Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

21 Dec 2016, 4:57pm
I like Jemine's take.
21 Dec 2016, 7:07pm
Maestro_57There is a security officer assigned to the Docks named "Branders" who is new to the force but apparently well trained.

Branders, although a character of mine, is just a bog standard NPC. The only reason I gave him a name was because (at the request of Jacob), there was to be a lengthy-ish altercation that kept Cartlidge on his toes while he attempted to flee the station. In fact, in his first post or two, he was just referred to as "The Security Guard".

Like Stryker, I only name people who I feel require a name to keep readers interested in him/her. For example, in the Medical Ward (Citi Gateway) a few more pages back, I invent a random gay nurse just for the sake of shifting my characters story along. His name was never learned. Will they meet again? Maybe. But for now he is "Gay Nurse". Along with the likes of Barmaid, Barman, Shopkeeper, Random Citizen #438.

Branders was a specific Security Guard, invented to do a specific purpose over an extended period. That is the only reason he has a name. Other than that, he is unimportant, and you don't need to keep track of him. But if someone wishes to stake a claim and flesh him out a bit more, they have my blessing. Or if anyone is more keen to find out the aftermath:

All the guards attended a short spell in the Medical Ward before being given a clean bill of health. Branders was given a medal for bravery and offered a promotion which he politely declined quoting "I failed my mission, and while I accept the medal for my efforts, I decline to be awarded for not being successful"

The officer in charge of Branders was reprimanded for putting a Rookie on guard duty without supervision as well as forced to attend Mandatory Officer Training for his poor handling of resources that lead to Security being spread so thin and the lengthy delay in backup arriving to help Branders out.

If you need an NPC to do something specific, you can just add it into your RP. No need to name them or give them any specific features, just a job title.
21 Dec 2016, 8:12pm
I'm still new Luke so I'm still adjusting. I think we handled it well. But that being said I will always shoot first. And it's a bar u can't get along with everyone haha. I'll go back read more back logs and get a better grip on this galaxy.
21 Dec 2016, 8:36pm
Zer0 the NobodyI'm still new Luke so I'm still adjusting. I think we handled it well. But that being said I will always shoot first. And it's a bar u can't get along with everyone haha. I'll go back read more back logs and get a better grip on this galaxy.
No ill will intended, don't worry

Just pointing out that any debates should be put in this section, to save the RP section descending into a pissing contest between two irate users. Arguments between characters is one thing, hell it's practically enouraged by some people, but if it's between users it will just ruin the experience for everyone else.

Carry on though. The more the merrier after all
21 Dec 2016, 11:27pm
Sorry everyone for my ignorance. I never come to this Q&A tab.

I've been coming to inara for a few months and would randomly read the role play threads. I myself have never role played in real life or online. But that didn't stop me from wanting to get in on the action and I apologize for not researching the ins and outs before diving in. I was also unaware of a structure or chain within the role play boards that, I guess, "regulate" each area.

My intent was never to impact the rooms negatively. I ask that the proper administrative figure remove all post from all boards pertaining to this subject in either a role playing or general discussion.

Thank you
21 Dec 2016, 11:31pm
Mister PoachSorry everyone for my ignorance. [...] I ask that the proper administrative figure remove all post from all boards pertaining to this subject in either a role playing or general discussion.

Thank you

I don't think that is necessary. Your learning, and we want to encourage new people to jump in and join us. I'm glad that your willing to work with us.  I would modify the post to say something like: "so and so gets a security team together to go and investigate the ship on pad so and so," and keep moving your plot forward.

And really we are here to help you. You can contact me via private message and bounce ideas off of, or ask for advice or clarify anything your not sure on. RP is a lot of fun, and I am encouraging you to keep trying.

If your not making mistakes, your not trying. And its better to try and fail, learn from it and try again, then to have never done it and wonder.

Last edit: 21 Dec 2016, 11:54pm
21 Dec 2016, 11:53pm
Mister PoachSorry everyone for my ignorance. I never come to this Q&A tab.

I've been coming to inara for a few months and would randomly read the role play threads. I myself have never role played in real life or online. But that didn't stop me from wanting to get in on the action and I apologize for not researching the ins and outs before diving in. I was also unaware of a structure or chain within the role play boards that, I guess, "regulate" each area.

My intent was never to impact the rooms negatively. I ask that the proper administrative figure remove all post from all boards pertaining to this subject in either a role playing or general discussion.

Thank you
Deletion is unnecessary, but if you feel you'd rather have a fresh start there is a small red 'x' in the top right corners of your posts. To be honest, the impact so far is null, so maybe just an edit will do, like Stryker said.

I'll also put my two pence here, I'm online daily, pretty much hourly on most days so I volunteer services to help out where I can regarding proofreading. Or even if you're needing a random character to play out a scene I've obliged before and willing to do so again. As are others from what I've seen.

For examples of taking things to ridiculous proportions just see Strykers own deliberate examples here. It's why he wrote these bits to be honest. So they're worth a look to get a jist of what not to do.
22 Dec 2016, 12:04am
So, I'm not really the type to ask questions. Military man. We don't ask questions

Literally everything I know about role playing I learned from observing y'all. So I figured that the level of possibilities would safeguard the story lines of others because one could just role play their characters out of literally any situation. Or into any situation.

in response to citi gateway being put into lockdown, it wasn't my intent. I was creating a tense atmosphere for my "sci-fi thriller-esque" story to play out in. My characters were going to be long gone before the leader of the controlling faction allowed it. Making Captain Sikeli Look like a fool. Because eff security.

Kudos to the guy that was following the time stamps as that was my intent. I was having some backstory going on off station and "meanwhiles" in citi gateway.

Maybe I shouldn't have waited for others to play along. I could have finished it the day it started but I wanted some interaction. I'm sorry that you all had to put your stories on hold because of the "atmosphere in the bar".
22 Dec 2016, 12:17am
I didn't see anything on that list that resembled any of my post. And are those accounts from one person irl?
22 Dec 2016, 12:44am
Mister PoachI didn't see anything on that list that resembled any of my post. And are those accounts from one person irl?

Sorry, I didn't intend to imply it would. The examples are for everyones benefit as there are several newcomers. Strykers characters in that episode are the ones to focus on but all other accounts are, to my knowledge, different people irl.
22 Dec 2016, 1:07am
Mister PoachSo, I'm not really the type to ask questions. Military man. We don't ask questions

Literally everything I know about role playing I learned from observing y'all. So I figured that the level of possibilities would safeguard the story lines of others because one could just role play their characters out of literally any situation. Or into any situation.

That could be, but what your not seeing is what goes on the back end. For Luke's Rp with his character Lilith interaction with my Dr. Glaboski and Rex Castro was the extensive PM discussion of over 100 messages, clarifying, making known intention and asking what actions would work for both of us to help drive the story along.

In a previous RP with Cartridge, we had over 50 PM's going on behind the scene.

And now I'm in a private RP, and within that there have been over 200 pm's

Open and clear communication goes a long way.

Last edit: 22 Dec 2016, 2:30am
22 Dec 2016, 1:36am
Stryker Aune
Mister PoachSo, I'm not really the type to ask questions. Military man. We don't ask questions

Literally everything I know about role playing I learned from observing y'all. So I figured that the level of possibilities would safeguard the story lines of others because one could just role play their characters out of literally any situation. Or into any situation.

That could be, but what your not seeing is what goes on the back end. For Luke's Rp with his character Lilith interaction with my Dr. Glaboski and Rex Castro was the extensive PM discussion of over 100 messages, clarifying, making known intention and asking what actions would work for both of us to help drive the story along.

In a previous RP with Cartridge, we had over 50 PM's going on behind the scene.

And now I'm in a private RP, and within that there have been over 200 pm's

Open and clear communication goes a long way.

This too. Athough communication isn't necessary it really can help a lot if you both have a goal you wish to achieve
22 Dec 2016, 3:07am
O.K Poach, I'll play, I think I see where you are going and this character can go that way also.

Let me give you a bit of advice from an old timer who is new to this site and this game (which I am loving in VR).  When you join in play it cool.  put some teasers out there that people can overhear and let them come to you.  Generally there is already a story line ot two (or more) that you can get into while you develop your character and your "diabolocal plan".  That is much better than walking into the room and shouting FIRE!  Or a better example from my bubblehed days that you will get.  I once downmarked a boat on their inspection when after 20 minutes the division officer (LTJG) walked in and seeing he was senior announced "I'm lieutenant Umptyscratsh and I'm in charge." Then turning to the PO1 and asking "so whats going on"  (Swear to god that really happened.)

Okl so back to RP.  I can talk to you here or go to PM so's not to spoil it for the rothers, or we can talk here.

I have a couple of questions that I can obfuscate from all other than a keyword search.

1) you are with Canon and you have 20T of artifacts, I'm pretty sure I know what they are.  Nod if I am right.
2) My character is a freakin' engineer who was at the top eschelon of the Federation (engineering, not policy).

So I'll post now...

Ok, for you others, I would also like to get into your stories also.  I have read back about a week.  What I don't know could hurt me, but I was hoping one of you regulars would pick up my bait as well


Last edit: 22 Dec 2016, 5:56am
22 Dec 2016, 3:37am
Well, Stryker is currently off station, fighting for his life.

Dr. Glaboski is on his way to Clair dock to strike up a deal with Black Omega.

Rex Castro is off station, preening himself.

The hawk faced medic that scowls making people feel uncomfortable is now the hawk faced pole dancer that scowls making people feel uncomfortable.

Eddie is learning how to be a douchebag and finished rehab, finally getting off of nacho cheese flavored Doritos and Code Red Mountain Dew.

Marybelle is now just a head in a jar mounted on a robotic body

Jose is just a pile of bones, that no can seem to figure out how they got there.

Mitch is still an idiot, dealing with his newly acquired penguin supernatant freakshow, Mork.

Mindy is trying to rebuild her life.

And the malfunctioning security drone that Lilith destroyed is now been repurposed into an expression machine happily making lattes.

I think that's everyone for me.
22 Dec 2016, 4:13am
Stryker AuneAnd the malfunctioning security drone that Lilith destroyed is now been repurposed into an expression machine happily making lattes.

I think that's everyone for me.
Do you mean Espresso Machine or does it have a face that tells people whether he enjoys making coffee or not? With your imagination it's hard to tell if you got genuinely mixed up or did it on purpose...

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