Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

07 Dec 2016, 7:30pm
From what I can tell, people get very uncomfortable on here if you try to be a "Special snowflake."
07 Dec 2016, 7:33pm
If I was a harmless fresh pilot that would be one thing, but everything in my character's utility and story is feasible by the long hours I've put into this game, (credits, faction standing, and that freakin long ranking grind since preview program). If they can't handle that, they can jog on. Besides, the point of rp is for everyone to be a special snowflake, otherwise we'd all be the same, and Elite would get much more boring.
07 Dec 2016, 7:43pm
Idk man. I don't claim to understand the minutia of RP, and what is and isn't acceptable. Maybe someone else can give a better explanation.
07 Dec 2016, 7:44pm
Deadeye, I think the reason that your RP was trolled was because of the way that you presented yourself. I have no doubt that you've invested a lot in the game and are  quite far along on your progress, but that doesn't automatically translate to a license for instant RP badassery. Think about the way that you introduced yourself- no backstory, no context, little to no conversation and introduction- but a handful of posts in, you were throwing a hand grenade in a crowded bar. Actions like that have tremendous consequences for those around you.

Now, a short while later, you're portraying your character as the following: infiltration expert, elite strike team commander, and expert hacker. With enough RP or logbook-written backstory, any of these three things would be perfectly valid career arcs- but all three? At once? That's asking for a lot of credulity up front.

I'm really sorry that your RP got trolled because I can see that you're heavily invested in your character. That's perfectly fine- so am I, as anyone can attest! I just think that there's a proper storytelling buildup to be followed before asking a community to which you are a newcomer to accept the badassery that is Deadeye Snipes.

Last edit: 07 Dec 2016, 8:16pm
07 Dec 2016, 7:46pm
Deadeye SnipesSo with whatever the hell happened with the glitter fairies at the bar, why would the assumption that someone who runs a faction with millions of credits to invest in a hacking and private military crew deciding to spend countless hours utilizing that said crew to track down someone who tried to kill him such a hard to grasp concept? I don't know or care how others spend their money, but if I have a resource, I will use it as I see fit. It's not "out of character" for a person with some authority to be inclined to use it within reason, as I did not magically hack the station's security myself (nor use a ship computer remotely), nor do I employ actively aligned Federal soldiers as a personal task force. Go stuff your glitter somewhere else.

Being the best at everything, and having everything, makes for poor character design. Good characters have flaws. Something the reader can relate to.

I suppose I could be the leader of a faction with unlimited credits too, flying around a Federal Corvette with the Federation in my pocket, shooting down Imperial spies with the most advanced weaponry know to the verse with the aid of the most sophisticated technology. But characters and stories of that design. Meh. Not very interesting.

Modesty actually goes a really long way. My suggestion is it take a piece of paper. Write down 1 good quality for your character. One unique quality, and 2 flaws.

Just my opinion. Totally up to you to do what you want with it.

Edit: What M. Lehman articulated, is much better. Some backstory or a gradual introduction of your characters skills over time, would be ideal, and would lead to a more believable character, instead of throwing it all out there right in the beginning.

Last edit: 07 Dec 2016, 8:03pm
07 Dec 2016, 7:47pm
If it helps Snipes, I'm with you on this one. Your current chase is not much different to the one I have going on with Lilith (myself), Cait, Isaiah and Bloodfeather (Isaiah Evanson) and Dr Glaboski (Stryker Aune).

If Prancy Paws had come in during your grenade scene earlier, that would have been one thing but he came in too late. Although I thought you handled it brilliantly to be honest

I had the snowflake discussion too early on. In my case the issue was that I'd decided to start playing Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden on the Jukebox. Not realising the issue was more to do with playing that music on a public jukebox than the actual existence of said music, it escalated.

So to sum up. From my perspective:

Deadeye, carry on. You've taken it on the chin before, handled it well and I personally hope to see what happens.

Prancy Paws, you arrived far too late and if what Snipes has going on is too special snowflakey you best pay Me, Stryker and Isaiah a visit because the only difference between us and Deadeye is there are 3 users involved not on user and 2 'NPCs'

Edit: Also, yeah. What Stryker said. Here's my example to help:
Pros: Extremely capable fighter both in her ship and on foot.
Cons: Impulsive, Short Tempered, Untrusting of others (Especially Authority Figures)
07 Dec 2016, 7:54pm
Further addition. Once again I realise the issue is not what I thought it was... Imma shut up now -_-
07 Dec 2016, 8:00pm
I didn't hack anything. My character had practically been in the bar forever cooling down after an attempt on his life while he had a dedicated team scouring the station. The fireteams that went out are going to citizen's arrest the two who were involved in the attempt on his life and drop them off in security. No delusions of grandeur there. And his backstory is quite meager and modest, and he hates resorting to utilizing the "big guns" of his wealth, as evidenced by the fact that he quietly walked into the station and bar without escort and only called in his crew when he was almost killed. I have RL experience in military, fugitive recovery, and federal work as an analyst, but I don't just walk up and introduce myself that way, but you can bet when I'm pissed off it comes out. Same here. I'm working on his background dossier, just haven't posted it yet. I'm trying to stay on the small scale since the grenade snafu, but what would your character do with same assets and someone tried to kill you? As for pros, hard work and running a tech/PMC  have granted him wealth,;decades of combat experience as Marine; quite capable, but not the best fighter in the cockpit. Cons, schizoid personality type but understands you need allies in the cut-throat galaxy, overestimates his abilities considering his age and sees himself as expendable after what happened to his family.
07 Dec 2016, 8:04pm
Deadeye SnipesI didn't hack anything. My character had practically been in the bar forever cooling down after an attempt on his life while he had a dedicated team scouring the station. The fireteams that went out are going to citizen's arrest the two who were involved in the attempt on his life and drop them off in security. No delusions of grandeur there. And his backstory is quite meager and modest, and he hates resorting to utilizing the "big guns" of his wealth, as evidenced by the fact that he quietly walked into the station and bar without escort. I have RL experience in military, fugitive recovery, and federal work as an analyst, but I don't just walk up and introduce myself that way, but you can bet when I'm pissed off it comes out. Same here. I'm working on his background dossier, just haven't posted it yet. I'm trying to stay on the small scale since the grenads snafu, but what would you do? as for pros, hard work and running a tech/PMC have granted him wealth, decades of combat as Marine; quite capable, but not the best fighter in the cockpit. Cons, schizoid personality type but understands you need allies in the cut-throat galaxy, overestimates his abilities considering his age and sees himself as expendable after what happened to his family.

My mistake- the way that you had written the post, it can be read as either the team or Deadeye doing the hacking.
07 Dec 2016, 8:05pm
My apologies on that. I was typing and studying for exams at same time so I was a bit split brained. I typically quite hate dangling modifiers.
07 Dec 2016, 8:05pm
That's how I read it too. I thought Deadeye had done all the hacking...
07 Dec 2016, 8:08pm
I would fall on my proverbial sword in shame, I swear I didn't intend it to come out that way when I wrote "After what seemed like an eternity of scrubbing and hacking station security feeds, his crew located the two traitors."
07 Dec 2016, 8:10pm
Deadeye, if you wish, feel free to PM myself your posts before you publish them and I can give you my impression of what's happening in them.

I don't claim to be an expert on RP but if I had to brag about something, making things clear is a habit of mine. Especially on t' internets.

If nothing else, it will allow you to focus on exams and less on proof reading.
07 Dec 2016, 8:12pm
I appreciate it. I typically have to quickly type when I get a second between jobs and school so my brain is on backburner. I feel bad enough for wingmates right now too because I've been offline so much during finals.
I will run stuff by you, and I pre-apologize if I come across as a zombie.
07 Dec 2016, 8:13pm
Deadeye SnipesI would fall on my proverbial sword in shame, I swear I didn't intend it to come out that way when I wrote "After what seemed like an eternity of scrubbing and hacking station security feeds, his crew located the two traitors."

It may have been his crew that located the traitors, but it's unclear who had done the hacking. All we can say for certain is that Deadeyes crew found them.

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