Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

22 Dec 2016, 7:07am
Maestro_57Geez guys stop gabbing here and go post.
There, I writed some stuffs... Happy?

Good but has nothing to do with me.
Well you never said that... Lol

Don't worry. I'm planning on bringing Luke back into the station soon enough. Although you may have to wait until after Xmas for that. There won't be a particular goal for him, so who knows what might happen then?

Lilith has a loose end or two to tie up, then she's disappearing to make another Logbook story.
22 Dec 2016, 7:11am
It's always a good time when I see 40 messages in the OOC chat. I get to laugh and judge.
22 Dec 2016, 7:13am
Anna ReidIt's always a good time when I see 40 messages in the OOC chat. I get to laugh and judge.
I'm aiming for an 8/10 but will be happy with at least a 6...
22 Dec 2016, 7:50am
Good ole elite community. I tried to avoid fighting mister poach in snake mode so I just ran lol. Also It would seem third person perspective is the preferred method, duly noted
23 Dec 2016, 4:56pm
Inter systems communications: Courier only or are there hyperspace comms? How long for a round trip messege to Sol system for example?
23 Dec 2016, 5:01pm
I'm not exactly clear on the methodology but hyperspace comms does seem to be a thing in Elite. In the novel "Wanted," k-casts between systems are common and are relatively instantaneous. There's other sources for this too but I'd have to go back and look for each example to be sure.
23 Dec 2016, 5:21pm
If you count gameplay it makes sense as well, since mission updates wouldn't really be possible (or at least as instantaneous) if it weren't for hyperspace comms
24 Dec 2016, 1:36am
Ok so we can play it as if we could make a pbone call from Inara to Sol.
24 Dec 2016, 4:21am
Maestro_57Ok so we can play it as if we could make a pbone call from Inara to Sol.

The (very) early fiction about Elite had it that there are all kinds of relay stations, satellites and rescue drones along the Witchspace routes so it's conceivable that there is hyperspace communication at a near instantaneous level. It falls apart a bit when you get outside of the bubble since there's no way that infrastructure exists 6000ly away from any settlement or station, but presumably the technology exists for what Star Trek would call "subspace communication".
24 Dec 2016, 4:26pm
All our ship clocks are synchronized. So why not communications, too?
27 Dec 2016, 2:12pm
I figure this is a minor detail, but wanted to ask anyway.

1. Personal weapons aren't considered Illegal in Inara, Y/N?
2. If they are legal, there is likely to be a weapon shop of sorts in the Shopping District, Y/N?
3. If there is a weapon store, it would make sense that said store would have a shooting gallery inside, Y/N?
27 Dec 2016, 5:01pm
1) Dunno. Probably? Everyone seems to carry.
2) Can you make money selling guns?
3) No self respecting gun shop wouldn't have a range.
27 Dec 2016, 5:51pm
So, how does one just jump into the role-play here? I've gone through and read some of the older posts. Do you just make up stuff and jump in? Or insert yourself into something that is going on? (based on some of the older posts I've read, this appears to turn into world war 3). Any suggestions?
27 Dec 2016, 6:14pm
Mhera BathanaSo, how does one just jump into the role-play here? I've gone through and read some of the older posts. Do you just make up stuff and jump in? Or insert yourself into something that is going on? (based on some of the older posts I've read, this appears to turn into world war 3). Any suggestions?

Most people start off in the bar. It's a familiar scene to everyone so it's easy to get the jist of the atmosphere and since it's a social area, you can start interacting right away or wait for someone to approach you first.

If there's something going on that interests you, feel free to get involved with it. 99% of the time you'll et sucked in and hopefully you'll enjoy what becomes of it. Just don't feel too put out if you encounter that 1% that are trying to do something specific and are limiting the characters to minimise variables. Just keep in mind that if they're rude in RP, it's the character. If they're rude here, it's 50/50 that it might be character or just an unpleasant person, although if it's the latter plenty of others will call them out on it. (For example, there's been many a heated debate between members in this section, but a few pages back you'll see Kyla and Myself bickering, but it was all in character. As was the argument between Jemine and Kyla before that. Once again that rule of "if you're unsure, just ask" comes into play)

Just be careful how your character goes, don't inundate with detail and try your best to stick to the lore where possible. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it, a few people have left the sites RP thinking of it as an "exclusive club" because others have critiscised their work. Usually it's because their characters and/or actions don't fit in with the Elite universe and whether from poor articulation of that fact from this side or because of unwillingness to relent from that side, it basically ends with an unecessary argument.

If you need help, ask away. We don't bite.... Mostly. If you're feeling shy, PM myself or another volunteer and most of us are willing to proofread/suggest/collaborate etc.
27 Dec 2016, 7:04pm
Mhera BathanaSo, how does one just jump into the role-play here? I've gone through and read some of the older posts. Do you just make up stuff and jump in? Or insert yourself into something that is going on? (based on some of the older posts I've read, this appears to turn into world war 3). Any suggestions?

Well, you could just crash your ship into a docking pad, then stagger over to the bar. Buy a round of drinks mumbling how awesome you are, then lob a grenade, make the "oh no, I have to save everyone" face, jump on it using your body as a sacrifice yourself because that's the noble thing to do. End up in the medical ward where your magically reconstructed (humma numa numa numa numa numa, cure light wounds) and you walk out unscathed....


You can land your ship sensibly. Meander around the station like a normal person, looking at various things, end up in the bar. Get a drink, drop some RP hooks and see who bites. Though it's quite dead in the RP sense as of now. I think the only real active participants right now are Luke and Isiah. I could be wrong.


If you have something specific in mind, just PM some of the regulars around here, and see if they can help you kick your role play adventure off.

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