Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

11 Dec 2016, 11:40pm
Hello Kurama10.

I'd just like to add myself to the list of people who would be happy to help and advise you, should you wish it.
11 Dec 2016, 11:50pm
Feel free to contact me, as well. I promise that I won't assign too much homework!
12 Dec 2016, 12:16am
Bollocks. You assign more homework than all my teachers combined.
12 Dec 2016, 12:17am
M. LehmanHeh.... actually, you'd put a comma right after the end of the spoken or thought part of that

"This is how to write a sentence someone has spoken aloud," he said.

I hope he gets the message clearly and doesn't take offense, he thought to himself.

There are a few handy writer's guides to which I refer often. Here's one that talks about how dialogue is properly structured, and here's the other half that deals with derailing a story with overly descriptive terms.
There's always one... *rolls eyes*
12 Dec 2016, 7:51am
M. LehmanHeh.... actually, you'd put a comma right after the end of the spoken or thought part of that

"This is how to write a sentence someone has spoken aloud," he said.

I hope he gets the message clearly and doesn't take offense, he thought to himself.

There are a few handy writer's guides to which I refer often. Here's one that talks about how dialogue is properly structured, and here's the other half that deals with derailing a story with overly descriptive terms.

Those links are actually quite handy. Thank you.
12 Dec 2016, 1:35pm
M. LehmanHeh.... actually, you'd put a comma right after the end of the spoken or thought part of that

"This is how to write a sentence someone has spoken aloud," he said.

I hope he gets the message clearly and doesn't take offense, he thought to himself.

There are a few handy writer's guides to which I refer often. Here's one that talks about how dialogue is properly structured, and here's the other half that deals with derailing a story with overly descriptive terms.

Very handy links, thanks!
12 Dec 2016, 5:18pm
M. LehmanHeh.... actually, you'd put a comma right after the end of the spoken or thought part of that

"This is how to write a sentence someone has spoken aloud," he said.

I hope he gets the message clearly and doesn't take offense, he thought to himself.

There are a few handy writer's guides to which I refer often. Here's one that talks about how dialogue is properly structured, and here's the other half that deals with derailing a story with overly descriptive terms.

There's always one... *rolls eyes*

Bit of passive aggressiveness there, Luke.
12 Dec 2016, 5:48pm
M. LehmanHeh.... actually, you'd put a comma right after the end of the spoken or thought part of that

"This is how to write a sentence someone has spoken aloud," he said.

I hope he gets the message clearly and doesn't take offense, he thought to himself.

There are a few handy writer's guides to which I refer often. Here's one that talks about how dialogue is properly structured, and here's the other half that deals with derailing a story with overly descriptive terms.

There's always one... *rolls eyes*

Bit of passive aggressiveness there, Luke.

RPing Lilith is rubbing off on me a bit I think lol.

Last edit: 12 Dec 2016, 8:40pm
13 Dec 2016, 2:10pm
Eli Dawson
Captain Prancy PawsCaptain Prancy Paws prances into the bar. In his hooved hand, he is carrying a wand with a large blue and sliver snowflake and several streamers. The snowflake was slowly pulsing a blue light. The prismatic unicorn holds the wand like a dowsing stick. The snowflake starts to pulse more quickly. He moves towards that direction. Soon, he found himself at the booth with Deadeye Snipes.

"Captain Prancy Paws heard rumor there was a Level Three Edgelord Snowflake here. Captain Prancy Paws has confirmed the rumor." He said. "Though Captain Prancy Paws laments that you are also not in relationship with the Aisling. Are not snowflakey enough for her? Allow Captain Prancy Paws to help." And with that he brought the snowflake tipped wand upon Deadeye's head and dowses him with the STD of the crafting world. Glitter. In this case, blue and silver.

I don't even forum role play and that level of shit-posting annoyed me. Is this actually allowed?

Please head here to discuss this

13 Dec 2016, 2:20pm
Eli Dawson
Captain Prancy PawsCaptain Prancy Paws prances into the bar. In his hooved hand, he is carrying a wand with a large blue and sliver snowflake and several streamers. The snowflake was slowly pulsing a blue light. The prismatic unicorn holds the wand like a dowsing stick. The snowflake starts to pulse more quickly. He moves towards that direction. Soon, he found himself at the booth with Deadeye Snipes.

"Captain Prancy Paws heard rumor there was a Level Three Edgelord Snowflake here. Captain Prancy Paws has confirmed the rumor." He said. "Though Captain Prancy Paws laments that you are also not in relationship with the Aisling. Are not snowflakey enough for her? Allow Captain Prancy Paws to help." And with that he brought the snowflake tipped wand upon Deadeye's head and dowses him with the STD of the crafting world. Glitter. In this case, blue and silver.

I don't even forum role play and that level of shit-posting annoyed me. Is this actually allowed?

Captain Prancy Paws is a deliberately satirical character. He doesn't generally RP, or if he does it's under a different name. But Prancy Paws only enters in when someone creates a character and acts like he or she is an especially unique creation.

If you scroll back you'll see a point where we had Khajit (and all sorts of other things that don't belong in ED) entering the fray. Hell, even the user Stryker Aune (if he doesn't mind my name dropping) devoted an entire section of RP with several deliberately bad characters and poorly written RP to express the point of sticking to the RP forums.

Prancy Paws, is basically just the embodiment of that.

Simply put... No, Prancy Paws isn't an accepted form of RP. But he is a necessary evil that is utilised to point out when others are going overboard with their own characters. Usually culminating in them being directed here and having several others, like myself, intervene when necessary.
13 Dec 2016, 2:39pm
TBH, that's pretty fantastic. Like the forum's own Daedric Prince of Madness.
13 Dec 2016, 2:40pm
This is a different way of saying that responding to shit-posting with more shit-posting solves problems. I've been to many forums in my life, and that isn't true.

Why not direct them here first and talk to them like an adult instead of making a character that is about ten times more immersion breaking? It'd be more respectful and cohesive to the community, rather than, "We don't like your RP so we are going to be complete assholes and ruin your experience and have an "intervention" because your roleplay doesn't fit my worldview of Elite. I mean I get a Khajit, but if someone wants to play a badass Federal Strike team leader that's there perogative, and I don't have any issue believing that badass Federal Strike Team leaders /do/ exist in the galaxy.

To give you some background, I run tabletop games, and 100% of every game you have two players, the ones who want to make these flawed, detailed, lifelike characters, and people who want to be Jason Statham. As a player, I'm the former type of character, but as a GM I recognize that it's a game where everyone should get to have fun. Helping someone with spelling and grammar is acceptable if done kindly and immature and pompous at best if handled in the belligerent and childish way described above, dictating what kinds of characters are acceptable outside of normal race and background restrictions for a particular world is just RP Policing. Imagine a kid that's trying to build a city out of an entire sandbox, and some other kids come to play in the sandbox and start to build a castle. So, instead of trying to talk them into how much more fun it might be to build a city, or sectioning off the sandbox so that both of them can share and have fun (remember that stuff you learned in kindergarden?), the city-builder walks over and starts kicking down sand castles, stamping his feet, and insisting everyone play his way.

It's a temper tantrum kind of response and it's not justified.

Of special note: I'm an outsider here, I've not been on the receiving end of any of your "interventions", but knowing that they happen is a huge red flag that tells me, "Don't RP with this group ever."

tl;dr Justified shit-posting is still shit-posting, behave like an adult and talk out your problems like you learned as a young child, also sharing is caring.
13 Dec 2016, 3:21pm
Eli DawsonThis is a different way of saying that responding to shit-posting with more shit-posting solves problems. I've been to many forums in my life, and that isn't true.

Why not direct them here first and talk to them like an adult instead of making a character that is about ten times more immersion breaking? It'd be more respectful and cohesive to the community, rather than, "We don't like your RP so we are going to be complete assholes and ruin your experience and have an "intervention" because your roleplay doesn't fit my worldview of Elite. I mean I get a Khajit, but if someone wants to play a badass Federal Strike team leader that's there perogative, and I don't have any issue believing that badass Federal Strike Team leaders /do/ exist in the galaxy.

Uh, Jesus. One of these.

The thing is, we do try to engage with them first, but oftentimes the request is met with the equivalent of "lel I RP how I want." Which, okay, fine, but be aware that a good portion of the community here probably won't want to RP with you if you're acting like a grabass.

You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake. To earn these things, you can't just say "but I put in the time in-game!" You have to earn these things through RP. Much like your tabletop community below, most characters start at level one and have to work their way up, unless the DM says differently. In this community though, you're level one. Good luck.

Eli DawsonTo give you some background, I run tabletop games, and 100% of every game you have two players, the ones who want to make these flawed, detailed, lifelike characters, and people who want to be Jason Statham. As a player, I'm the former type of character, but as a GM I recognize that it's a game where everyone should get to have fun. Helping someone with spelling and grammar is acceptable if done kindly and immature and pompous at best if handled in the belligerent and childish way described above, dictating what kinds of characters are acceptable outside of normal race and background restrictions for a particular world is just RP Policing. Imagine a kid that's trying to build a city out of an entire sandbox, and some other kids come to play in the sandbox and start to build a castle. So, instead of trying to talk them into how much more fun it might be to build a city, or sectioning off the sandbox so that both of them can share and have fun (remember that stuff you learned in kindergarden?), the city-builder walks over and starts kicking down sand castles, stamping his feet, and insisting everyone play his way.

It's a temper tantrum kind of response and it's not justified.

Most of this appears to be horseshit. Some of us care about lore. Like I said above - if you don't care about lore, well, fine, but don't expect us to take you seriously. And, frankly, this kind of response is how we get the bullshit "I'm RPing as a member of the dragonflights" stuff we started to see in WoW toward the end.

Eli DawsonOf special note: I'm an outsider here, I've not been on the receiving end of any of your "interventions", but knowing that they happen is a huge red flag that tells me, "Don't RP with this group ever."

Bye, Felicia.
13 Dec 2016, 3:22pm
Can someone explain to me what we are arguing about today? I feel like I've missed something again.
13 Dec 2016, 3:27pm
Cartlidge1000Can someone explain to me what we are arguing about today? I feel like I've missed something again.

Somebody's pitching a fit because we don't abide special pandas.

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