Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

15 Dec 2016, 9:37pm
It's a little hard not to think that way when you got a little... ehem... Enthusiastic over Jem and I having a row.
15 Dec 2016, 10:21pm
Every sport has a highlight reel. I merely offered to provide it
15 Dec 2016, 11:05pm
Yeah, 'cause that's not weird at all.
15 Dec 2016, 11:11pm
Football, Boxing, Golf even Cricket. All have highlight reels...

And I never claimed to be normal. I mean... I'm here aren't I?
15 Dec 2016, 11:26pm
Jem and I's disagreement was none of those things though. I think you were just hoping we'd live out your fantasies for cat fighting.
15 Dec 2016, 11:33pm
I didn't claim to have a fantasy. Merely offered to provide for those that do...

And female wrestling IS a thing, with highlight reels included, so...
15 Dec 2016, 11:35pm
Do either of us look like someone who'd do wrestling? I fly a spaceship for a living...

Merely offered to provide for those that do...

Yeah, that's not creepy at all...

Last edit: 16 Dec 2016, 12:05am
16 Dec 2016, 12:06am
It's never the ones you expect. I don't know what you do in your spare time now, do I?
16 Dec 2016, 12:09am
Yeah and I think I will keep it that way.
16 Dec 2016, 12:18am
No favourite movies or anything? I heard "Star Wars Episode 35" was coming out, figured we could go see it? Or there's "Fast and Furious 780: The Most Definitely Last Final Chapter" if cars are more your thing?
16 Dec 2016, 12:28am
Bruh. Stop trying to justify the creep. It was weird. Lets accept it and move on.
16 Dec 2016, 12:29am
If that is an invite to go on a date, I'm going to go with no.
16 Dec 2016, 12:31am
Wait, what lmfao? Did you really just....? What xD
16 Dec 2016, 12:37am
I had moved on. She started it. (Yup. It's childish, sue me).

And why not? You don't ask, you don't get after all...
16 Dec 2016, 12:43am
I think what you are looking for is at Exotica.

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