Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jan 2017, 11:24pm
Defend it all you want, Ill email the creator of the site. There's got to be one person here with their head screwed on straight.

Don't spend so much time in the cosmos you lose your grasp of reality. I showed the original post to my coworkers who are working professionals in digital media creation, social media content, and they all see exactly what I see.

It baffles me some of you don't.
04 Jan 2017, 11:25pm
Isaiah EvansonThe title of "Commander" is not one to be taken lightly.  
Tisiphone Moreau
Isaiah EvansonThe title of "Commander" is not one to be taken lightly.  

I'm not so sure about this. NPC pilots most certainly have Pilots Federation rankings (ie, Harmless, Deadly, Elite). I've always viewed the CMDR title simply being there for gameplay reasons, to help distinguish players from NPCs at a glance. Being interdicted by 'Turd Ferguson' might be routine and mildly inconvenient, but when it changes to 'CMDR Turd Ferguson', the situation is dramatically different.

I also don't see the Pilots Federation as being particularly choosy or even difficult to get into. I view it as the 34th century equivalent of a driver's license, but with a hint of unpredictability and a certain amount of awe and dread from planet-bound citizens. If you can demonstrate basic starship piloting competency, you're nominally a member and are permitted to fly between systems and access mission boards. Most pilots will never get very far up the ranks, and the exclusivity and prestige goes up dramatically as you rise to the higher echelons.

To be sure, there's a separate "Elite Pilots Federation", sort of an organization within an organization. This one is the more restrictive and prestigious membership.

(Sorry to whatever's going on previously, just wanna finish my bit then duck out) My idea for background purposes was not to give myself the "commander" title yet, since I don't have the game. Be a little amusing I think, you know, to go for a couple of months, read up on talks points and, apparently learn how to roleplay.. something that I'm open to, and looking forward to my character development!
04 Jan 2017, 11:27pm
I showed the original post to my coworkers who are working professionals in digital media creation, social media content, and they all see exactly what I see.

04 Jan 2017, 11:28pm
Artie prefers most of us handle our problems ourselves... like adults. I'm still trying to figure out why you rolled in here guns blazing - something to do with the way we handled the Rowen 'issue', even though that had long been resolved (and you even seemed to compliment us on how we handled it.) So you'll forgive me if I'm having difficulty tracking what caused you to go nuclear on the previous page, as well as why you decided to dredge this back up after we'd all already moved on again.
04 Jan 2017, 11:30pm
Simon, I'm not afraid of who I am, online or off. Feel free to email us if you don't believe me.


I'm transparent, open to criticism, and not an idiot.
04 Jan 2017, 11:31pm
Xeknos because previous to this other discord, I am being blamed for other people 'leaving'.

You must have a short memory, my post make it very clear why I involved myself in this discussion, and many of you seem to be taking it as a personal attack. My issue was with how one individual was dealt with by another- after someone commented and critiqued on their own the lack of new player participation. I offered a thesis on that.

We're grown adults here. If someone leaves, lets be clear. It was their choice. I did not make anyone hang up their celestial hat. Jesus.
04 Jan 2017, 11:33pm
Moreover, I'm curious about this: a few pages ago, you ended the discussion with this:

NsiteIm not looking to ostercize anyone, target anyone, or ruin anyone's play. Why don't we just move forward and see what happens? Many of you have a position, as do I- lets leave it at that and see if there's room for both.

That's about when we all moved on and started talking about what role we all see the Pilot's Fed playing in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Then, a day later, you roll back in with the two posts I previously quoted above, in which you started re-attacking us as being immature.

How do you get from there to here?
04 Jan 2017, 11:35pm
I never called any of you immature. You're in a writers guild, reread it if you're that lost. It's still pretty clear to me.
04 Jan 2017, 11:37pm
Nsite [...]And you all are in control of your own actions and reactions. You feel you want to leave? So be it. I didn't come here to play with children. The childish responses are rediculous to begin with

So, you're right - you called us children.
04 Jan 2017, 11:37pm
You all seem to assume that you can say whatever you want, accuse, inflame and then just move on from it like it didn't happen. I'm in a different time zone. This is a forum. When I checked in much had been said after I had gone to sleep. Its logical I would have a response. Anyone would if they were in my position.
04 Jan 2017, 11:38pm
Anna ReidYou do realize that you literally just drove someone off, don't you. Thanks to you, a good RP'er is gone now. Good job.

Anything else? Once again, I'm not responsible for how you interpret what I said. I didn't call YOU or anyone else immature. Responses were my subject, not you.
04 Jan 2017, 11:40pm
NsiteYou all seem to assume that you can say whatever you want, accuse, inflame and then just move on from it like it didn't happen. I'm in a different time zone. This is a forum. When I checked in much had been said after I had gone to sleep. Its logical I would have a response. Anyone would if they were in my position.

Perhaps, but judging how you've conducted yourself on this forum, I'm beginning to see why denying your membership into the IWG was probably the correct move. This will be where my interaction with you ends, though I do hope that you have a good rest of your day.
04 Jan 2017, 11:40pm
Nsite [...]And you all are in control of your own actions and reactions. You feel you want to leave? So be it. I didn't come here to play with children. The childish responses are rediculous to begin with

So, you're right - you called us children.

You're in a writers guild?
04 Jan 2017, 11:42pm
Nsite [...]And you all are in control of your own actions and reactions. You feel you want to leave? So be it. I didn't come here to play with children. The childish responses are rediculous to begin with

So, you're right - you called us children.

You're in a writers guild?

He and small core of writers founded it. We have a great time.
04 Jan 2017, 11:43pm
NsiteYou all seem to assume that you can say whatever you want, accuse, inflame and then just move on from it like it didn't happen. I'm in a different time zone. This is a forum. When I checked in much had been said after I had gone to sleep. Its logical I would have a response. Anyone would if they were in my position.

Perhaps, but judging how you've conducted yourself on this forum, I'm beginning to see why denying your membership into the IWG was probably the correct move. This will be where my interaction with you ends, though I do hope that you have a good rest of your day.

You didn't deny me. And if you're talking about having a backbone, I can understand why that might be threatening to you.

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