Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Jan 2017, 2:25am
I think that ends up being a snag for a lot of newcomers to this community. It's not fun being singled out but if people can move past that initial reaction of "hey, they're taking issue with my writing/premise/ideas, etc." and take to heart what's being said, they'll develop more as writers.

Tbh I was expecting someone to point something out about my character at some point. Worries me if someone doesn't see something that needs to be adjusted.
01 Jan 2017, 6:10am
I personally didn't mind too much beyond the "its hard to take it seriously" level. Honestly it sometimes feels like anything beyond "strong (but humble) silent type that keeps to him/herself at the bar" is at risk of being discouraged.

And Isaiah, if no one has questioned my emotionless half-robot of a character with a borderline hidden blade ripoff embedded in her arm then I think you're good.

Actually I must say your, Stryker's and Luke's RP story was quite enjoyable to read.
01 Jan 2017, 6:32am
Cartlidge1000I personally didn't mind too much beyond the "its hard to take it seriously" level. Honestly it sometimes feels like anything beyond "strong (but humble) silent type that keeps to him/herself at the bar" is at risk of being discouraged.

And Isaiah, if no one has questioned my emotionless half-robot of a character with a borderline hidden blade ripoff embedded in her arm then I think you're good.

Actually I must say your, Stryker's and Luke's RP story was quite enjoyable to read.

Thanks.  It was quite a bit of fun.

I do think there's people trying to introduce some more nuanced characters, but they're going about it... not wrong. Just a little lacking in context, maybe. The way to fix that, I think, would be to detail the character a bit more - delve into their thoughts, illustrate their mannerisms. Things like that go a long way to presenting a character that doesn't fit the "strong-silent" archetype. Someone with a helmet that emotes seems like they might be eccentric or keen on expressing themselves in a way that the youth might.
01 Jan 2017, 9:41pm
Isaiah Evanson


Someone with a helmet that emotes seems like they might be eccentric or keen on expressing themselves in a way that the youth might.

Then they shouldn't expect to be taken seriously. Especially in settings like seedy bars.

Edit: unless the setting was some sort of techno-rave, where everyone would be doing it. Then again Stryker wouldn't have a high opinion of those types as well.
01 Jan 2017, 9:59pm
Indeed. There are... downsides to presenting one's character as eccentric and peculiar. But it's not impossible to work them into an intriguing storyline. It just requires a little finesse.
01 Jan 2017, 10:19pm
Isaiah EvansonIndeed. There are... downsides to presenting one's character as eccentric and peculiar. But it's not impossible to work them into an intriguing storyline. It just requires a little finesse.

Eccentric characters can be damn fun, but it's as you said, it's how they are presented. And if it's true that this helmet thing is a rip off from another games lore......

We've gone around and around and around with this before. There may be a way to redeem it, but it would require some ingenuity from Rowen.
03 Jan 2017, 3:42pm
I personally support Rowan, provided he keeps it limited and doesn't go overboard as we've seen previously. That said, there are occasions where, like Jacob said, it feels like anything beyond "gritty, serious/silent" types is pushed away.

Yet we accept these eccentricities when experienced RPers do it, like Strykers mole suit escapade. I do feel that if we can accept "one of our own" doing something like that, we should be willing to accept someone doing it off the bat, and trust that we will get context further down the line. If it bothers you that much, maybe send a quick PM asking politely if there's somewhere he/she/it is going with it. Or alternatively, just don't RP with them.

This kinda circles back to the debate that ensued when I entered. I can't find the exact post butI believe I said something along the lines of "If we only allow for brown, gritty RPers the RP will become dull and boring. Filled with samey characters with samey traits and stories." To which I recieved the response "Real life is grey and dull so the RP should be too." or words to that effect. Well... The fact this conversation is arising yet again, should be evidence enough that interesting characters exist beyond the realms of RP and story writing.

An alternative idea is to have another RP subforum labelled 'Lore Free', where anyone can do as they please, with whatever wild fantasy they wish. This would add the benefit that we can see the mad and wonderful ideas people come up with, and if anyone sees a writer who has posted some interesting stuff, there's no reason not to suggest they transfer across to the Lore Friendly RP sections at some point.

TL;DR: Yes there should be a cap on how mad and eccentric RP characters can be, in order to keep it grounded within the Elite lore. However, I think that we are occasionally far too restrictive. If we want the RP to flourish, we need to allow for greater variety. Or we can make a Lore Free subsection for RP that allows people to do what they like.
03 Jan 2017, 3:57pm
Deleted post:
I felt that it wasn't helpful.
03 Jan 2017, 5:51pm
On another note. Attention those of you who interacted with Luke in the RP forums.

This means, Stryker, Jacob and Amarthanor (and anyone else it concerns). I'm aware using other peoples characters in Logbook stories is frowned upon without first asking the owner of said character. But given that, for me anyway, the events within the RP dictate aspects of logbook stories I opted to write a brief(ish) overview of Lukes adventures in Citi Gateway.

This obviously means I have used characters such as Marybelle, Ten, Jacob, even a brief mention of Marra Morgan (in relation to the short bit of espionage that occured). I haven't taken liberties. Only described the events as seen from Lukes perspective. In other words, I haven't said any of these characters did anything more than what happened in the RP forums.

I mention it here, and now, because Lukes visit was considerably shorter than Liliths, and while I wish to do the same for hers, I'd rather get an all clear or a "please remove" from those involved before writing a multiple part story that ends up being thoroughly edited or completely deleted because people were unhappy. Also, a public announcement was easier than trying to scroll through each page, looking for every possible interaction and asking each user for permission. (Which also translates to, I never thought to ask until I was practically done :-/ )

So if you are unhappy. Please tell me, either here or via PM as I otherwise have no way to tell if there is a problem. I also appreciate this may make me seem like a presumptious twat, for that I apologise. But I thank you in advance for understanding.
03 Jan 2017, 5:55pm
Yet we accept these eccentricities when experienced RPers do it, like Strykers mole suit escapade. I do feel that if we can accept "one of our own" doing something like that, we should be willing to accept someone doing it off the bat, and trust that we will get context further down the line. If it bothers you that much, maybe send a quick PM asking politely if there's somewhere he/she/it is going with it. Or alternatively, just don't RP with them.

I should have you know, that I did not introduce Stryker in such a fashion. He didn't barge into InGaBa on his very first post wearing a mole singlet, shouting, "look at me, I'm different. See, I'm Difffffeeeeerrrreeeeennnnt!" The only reason why it was allowed, and worked (sorta) was because I spent months, and countless RP post subtly introducing his quirks and eccentricities. Painting him as a man that would -do- something like that when push came to shove. Which it did.

First impressions are very important. It is often hard for people to shake off the initial impression garnered by a person (I know I do).

Rowen, after meditating on it for some time, I've come to the conclusion, for me, the mask is fine, it was the execution of it, that was a bit too strong.

I am opposed to "Lore Free." That is a shit show waiting to happen. Lore provides guidelines and guidelines are important to paint a "uniformed" and "coherent" setting. Without that, its going to turn into a mess of who has the bigger guns, and better force fields. Ultimately resulting in god like beings destroying planets to prove who is the biggest and baddest of them all. If that's what you want, I suggest turning your attention of Dragon Ball. There is plenty of that there.
03 Jan 2017, 6:26pm
Stryker (and the rest of you for that matter)

I appreciate the candor and collected way you've chosen to handle this current situation. I also admire the intelligence of this group, the effort so many of you put in to story, and the ability to articulate clearly what your positions are without being overly offensive or confrontational. It's the recipe for a good thing.

But an outsiders opinion, for a moment, as you tackle the topic of RP and it's growth as well as a healthy environment for those who wish to participate:

First impressions are important, this is absolutely true- they should not, however, be the only lasting one a person formulates or makes- if that were the case, I would have stopped trying to participate here already.

My character has not barged into a conversation with over eccentricities, has a log based in lore, and I am a capable pilot. I have made an effort to be interesting enough with his development, yet cordial and approachable enough to be engaged in each of my entries. My attempts to introduce my character have gone virtually unnoticed each time. Besides the 'introductions' portion of this site, I have seen little to no interaction. I am not the best storyteller I am sure, but I engage well, (extremely well) when engaged. My job in real life, and in literary performances such as these, has always been to compliment the better writers than I am with meaningful interaction and contribution.

But obviously this is not all about me- no good RP ever is, so most of my time here has been spent reading the RP as it transpires, and getting to know you people by taking an interest in your work in the hopes it might lend myself to an opportunity to participate. Not to toot my own horn or sound better than, but this is a social trait many do not have, especially the types that engage in RP activities. Lets be honest, and no fault to anyone for it. I learned it in my field, its invaluable to invest in the work of others, whether they're good, or bad- whether you like their work or don't.

This is not a slight, as I am one of the biggest proponents of storytelling you will ever meet, but if a person does not understand that RP is essentially ALL about ego then they don't really understand storytelling at all. So confrontations like this among actors should not be uncommon, or a death curse. It's just part of the clashing of big personalities. People should be forgiven here, always. The more versed and season drivers of the narrative should step in and help, if the goal is to truly have an engaging environment potential to host monumental story and possibility. We've all been to a bad film, watched bad television, and listened to bad music. Rarely, but not often, do people stop watching a broadcast or station in response to a single episode or program produced- and even more telling is how someone will continue to listen to an artist they do like even though one of their songs was a train wreck.

Ego is not always a bad thing, and in a lot of cases its necessary- it's the self-attribution of importance, history, culture, and purpose that gives each one of these story lines life- but a lot of the times that ego is really difficult to discern from 'self' and the two get mixed up somehow- someone says something someone else doesn't like, or doesn't say it the way they would have, so suddenly they're not 'the right fit' for your story. Think about that for a second...

One of the best Stage Performers I've ever met, who is to this day one of the best in his class (and I'm sure many of you have seen him on television) said that the greatest performances are the ones where you are able to adapt to the unexpected, and make something brilliant out of an otherwise ordinary circumstance.

Sanford Meisner built his entire instructional body of work on the notion that you get a much more authentic and meaningful performance out of responding to your fellow actors rather than trying to perform for them- to notice what others are doing and have a response is more human than pretending to have an action.

To those of you who were kind enough to respond to my interest both publicly and privately I thank you. I know a lot of you have a great deal of time invested into your work- some take it more seriously than others, and no one should pass judgment for that. But what I see a lot of is a circle of friends that chooses who they like or dont like, who they feel is acting appropriately or not, and that body of people really does dictate who is included or not- whether inadvertently or otherwise.

Sometimes people can surprise you, often those are good surprises. Popularity contests are for high school kids, if grown ups take it seriously you're likely to end up with Trump as President some day.

I'm no big deal, but I have been in the film industry many years now. I've seen, participated, produced, and had the privilege of working with and along side some incredible talent. Same goes here as does there, the most important aspect of any performance is Story- and when you don't invest in people who care about that above all else, you're compromising. They call it a Theater 'Troop' for a reason. If you all aren't building each other up, you'll tear the whole thing down together.

Just my 2 cents, because I care about story.


-The New Guy
03 Jan 2017, 6:43pm
Stryker Aune
Yet we accept these eccentricities when experienced RPers do it, like Strykers mole suit escapade. I do feel that if we can accept "one of our own" doing something like that, we should be willing to accept someone doing it off the bat, and trust that we will get context further down the line. If it bothers you that much, maybe send a quick PM asking politely if there's somewhere he/she/it is going with it. Or alternatively, just don't RP with them.
I should have you know, that I did not introduce Stryker in such a fashion. He didn't barge into InGaBa on his very first post wearing a mole singlet, shouting, "look at me, I'm different. See, I'm Difffffeeeeerrrreeeeennnnt!" The only reason why it was allowed, and worked (sorta) was because I spent months, and countless RP post subtly introducing his quirks and eccentricities. Painting him as a man that would -do- something like that when push came to shove. Which it did.
I am opposed to "Lore Free." That is a shit show waiting to happen. Lore provides guidelines and guidelines are important to paint a "uniformed" and "coherent" setting. Without that, its going to turn into a mess of who has the bigger guns, and better force fields. Ultimately resulting in god like beings destroying planets to prove who is the biggest and baddest of them all. If that's what you want, I suggest turning your attention of Dragon Ball. There is plenty of that there.
I didn't mean to imply you did it as a first introduction. Maybe that was poor articulation on my behalkf, so I apologise. My point was simply that to someone who enters new, that may well have been what they saw as the 'norm', and then felt shoved or bullied because while you were allowed, he/she got pulled up on copying it. It has to be mentioned that sometimes people appear to be demonstrating that they are different, not because they want 'special snowflake' status. But simply because they are different. But how do you tell the difference really?

As for the Lore Free section. The idea would be that it functions as a seperate 'community'. If it descends into chaos, so be it. If people begin complaining about it, we say "well there's always the Lore Friendly section, but you need to adhere to these rules to participate". It would have no impact on the RP we know of now. In fact, one of the main rules would be that RP within that section is not permitted to spill over into the Lore Friendly section. (Also, I dislike DragonBall Z).

And Nsite, Well put.
03 Jan 2017, 6:49pm
-The New Guy

Excellent post.

Inara needs a rep button!
03 Jan 2017, 6:54pm
Additional Note: A chaotic 'Lore Free' subforum would also serve as a place to direct people to when trying to get examples of why we are questioning the persons writings. Rather than resort to another 'Marybelle Incident'

Or a successful one gets more people to visit the site and join in. It's win win really.
03 Jan 2017, 7:24pm
Luke3107Additional Note: A chaotic 'Lore Free' subforum would also serve as a place to direct people to when trying to get examples of why we are questioning the persons writings. Rather than resort to another 'Marybelle Incident'

Or a successful one gets more people to visit the site and join in. It's win win really.

Is that what we are calling it now, the Marrybelle incident?

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