016, 11:06pm
Why ?
11 Dec 2016, 11:08pm
Because what you are doing is a prime example of the "special snowflaking" that gets brought up time and time again.

Just scroll back several pages in the Bar, or Citi Gateway...
11 Dec 2016, 11:08pm
Because your RP is... somewhat unique.
11 Dec 2016, 11:10pm
If it's okay, may I ask a few questions?

- Is English your native language?

- How old are you?
11 Dec 2016, 11:12pm
M. LehmanIf it's okay, may I ask a few questions?

- Is English your native language?

- How old are you?
English is my native language and I'm 13 years old *still in 6th grade but after the school year I will be in 7 grade
11 Dec 2016, 11:17pm
I'm deletig my posts related to that stuff in the RP. I'm in a bit of a pissy mood today so sorry for taking it out on you.
11 Dec 2016, 11:19pm
Thank you for your answers. I was just going to suggest in the most friendly way possible to pay attention to the basics in your RP- things like quotation marks, capitalization, and grammar. I know that you're young and still learning how to write, so I don't think that anyone holds it against you if your posts aren't perfect. (None of ours are!)

I think that it's really great that you're interested in creative writing, and I'm sure that you're trying to become as good at it as you can. Since you're still learning and in school, you might want to have a book or two by you so that you can look at how things like dialogue and sentences are structured. Getting into good writing habits might seem tough and not worth doing, but it really helps you in the long run!
11 Dec 2016, 11:19pm
OK I'll deleted my as well
11 Dec 2016, 11:21pm
Captain Prancy Paws would like to offer his sincerest apologies to Kurama, and is in fact impressed with the honest answers. Please accept the Captain's apologies.
11 Dec 2016, 11:21pm
11 Dec 2016, 11:26pm
If you want help. Ask here. People are willing to offer advice when asked.

If you're feeling shy, I accept private messages for help (just not tonight, for the above reasons. Sorry again). I will gladly proofread your posts.

For now, what I tend to do, is this:

"This is how to write a sentence someone has spoken aloud." He said, sternly but not angrily.

*I hope he gets the message clearly and doesn't take offence.* He thought to himself.

These aren't concrete rules. But I've not heard anyone complain as of yet.
11 Dec 2016, 11:32pm
Heh.... actually, you'd put a comma right after the end of the spoken or thought part of that

"This is how to write a sentence someone has spoken aloud," he said.

I hope he gets the message clearly and doesn't take offense, he thought to himself.

There are a few handy writer's guides to which I refer often. Here's one that talks about how dialogue is properly structured, and here's the other half that deals with derailing a story with overly descriptive terms.

Last edit: 12 Dec 2016, 12:02am
11 Dec 2016, 11:33pm
Most of us are totally willing to help out with your writing. After all, none of us started out at the level we're at now. We're helping each other constantly and always improving. We'd be happy to help you

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