Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

18 Dec 2016, 6:25pm
Here is how I do it. Copy the link to the bio, log out. Paste it in and see what shows. (This might be a bit late)
18 Dec 2016, 6:27pm
Stryker AuneHere is how I do it. Copy the link to the bio, log out. Paste it in and see what shows. (This might be a bit late)

More or less what I was suggesting, but a bit clearer. Never was good with giving directions.
18 Dec 2016, 6:41pm
Stryker AuneHere is how I do it. Copy the link to the bio, log out. Paste it in and see what shows. (This might be a bit late)

O.K. that worked and it is what I was hoping for .
20 Dec 2016, 5:43pm
Pritchard and Zer0, leave OOC stuff in this area. I understand there's a dispute over the bars atmosphere but getting progressively more aggressive in the RP won't solve it.
20 Dec 2016, 7:33pm
Let them brawl. I'm sure the bartender will get sick of them and throw them out.
20 Dec 2016, 7:38pm
Oh, sorry! I wasn't intending to create any kind of problem. Just RP.
20 Dec 2016, 8:55pm
Mr. Poach. Articulation is not a strong suite for me, so I will try to be as friendly and kind as possible. A couple of problems with your "Lets put Citi Gateway into lockdown post...."

1) Are you the administrator for Citi-Gateway? I certainty didn't agree to you pulling this course of action. Did you discuss this before hand with others here?
2) Have you thought about how this will affect other people who RP here?
3) It's one thing to play an NPC, that affects another NPC or player, but, its a whole new level when it broaches into the realm of affecting everyone.
4) I advise a careful review of your options.

If your not sure of a course of action, just ask here in the OOC forum. Your more likely to illicit a positive response, and people are more likely to get in on the action and help you out, which is win-win for everyone!

Last edit: 20 Dec 2016, 9:51pm
20 Dec 2016, 9:20pm
I'm just struggling to keep track of his story.

No offence, but if it wasn't for the time stamps I'd struggle with what happened when. :/
20 Dec 2016, 9:51pm
Aww. I was really hoping for a bar fight. Someone go up to a miner and call him something mean.
20 Dec 2016, 10:17pm
Personally I just thought the technical difficulties was an after effect from the stuff my characters had been doing recently.
20 Dec 2016, 10:17pm
The miners did a good job for us, they don't deserve abuse!!! :o
20 Dec 2016, 10:18pm
Oops. sorry, didn't see the citi gateway post.
21 Dec 2016, 3:42pm
Is there a cast of NPCs at Inaba or do players just make them up willy-nilly?

I have been here a couple of days and I read back about a week before I made my first post.  This is what I know so far:

There is a security officer assigned to the Docks named "Branders" who is new to the force but apparently well trained.

"Annie" is a waitress at INGABA and one of the PCs, Pritchard, is a regular of hers.

"Capitan Sikeli" has an office on the "48th floor" (Citi Gateway) and may be the commanding officer of the whole station, The station security chief (name unknown to me) reports to him. These two were revealed to me by a PC who I believe is as new to Inara as I am.

Maybe if the regular players got together and added NPC names and jobs to the sticky at the top of each location (webmaster?), it might help with continuity and reduce chaos and needing to keep track of who's who in the NPC world.  We don't need a lot of names, just some of the key people the PCs would normally interact with and some of the more influential folks such as the Capitan and Security Chief.

Or perhaps I'm missing something here?

Last edit: 21 Dec 2016, 4:17pm
21 Dec 2016, 4:38pm
Maestro_57Is there a cast of NPCs at Inaba or do players just make them up willy-nilly?

I have been here a couple of days and I read back about a week before I made my first post.  This is what I know so far:

There is a security officer assigned to the Docks named "Branders" who is new to the force but apparently well trained.

"Annie" is a waitress at INGABA and one of the PCs, Pritchard, is a regular of hers.

"Capitan Sikeli" has an office on the "48th floor" (Citi Gateway) and may be the commanding officer of the whole station, The station security chief (name unknown to me) reports to him. These two were revealed to me by a PC who I believe is as new to Inara as I am.

Maybe if the regular players got together and added NPC names and jobs to the sticky at the top of each location (webmaster?), it might help with continuity and reduce chaos and needing to keep track of who's who in the NPC world.  We don't need a lot of names, just some of the key people the PCs would normally interact with and some of the more influential folks such as the Capitan and Security Chief.

Or perhaps I'm missing something here?

I just attributed it to high turn over rate...

At this point, NPC's like station chief of security and whatnot are willy-nilly. Personally, I leave them nameless in my RP and only give names to NPC's that are pivotal to the story at hand. Like Dr. Globoski, Rex Castro ... Eddie..... Hawk faced medic who scowls and makes people feel uncomfortable (I have no idea why her parents named her that.....)

If the station chief of security is a main part of the story, I would bump it down a notch, and use the title "deputy inspector" Raggie McGuffin and still leave high ranking officials nameless...

That leaves them open for others to use, in a nameless fashion.

Also, be aware of station wide cataclysmic events. They will probably be ignored.

Last edit: 21 Dec 2016, 5:10pm
21 Dec 2016, 4:52pm
As I understand it, the point of the Roleplay rooms is to provide commanders with somewhere to interact with one another. NPCs are rather incidental to this purpose.

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