Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

07 Dec 2016, 8:14pm
Deadeye SnipesI didn't hack anything. My character had practically been in the bar forever cooling down after an attempt on his life while he had a dedicated team scouring the station. The fireteams that went out are going to citizen's arrest the two who were involved in the attempt on his life and drop them off in security. No delusions of grandeur there. And his backstory is quite meager and modest, and he hates resorting to utilizing the "big guns" of his wealth, as evidenced by the fact that he quietly walked into the station and bar without escort. I have RL experience in military, fugitive recovery, and federal work as an analyst, but I don't just walk up and introduce myself that way, but you can bet when I'm pissed off it comes out. Same here. I'm working on his background dossier, just haven't posted it yet. I'm trying to stay on the small scale since the grenads snafu, but what would you do? as for pros, hard work and running a tech/PMC have granted him wealth, decades of combat as Marine; quite capable, but not the best fighter in the cockpit. Cons, schizoid personality type but understands you need allies in the cut-throat galaxy, overestimates his abilities considering his age and sees himself as expendable after what happened to his family.

I'm not doubting that he -is- capable. Presentation is also important. How is the character presented? In a believable way? Or far fetched?

For example, If my opening scene for Stryker involved him wearing the mole singlet/costume with the little mole hat with tiny button eyes, waltzing into a bar and demanding attention, no one would take him serious. He would be considered a troll (very much like the response to your character in the grenade scene).

Now, a few weeks ago, Stryker did end up in the bar wearing that stuff. And it worked. Why? Over the course of four months, I've been slowly introducing his quirks. This massive bodybuilder, with a wicked cybernetic claw, does needle point. Listens to Opera. He has a unique sense of humor and really doesn't care what people think of him (except he does) and hides his insecurities behind a bravado of self assurance and humor (sometimes self deprecating, hence the mole suit)

I don't know if this is helpful. I guess what I am getting at is, slowly introduce your character. Let it -naturally- evolve over time.
07 Dec 2016, 8:15pm
Deadeye SnipesI appreciate it. I typically have to quickly type when I get a second between jobs and school so my brain is on backburner. I feel bad enough for wingmates right now too because I've been offline so much during finals.
I will run stuff by you, and I pre-apologize if I come across as a zombie.
Nah, I'm happy to help. I'm practically doing college/university stuff in RL as I frequently get asked to proofread essays and things from my friends lol.

Pretty sure by 2020 I'll have several honorary degrees
07 Dec 2016, 8:17pm
Well thank you to you gents, I appreciate the feedback. My character is now wandering the station, up to nothing interesting lol.
07 Dec 2016, 8:23pm
If you need NPC's to interact with, you can always just ask here in the OOC forum. I'm a bit stretched with my going ons but who knows, someone might be willing to help you move your story along.

Maybe this is flogging a dead horse. But, doing things just to showcase how awesome your character is, rarely goes over well. We all want our characters to be special. But its not how awesome the character is that makes it special. I'ts the characters flaws, and quirks. The imperfections that make them special.
07 Dec 2016, 8:25pm
I agree there. And I appreciate the offer. I'm probably going to into observer mode until the semester is over though lol. Then we'll see in a week or so.
07 Dec 2016, 8:29pm
If I may add one last rant to the table, I think a big part of it is respect as well. Correct me if I'm wrong but this sounds like your first time at the RP bar. Like Lehman said, your character may already be an absolute badass, but in order for that to be taken seriously, you need to give us time to LEARN that he is a badass.

One of the things I am seeing that is missing is that you haven't really been interacting with other characters during your time in the bar. One of the most crucial parts of RP is to interact with each other. That way, others can learn more about you and you can effectively earn their respect. One of my characters is still in the bar, and is very much wanted for example, so that could be a very opportune time to introduce yourself.

What I'm trying to say is that if you want to be seen as a badass, you have to build a reputation among other commanders as a badass. Commander Marra Morgan is a good example (if she is ok with me using her as an example). She doesn't need to worry too much about it because she has a reputation on the site. EVERYONE knows Marra is a badass pirate lord, so no one ever really questions the fact that she has what is effectively a spartan from Halo as a bodyguard.
07 Dec 2016, 8:29pm
My response is probably a little late, but to took awhile to put that together so I wanted to way it anyways.
07 Dec 2016, 8:30pm
So I think it's safe to say that this incident was less a case of 'special snowflaking' and more a case of 'misunderstood writing/reading'?

Glad it's blown over nonetheless
07 Dec 2016, 8:31pm
07 Dec 2016, 8:32pm
Cartlidge1000EVERYONE knows Marra is a badass pirate lord, so no one ever really questions the fact that she has what is effectively a spartan from Halo as a bodyguard.

A Welsh Spartan at that
07 Dec 2016, 8:32pm
Cartlidge1000If I may add one last rant to the table, I think a big part of it is respect as well. Correct me if I'm wrong but this sounds like your first time at the RP bar. Like Lehman said, your character may already be an absolute badass, but in order for that to be taken seriously, you need to give us time to LEARN that he is a badass.

One of the things I am seeing that is missing is that you haven't really been interacting with other characters during your time in the bar. One of the most crucial parts of RP is to interact with each other. That way, others can learn more about you and you can effectively earn their respect. One of my characters is still in the bar, and is very much wanted for example, so that could be a very opportune time to introduce yourself.

What I'm trying to say is that if you want to be seen as a badass, you have to build a reputation among other commanders as a badass. Commander Marra Morgan is a good example (if she is ok with me using her as an example). She doesn't need to worry too much about it because she has a reputation on the site. EVERYONE knows Marra is a badass pirate lord, so no one ever really questions the fact that she has what is effectively a spartan from Halo as a bodyguard.

I hope you don't mind Marra, but she has also spent a lot of time fostering that reputation through her RP, and more importantly her written Things.
07 Dec 2016, 8:34pm
Yeah I had more in that post originally, explaining exactly that, but I figured I was going a little overboard on it so I cut it short.
07 Dec 2016, 8:38pm
I had the same issue with Lilith. I was trying so hard to make her a badass she ended up shot and in hospital
07 Dec 2016, 8:39pm
Luke3107I had the same issue with Lilith. I was trying so hard to make her a badass she ended up shot and in hospital

Then an object for Dr. Glaboski's face painting skills..........
07 Dec 2016, 8:39pm
Luke3107I had the same issue with Lilith. I was trying so hard to make her a badass she ended up shot and in hospital
I hear you. That must be like getting poisoned, jumping around a bar, and then seeing unicorn men...

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