Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jan 2017, 10:20pm
I treated the Pilots Federation membership like it was a drivers licence of sorts. Training facilities all over the place that are easily accessible.

Also, as Phisto said the Pilots Federation is an independant thing. Not affiliated with the Federation itself nor is it against the Empire. It's essentially a database of independant Pilots, or at least that's how I picture it.

As far as I know, it's unclear if NPCs are members of the PF. Personally, I treat them as though they are hired help with permission to pilot a vessel with certain restrictions. It allows for the justification that RL players are granted the title CMDR but NPCs aren't. That said, it is how I personally view it. Not a stoneclad rule.
04 Jan 2017, 10:20pm
The title of "Commander" is not one to be taken lightly.  
04 Jan 2017, 10:40pm
Isaiah EvansonThe title of "Commander" is not one to be taken lightly.  

Hmmm... idea. : )
04 Jan 2017, 10:47pm
Isaiah EvansonThe title of "Commander" is not one to be taken lightly.  

I'm not so sure about this. NPC pilots most certainly have Pilots Federation rankings (ie, Harmless, Deadly, Elite). I've always viewed the CMDR title simply being there for gameplay reasons, to help distinguish players from NPCs at a glance. Being interdicted by 'Turd Ferguson' might be routine and mildly inconvenient, but when it changes to 'CMDR Turd Ferguson', the situation is dramatically different.

I also don't see the Pilots Federation as being particularly choosy or even difficult to get into. I view it as the 34th century equivalent of a driver's license, but with a hint of unpredictability and a certain amount of awe and dread from planet-bound citizens. If you can demonstrate basic starship piloting competency, you're nominally a member and are permitted to fly between systems and access mission boards. Most pilots will never get very far up the ranks, and the exclusivity and prestige goes up dramatically as you rise to the higher echelons.

To be sure, there's a separate "Elite Pilots Federation", sort of an organization within an organization. This one is the more restrictive and prestigious membership.
04 Jan 2017, 10:52pm
Tisiphone Moreau
Isaiah EvansonThe title of "Commander" is not one to be taken lightly.  

I'm not so sure about this. NPC pilots most certainly have Pilots Federation rankings (ie, Harmless, Deadly, Elite). I've always viewed the CMDR title simply being there for gameplay reasons, to help distinguish players from NPCs at a glance. Being interdicted by 'Turd Ferguson' might be routine and mildly inconvenient, but when it changes to 'CMDR Turd Ferguson', the situation is dramatically different.

I also don't see the Pilots Federation as being particularly choosy or even difficult to get into. I view it as the 34th century equivalent of a driver's license, but with a hint of unpredictability and a certain amount of awe and dread from planet-bound citizens. If you can demonstrate basic starship piloting competency, you're nominally a member and are permitted to fly between systems and access mission boards. Most pilots will never get very far up the ranks, and the exclusivity and prestige goes up dramatically as you rise to the higher echelons.

To be sure, there's a separate "Elite Pilots Federation", sort of an organization within an organization. This one is the more restrictive and prestigious membership.

I think the PF assigns combat ranks to non-member pilots for the sake of convenience. It could also be a gameplay thing, to give players an idea of what to expect from an opponent. Could be wrong though.

There is an argument to be made that all pilots are members of the PF, but not all of them are members of the Elite Federation of Pilots. I just tend to think the PF is a bit more exclusive because people tend to regard Commanders, no matter their rank, as a cut above the rank and file of human space - generally speaking.

That said, it's still fairly unclear exactly what the PF's admission standards are, if there are any. I wish FDEV would do an info dump like they did with the different superpower governments and tell us exactly how people get to become Commanders, and if there are any special qualifications needed to become one.
04 Jan 2017, 10:55pm
Newsletter #22 has been the most detail I've been able to dig up so far (and I've done a lot of looking!).
04 Jan 2017, 10:57pm
I apologize if some of you were offended by my accusations. If people leave a role play environment because of a debate going on in OOC, might be best they re-evaluate their grasp of the difference between RP and reality to begin with. I'm not going to change my position no matter how much you all try and demonize it.

What do you really want me to say, I must have 'read it wrong?'. I'm not five years old, and my 10 year old could see the sidestepped backhanded passive aggressiveness in said post.

And you all are in control of your own actions and reactions. You feel you want to leave? So be it. I didn't come here to play with children. The childish responses are rediculous to begin with.
04 Jan 2017, 10:58pm
04 Jan 2017, 10:59pm
I took a short course of lessons, which gave me the basic standard ability required by the PF. The course left a lot out, mind you...
04 Jan 2017, 11:02pm
And honestly after reading all the roleplay? Every page? All six of you pretty much sidestep most of the newcomers anyway. You want to leave because some new people disagree that it's ok to bully and personal attack in RP? Leave already. Then maybe we can usher in a new era of more inclusive less threatening and accepting story to begin with.
04 Jan 2017, 11:09pm
NsiteI apologize if some of you were offended by my accusations. If people leave a role play environment because of a debate going on in OOC, might be best they re-evaluate their grasp of the difference between RP and reality to begin with. I'm not going to change my position no matter how much you all try and demonize it.

What do you really want me to say, I must have 'read it wrong?'. I'm not five years old, and my 10 year old could see the sidestepped backhanded passive aggressiveness in said post.

And you all are in control of your own actions and reactions. You feel you want to leave? So be it. I didn't come here to play with children. The childish responses are rediculous to begin with.

NsiteAnd honestly after reading all the roleplay? Every page? All six of you pretty much sidestep most of the newcomers anyway. You want to leave because some new people disagree that it's ok to bully and personal attack in RP? Leave already. Then maybe we can usher in a new era of more inclusive less threatening and accepting story to begin with.

Not sure if you've been paying attention, but we're talking about something else now. Let it go.
04 Jan 2017, 11:11pm
Duly noted your excellency.
04 Jan 2017, 11:12pm
For the new people, make sure you know 'who's who around here.'

It matters WAAAAAY more than you think.
04 Jan 2017, 11:17pm
NsiteFor the new people, make sure you know 'who's who around here.'

It matters WAAAAAY more than you think.

Dude. Just stop. Seriously, you came out of nowhere swinging a massive wall of text around. No one knows who you are.

Demonstrate why your opinion matters, then share it.

This is not a concept unique to this website.
04 Jan 2017, 11:22pm
Tisiphone I was quite clear and logical why I swung my wall of text around, and was crucified for it. If logic escapes most of you, that's not my problem. It's very clear my position. Crystal.

The fact you said 'no one knows who you are' by the way only echoes my point.

Anyone with a grade school literacy level can figure out right and wrong for themselves.

You're asking me justify why personal attacks in Role Play are a bad thing- I did it in OOC, and half your role players left because it 'affected their role play'.


Last edit: 05 Jan 2017, 12:03am

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