Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Dec 2016, 3:32pm
Cartlidge1000Can someone explain to me what we are arguing about today? I feel like I've missed something again.

From what I gather it's the following:

There should be no satiricial RP happening to ridicule another persons RP character or style. As what Eli Dawson said: Justified shit-posting is still shit-posting.

The thing is, what the majority agrees on is seen as acceptable, and in this case it's agreed to that there simply aren't any overpowered unkillable entities roaming the RP. Which is fine, because otherwise you'd be seeing some Saitama clone One-Punch someone else to death or through a Station hull etc.

So, snowflakes aren't allowed nor wanted. Period.

What I personally do not agree on is the sentiment that Pilots are not something special.

How many Pilots are there compared to the billions of (imaginary) people living on all them Worlds and Space stations? A fracture if that. So at least in that regard they can be proud to be something else compared to the common woman or man.
13 Dec 2016, 3:34pm

You immediately turned to accusing me of being one of these "special snowflakes" and making a series of ad-hominem arguments. Which especially doesn't apply, considering that I'm playing a dirt-poor boot legger that talks about how he barely understands how to fly his ship.

Players can be level one and still be made to "feel" awesome or overwhelmed, often in the same game. I conceded that people should stick to the race and background restrictions that make sense to the world, but putting in the time through RP doesn't make any sense, putting in the time in game makes much more sense. You're trying to persuade me that someone can become level 20 by sitting around in a bar doing social RP, and I'm not buying it.

I actually do...

...care about lore.

It's hard to take you guys seriously when you can't handle criticism but you feel entitled to dish it out.
13 Dec 2016, 3:42pm
Truth to be told, some here love to go face-to-face moments after you said something that for yourself sounded completely innocent.

But just wait until Artie gets noted about things starting to heat up again, and you see the ADH (Almighty Deletion Hammer) in action.
13 Dec 2016, 3:48pm
Ryan Murdoc
Cartlidge1000Can someone explain to me what we are arguing about today? I feel like I've missed something again.

From what I gather it's the following:

There should be no satiricial RP happening to ridicule another persons RP character or style. As what Eli Dawson said: Justified shit-posting is still shit-posting.

The thing is, what the majority agrees on is seen as acceptable, and in this case it's agreed to that there simply aren't any overpowered unkillable entities roaming the RP. Which is fine, because otherwise you'd be seeing some Saitama clone One-Punch someone else to death or through a Station hull etc.

So, snowflakes aren't allowed nor wanted. Period.

What I personally do not agree on is the sentiment that Pilots are not something special.

How many Pilots are there compared to the billions of (imaginary) people living on all them Worlds and Space stations? A fracture if that. So at least in that regard they can be proud to be something else compared to the common woman or man.

I can stand in line with everything you said. Making a character immortal isn't fun for anyone, even Jason Statham has weaknesses. I just talked about this to one of my Shadowrun players, who decided he wanted to go fight a dragon because he wound up with a cortex bomb and "ain't nobody gonna disrespect him like that" (not a real quote). However, give a new character on your forums time to adjust, to show those weaknesses, to reveal that depth and to actually learn before shit-posting because your panties are in a wad.

So a buddy of mine told me about a D&D game he played, where everyone was communicating their actions to the GM using only notes. So, he made a chaotic evil assassin, the GM was reluctant but let him play it. His character enters, and they beat the crap out of some orcs. The chaotic evil character starts binding their wounds, and explains, "Hey, these guys just don't know any better. We need to teach them, we need to help them." Soon enough, the Paladin and Cleric are right there helping him, and the GM is saying, "That doesn't match your characters alignment, he wouldn't really be doing that." The player says, "Give me a minute,".

So, that night as they are sleeping, the assassin steals a knife from a chaotic good character, and slits the orcs throats, killing them. Then, the party decides they can't trust the chaotic good characters (they didn't know what anyone's sheet looked like, only how they had been acting), and with the assassin's persuasion they tied them up. That night, one of those characters was killed, the others ropes were cut. Now, they searched, and didn't find the other character, so assumed that he did it (they didn't find him in that one log that only the assassin checked).

Later, the cleric uses detect evil while he's alone with the assassin near a holy altar. When he pings up, the assassin kills him, and before the Paladin comes in, he pulls his holy symbol off of his neck and tosses it beside the cleric. Tells the paladin that he picked up that symbol off of the altar and attacked him, so he had to defend himself, turns out the symbol was for some chaotic evil god, of course.

Now, are most of the "special snow-flakes" that come around going to provide that kind of interesting roleplay? No, of course not, but some will surprise you, and really it's shitty to be the kind of cliquey community that pushes new roleplayers away. Roleplayers are already a dying breed, and giving people who come to try it out (and as such, make newbie mistakes) a good experience rather than a bad one is just good juju, Prancy RP Police is a shitty idea that just makes people who dared to try something not only new but daunting feel like a fuck up, prompting a quick surrender to the idea of RP. It's bad, and you should feel bad.
13 Dec 2016, 3:49pm
Ryan MurdocTruth to be told, some here love to go face-to-face moments after you said something that for yourself sounded completely innocent.

But just wait until Artie gets noted about things starting to heat up again, and you see the ADH (Almighty Deletion Hammer) in action.

Ah yes, I've been hit with Artie's banhammer once or twice. It's fun.
13 Dec 2016, 3:51pm
I'd prefer an almighty decision hammer instead. Some ground rules for the RP forums that isn't self policed by whatever player can run other players off the best would be a really good starting point. I mean, it doesn't effect me either way, I prefer to RP in game, but I like to come here to read about you guys' adventures and reading shit-posting just ruins it and leaves me disappointed in you lot.
13 Dec 2016, 4:01pm
Personally, I was always of the mentality that its not that the community is trying to reject the character (assuming we're still talking about special snowflakes), but instead trying to make the character aware that few people are willing to take someone seriously that way. If no one takes them seriously, it kind of defeats the purpose of RP.

Idk, I always go by the rule that if you want to snowflake, make it subtle. Personally I think most of my characters are "snowflakey" (My main character has near perfect accuracy for crying out loud) but I guess I'm good enough at keeping it subtle and realistic that no one seems to find it annoying. And as long as what another player does isn't obnoxious, I tend to try and roll with just about everything, including the captain.
13 Dec 2016, 4:03pm
Eli Dawson


Technically, the more nuanced position is that you sort of have to do both - in a game like WoW this is somewhat easier to accomplish, as your character will gain power alongside applying that power through RP. As Elite has poor tools for RPing in game - you can still do it but it's less than ideal - it makes forums like this one far more necessary.

Further, if you think my post was full of ad-hominem, you may want to reread it. I never directly attacked you, but instead said that those kinds of positions are why we can't have nice things.

It's also worth noting that most of my problems with "snowflakey" characters stem from the fact that everyone wants to be a Gary-Stu protagonist, and that nobody wants to be the interesting side characters. There's a lot of cool RP to be found in the "noise."
13 Dec 2016, 4:15pm
Eli Dawson


Technically, the more nuanced position is that you sort of have to do both - in a game like WoW this is somewhat easier to accomplish, as your character will gain power alongside applying that power through RP. As Elite has poor tools for RPing in game - you can still do it but it's less than ideal - it makes forums like this one far more necessary.

Further, if you think my post was full of ad-hominem, you may want to reread it. I never directly attacked you, but instead said that those kinds of positions are why we can't have nice things.

With all do respect, your post started with "Oh great, another one of these," and the word 'you' was used more times than I care to go back and count. Add to that your comments about me being apart of the tabletop community (this sounds like horseshit) came off as you saying that I was lying about it all, your post pretty consistently felt like a personal attack.

The whole tone was really condescending. INARA, the cool little tool that it is, does provide you with the ability to go and check what kind of assets, ranks, and etc a character has obtained in game. I'm not directly bashing the nice things, if what you're talking about is immortal characters with absolutely no weakness, I'm bashing the method, and I'm bashing that method because it's keeping you from getting more nice things (developing new role players that might prove to be really awesome given time and a more welcoming approach).

I say this because, as a GM/ST/DM, developing new role players is something I have a lot of experience with.
13 Dec 2016, 4:16pm
Honestly, Eli, I can't seem to understand your motivation for pinging up a closed topic. From what I've gathered, you wanted the last word. Tell us how to do things, then shame us for not doing those things.

I donno. I enjoy the RP here. Sure its not perfect. But we do the best we can. I've made myself available, along with many other people in the RP community to help more inexperienced players with their RP and things. And that speaks volumes actually. Why is it people are more likely to associate with the one negative aspect and be blind to the many good qualities? (just me musing.)

Last edit: 13 Dec 2016, 4:26pm
13 Dec 2016, 4:22pm
The topic started a few minutes ago.. it's not thread necromancy. Again, it's hard to take you guys seriously when you can't accept any criticism but feel entitled to dish it out. I'm telling you guys to be kind to new players and practice patience with them, I don't feel like that's trolling, I feel like it's a call for human decency. Why is there so much resistance to that concept?

Edit: Posted prior to your edit. I too like your guys RP, I just don't really get that engaged by forum RP or maybe I would participate. My goal here isn't to "get the last word".. I just hate to see people brand new to RP get shuttled away by old-school elitists (no pun intended) because it's toxic to the community.
13 Dec 2016, 4:24pm
Eli Dawson
Eli Dawson


Technically, the more nuanced position is that you sort of have to do both - in a game like WoW this is somewhat easier to accomplish, as your character will gain power alongside applying that power through RP. As Elite has poor tools for RPing in game - you can still do it but it's less than ideal - it makes forums like this one far more necessary.

Further, if you think my post was full of ad-hominem, you may want to reread it. I never directly attacked you, but instead said that those kinds of positions are why we can't have nice things.

With all do respect, your post started with "Oh great, another one of these," and the word 'you' was used more times than I care to go back and count. Add to that your comments about me being apart of the tabletop community (this sounds like horseshit) came off as you saying that I was lying about it all, your post pretty consistently felt like a personal attack.

The whole tone was really condescending. INARA, the cool little tool that it is, does provide you with the ability to go and check what kind of assets, ranks, and etc a character has obtained in game. I'm not directly bashing the nice things, if what you're talking about is immortal characters with absolutely no weakness, I'm bashing the method, and I'm bashing that method because it's keeping you from getting more nice things (developing new role players that might prove to be really awesome given time and a more welcoming approach).

I say this because, as a GM/ST/DM, developing new role players is something I have a lot of experience with.

I was using "you" in more of a general sense, but I can see why you were confused and will apologize if my post came across that way.

That being said, the reason why I take a more hardline stance when it comes to this sort of thing is because I tried it your way back when I was heavily active in the WoW RP community, and it didn't really work. Instead, I got to watch a great community tear itself apart. That probably makes me a little more kneejerk reactionary than I need to be, I will grant.

If you want to talk about being condescending, though, let's talk about how well the shaming tone of your post immediately pulled all of us over to your side.
13 Dec 2016, 4:28pm
Eli Dawson
Eli Dawson[quote=Xeknos]




I was using "you" in more of a general sense, but I can see why you were confused and will apologize if my post came across that way.

That being said, the reason why I take a more hardline stance when it comes to this sort of thing is because I tried it your way back when I was heavily active in the WoW RP community, and it didn't really work. Instead, I got to watch a great community tear itself apart. That probably makes me a little more kneejerk reactionary than I need to be, I will grant.

If you want to talk about being condescending, though, let's talk about how well the shaming tone of your post immediately pulled all of us over to your side.

Any shaming tone wasn't intended, except toward the actual player of Prancing Pony, and that's only because said player was to be frank acting like a bit of a prick and shitting on peoples sand-castles. Call me a bleeding heart but I hate to see people treated that way, it wouldn't make me want to change my ways or work on my character concept. There's no "all of you here are horrible" intended unless all of you here condone treating new players like crap for struggling with the creative writing learning curve.

Edit: I'm sorry for throwing you all under the bus prior to really hearing the group stance out, assumptions were made, I was an ass.
13 Dec 2016, 4:30pm
Eli DawsonAny shaming tone wasn't intended, except toward the actual player of Prancing Pony, and that's only because said player was to be frank acting like a bit of a prick and shitting on peoples sand-castles. Call me a bleeding heart but I hate to see people treated that way, it wouldn't make me want to change my ways or work on my character concept. There's no "all of you here are horrible" intended unless all of you here condone treating new players like crap for struggling with the creative writing learning curve.

I think you'll find we don't act like that at all - look at what happened with Kurama10 above. We gently let him know what was up, and we offered to help him if he needed it. I don't think that qualifies as "treating a new player like crap."[/quote]
13 Dec 2016, 4:32pm
Sorry Eli, I edit a lot. Articulation is not a strong suit for me.

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