Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

24 Nov 2016, 8:31pm
Jemine Caesar
Deadeye SnipesYou guys are an awesome community

Awesome = Round the bend

Well... Some of us are only round the bend, but there's a few that have circled the entire track twice if you ask me

Are you looking at me?
24 Nov 2016, 8:41pm
Jemine Caesar
Jemine Caesar
Deadeye SnipesYou guys are an awesome community

Awesome = Round the bend

Well... Some of us are only round the bend, but there's a few that have circled the entire track twice if you ask me

Are you looking at me?

Wha?? Of course not....

.... But, if the shoe fits......
24 Nov 2016, 8:57pm
*raises his hand*
24 Nov 2016, 8:59pm
Yes, Mr Xeknos?
24 Nov 2016, 9:00pm
When's recess?
24 Nov 2016, 9:01pm
When the bell goes, and not before.
24 Nov 2016, 9:33pm
But miss... I need to go nooooowwww
24 Nov 2016, 9:52pm
You're not going anywhere until you memorize your 72 times tables.
24 Nov 2016, 10:25pm
72, 144, 216, 288, 365... Uhh.... That ok?
25 Nov 2016, 12:54am
Just wanted to say, (shameless self promotion) I have just finished a multi-part story detailing the events of Lilith and Luke and dropping them both off at the point they entered the RP. I created them in case anyone wishes to get a better understanding of each character as their stories take place within Citi Gateway.

The main reason I actually wanted to say something, was to issue a public thanks to Marra Morgan (The user, not the character ) who helped me develop Liliths character and gave me pointers about how to develop a character that is otherwise outwith my usual comfort zone of "Sarcastic Good Guy".

I also want to thank Stryker Aune for accomodating Lilith as I developed her within the RP, and even provided a character or two to occupy her while events transpired in the RP. Even going so far as to create a morally questionable Doctor with whom to do battle with.

Thirdly, a massive thank you to James "Albanach" Wallace, who saw my pleas for help in getting an image made for Lilith, and sacrificed several hours of his life to my nitpicking and the occasional game crash courtesy of Eve Online. Even offering to do one for Luke afterwards too.

Honourable mentions go out to Jacob Cartlidge, and Isaiah Evanson who both included me in there arcs. Cartlidge, for being a good sport when Lilith essentially barged into his story and Isaiah for the story currently developing. Also thanks to everyone else I have interacted with over the course of this past few months, with the brunt of it going to those tolerating Lilith as I continue to build her character and get used to playing a more morally questionable role.

This isn't a goodbye. Far from it. I intend to continue to do RP and perhaps expand into further Logbook stories. But I felt that certain people needed to have their efforts recognised and as such, here we are.

P.S. A shout out to Jemine Caesar and Kyla Emmerich for being good sports at my poking fun at them in this thread. Even if I was a bit crude at first

P.S.S. If there is an acceptable place to shamelessly self promote your Logbook Stories, I am all ears.
25 Nov 2016, 6:49am
Happy to be part of the tale, Luke. Exploring some character development for Isaiah as well with all this, so some thanks is due from me too. Looking forward to seeing how this will play out.
26 Nov 2016, 4:28pm
Hi all, just poking my head in to say hi. I'm new to this RP stuff, but it seems so gosh darn interesting. Basically trying to say... hope I'm not too annoying while I try my hand at it?

Don't worry, I'll be as subtle as... something subtle.

Also, Luke and Isaiah, what you got going on now is cool as heck.
26 Nov 2016, 5:04pm
SonofMacPhistoHi all, just poking my head in to say hi. I'm new to this RP stuff, but it seems so gosh darn interesting. Basically trying to say... hope I'm not too annoying while I try my hand at it...

By all means! Anyone can join the RP at any time. I'd advise you to start small until you get the hang of it.
26 Nov 2016, 5:39pm
SonofMacPhistoHi all, just poking my head in to say hi. I'm new to this RP stuff, but it seems so gosh darn interesting. Basically trying to say... hope I'm not too annoying while I try my hand at it?

Don't worry, I'll be as subtle as... something subtle.

Also, Luke and Isaiah, what you got going on now is cool as heck.
Agreed with Jem. Keep it gentle and try to resist the temptation to explode onto the scene. Either literally or figuratively. Just have a look back through the various arcs to get a rough idea of what is and isn't acceptable. It will also serve to let you learn about other peoples characters, although most of us seem to have biographies in the logbooks sections which will help too.

Also, don't be insulted or put off if your attempts to engage others are fobbed off. They may just be aiming for something specific and an outsider may become an obstacle. Not to blow my own trumpet, but I myself made a couple of attempts with Lilith in the Citi Gateway section. One attempt where I had her push in between Jemine and Kyla as they made their way to the bar, which they either didn't notice or chose to ignore, and another where I tried to openly engage Marra Morgan in something, which she acknowledged, but chose not to expand on.

Both times, I continued on my way and now Lilith is having a verbal stand off in the bar. So be patient and someone will engage you if you let them

Also, thanks for the compliment. Glad you're enjoying it as much as I and (I think) Isaiah are
26 Nov 2016, 5:45pm
To add on to what Luke said, my suggestion is to head to the bar. That tends to be where the more interesting interactions between characters start, at least.

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