Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

07 Dec 2016, 9:40pm
Cartlidge1000I mean I've only been gone for a fairly short amount of time, relatively speaking. Heck the whole issue with Glaboski was effectively something I started when the pair met Lillith and it's still going on.

And Luke you already seem pretty busy with whats going on with Lillith. You sure you'd be fine with that?
Just depends how much of an interaction you were needing. If you're needing a lengthy stand-off then I'll happily allow someone else to do it. But a shorter one shouldn't be an issue.
07 Dec 2016, 9:40pm
Stryker Aune
Cartlidge1000On a... different note, I may be in need of an npc security guard for Cartlidge. Currently he is trying to "steal" his ship back after it was impounded the last time I was in the RP forums. Things have calmed down since then but I'd assume security would have put at least one guard in the bay to watch over the ship.

I'd prefer that it didn't lead to the entire security force cracks down on my characters again, I just feel like it would be boring if I just say "He goes in, takes his ship, and leaves."

That's assuming they didn't cart it off to some impound to clear up space for what would otherwise be an occupied pad, not making money for the station......

They could just be making the preparations to do so. Shifting a large vessel wouldn't be as simple as crushing a car after all.

I didn't say it would be easy, nor did I say the ship was going to be destroyed. It was just an amusing thought.
07 Dec 2016, 9:42pm
Didn't mean to imply that's what you thought, Stryker. But it has given me an idea
08 Dec 2016, 2:28pm
Question, I know absolutely nothing about how computers, software, hacking, or anything like that, so I was wondering. If two "people" were hacking into the security servers at the same time, would that eventually lead to a red flag going off at some point? Or perhaps would one accidentally hinder the other?

I realized this awhile ago but hadn't bothered to point it out until now: my character Ten and Isaiah's character Bloodfeather is effectively doing the same thing right now.
08 Dec 2016, 2:29pm
That's a good question. Would be a shame if both of them got flagged.
08 Dec 2016, 2:31pm
If anything I think it would be my character that ended up doing it. I mean, she's no AI
08 Dec 2016, 2:34pm
It'll draw attention from the authorities for sure. Stay tuned.

(Not going to do anything to your character or anything, it was just a fair point that should compromise things.)
08 Dec 2016, 2:44pm
Sounds good to me. And don't worry, I'm pretty comfortable with having to adapt to new situations in the RP forum.
09 Dec 2016, 9:12pm
I can tell you for certain that hacking won't look like this:

09 Dec 2016, 9:20pm
Obviously, I mean, he clearly doesn't have enough keyboards
09 Dec 2016, 9:30pm
Um... guys? Everyone know that real-life hackers are impossibly handsome alpha-male types who perform their craft by rotating a Rubik's Cube that does.... something. They talk to themselves, they dance to techno, and at the end of it all mutter "now I've gotta modify the code" while finishing off a bottle of wine.

Swordfish wouldn't lie to us.

Last edit: 09 Dec 2016, 9:43pm
10 Dec 2016, 6:29am
They also get sucked off while hacking, as well.
10 Dec 2016, 10:47am
M. LehmanUm... guys? Everyone know that real-life hackers are impossibly handsome alpha-male types who perform their craft by rotating a Rubik's Cube that does.... something. They talk to themselves, they dance to techno, and at the end of it all mutter "now I've gotta modify the code" while finishing off a bottle of wine.

Swordfish wouldn't lie to us.

Phew, that's a relief!

After watching Mr.Robot, I had the impression it was all social engineering, Linux command lines, USB stick malware, personality disorders and casual drug use.
10 Dec 2016, 10:50pm
Hey I forgot my password for my account on my Xbox but this is the account I forgot my password
10 Dec 2016, 11:52pm
Not a lot we can do about that.

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