Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Dec 2016, 5:08pm
Eli DawsonBasically I'm just trying to convert this over.

http://eliteandreal.com/wiki/index.php?title=Elie Dawson...

This may be a little belated, but welcome to Inara, Eli! It's a bit livelier here than at Eliteandreal.com!

Take care out there!
13 Dec 2016, 5:08pm
Marra Morgan
Eli Dawson
Marra Morgan
Eli Dawson




I'll PM it to you later

13 Dec 2016, 5:09pm
Jemine Caesar
Eli DawsonBasically I'm just trying to convert this over.

http://eliteandreal.com/wiki/index.php?title=Elie Dawson...

This may be a little belated, but welcome to Inara, Eli! It's a bit livelier here that at Eliteandreal.com!

Take care out there!

That's alright, I like 'em feisty. Maybe you should hit Artie up about incorporating the old wiki, though. Everyone loves an RP wiki.
13 Dec 2016, 5:13pm
Eli DawsonFair enough, the first fellow to respond made it seem like the Prancing Pony was a standard response, and I even saw an apology from him there regarding Kurama10 so I made the assumption that it was shoot first, ask and guide later.

I can respect that approach, and I /do/ get that player characters probably shouldn't be immortal god-heads unless played by particularly skilled role players. Point mostly rescinded, I stand by the fact that the Prancy Pooter approach should be removed from the equation.

Apologies if I implied Prancy Paws was a standard thing. Reading back, I see exactly why you'd think that's what I meant. As for the apology, that was for behaviour also not standard on either the forums part or my own. I'd had a bad day, and unfortunately took it out on Kuruma10.

I've not been on the receiving end of his antics, but I have been on the receiving end of major criticism on my RP decisions (specifically, choosing to play Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath on the Jukebox). The reason being that it was considered the equivalent of playing Beethoven or Mozart in a pub jukebox today. It escalated, mainly due to my own misunderstanding of the situation of the issue. Since then? No issues.

I say this, because while Prancy Paws may not be an ideal option for the prevention of 'special snowflakes' he is not a 'go-to' the instant someone tries to follow that line. He is but one person. Also, if someones response to him is more "Fuck off you gits" and less "Why is he doing this?" I can't see him/her being well received in the community regardless of their creative abilities.

As for the idea of fleet commanders entering the fray, with entire armies etc, at their disposal, the issue is when they pop into existance randomly, with no build up. Imagine watching your favourite TV series,(for the sake of argument, say Game of Thrones), and halfway through an episode a new character is introduced, no build up or anything, and takes the Iron Throne in the last remaining 15 minutes of that episode. That's what it feels like when a new character RPs as such.

Marra Morgan (name dropping again, sorry!!!), is a Pirate Lord (Queen?) with just such things at her disposal. But that was something built up to over several months, a ton of logbook stories and a gradual increase in reputation building that culminated in such a thing as a natural conclusion.

But Lilith (my own attempt at a 'villian'), didn't get instantaneous fear and respect. Instead, she was hospitalised. Basically a more lore friendly version of Prancy Paws and his magic wand.

Edit: feel free to ignore this, ever since the quoted post I've been typing and pausing on and off, so missed the handshaking... PLEASE don't take this as an attempt to restart the didscussion!!!!
13 Dec 2016, 5:18pm
Luke is correct. A character being in a position of great power and respect is certainly a legitimate arc- if the backstory, development, and RP credibility has been established. Gradual, organic character evolution is wonderful and adds to the depth and richness of said character. It's why Marra works.

Matt, however, continues to drink Old Sol and fall for pretty faces at a fairly even clip.
13 Dec 2016, 5:19pm
To be fair, my reaction to Prancing Pundits would be 'fuck off you git' just like it would be in real life, because a flesh and blood human would never be like, "Oh, clearly this is the universe telling me I'm doing something wrong", but that may just be me.

I just think all can be accomplished without Prissy Plotpoints yanking everyone much farther out of character than an old fart listening to ancient tunes on the juke ever would. Again, may just be me..
13 Dec 2016, 5:20pm
M. LehmanLuke is correct. A character being in a position of great power and respect is certainly a legitimate arc- if the backstory, development, and RP credibility has been established. Gradual, organic character evolution is wonderful and adds to the depth and richness of said character. It's why Marra works.

Matt, however, continues to drink Old Sol and fall for pretty faces at a fairly even clip.

You win the game because of your ship name alone.
13 Dec 2016, 5:26pm
Eli Dawson

You win the game because of your ship name alone.

The twist ending will be that the ship's power plant inevitably betrays him, probably while careening at 350m/s towards an asteroid.
13 Dec 2016, 5:28pm
Eli DawsonTo be fair, my reaction to Prancing Pundits would be 'fuck off you git' just like it would be in real life, because a flesh and blood human would never be like, "Oh, clearly this is the universe telling me I'm doing something wrong", but that may just be me.

I just think all can be accomplished without Prissy Plotpoints yanking everyone much farther out of character than an old fart listening to ancient tunes on the juke ever would. Again, may just be me..
Yeah, I can see your point. But nonetheless, if everyone thought the same way it would be a boring world indeed

And OLD FART???? He's only 25!!!
13 Dec 2016, 5:29pm
Tisiphone Moreau
Eli Dawson

You win the game because of your ship name alone.

The twist ending will be that the ship's power plant inevitably betrays him, probably while careening at 350m/s towards an asteroid.

Coming from personal experience, that situation is always quite terrifying.

Edit: added the quote so my post makes more sense.
13 Dec 2016, 5:33pm
Do I need to resize the raw image to get it into a banner shape for the character screen? Will it look messed up on differently sized monitors if I do? Is there a centering function?
13 Dec 2016, 5:37pm
Well, I don't smack into asteroids as much as I used to...

... but I seem to love heat-heavy weapons (Imperial Hammers and Pack-hounds), which combined with a level five overcharge on the power plant means that my ship does, in fact, betray me quite often!
13 Dec 2016, 6:03pm
M. LehmanWell, I don't smack into asteroids as much as I used to...

... but I seem to love heat-heavy weapons (Imperial Hammers and Pack-hounds), which combined with a level five overcharge on the power plant means that my ship does, in fact, betray me quite often!

Curse you!
13 Dec 2016, 7:09pm
M. LehmanWell, I don't smack into asteroids as much as I used to...

... but I seem to love heat-heavy weapons (Imperial Hammers and Pack-hounds), which combined with a level five overcharge on the power plant means that my ship does, in fact, betray me quite often!

Watching Matty's shields drop randomly is always a fun time.
13 Dec 2016, 10:28pm
Maybe Matt just needs some flying lessons.

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