Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Dec 2016, 7:10pm
Stryker Aune
Mhera BathanaSo, how does one just jump into the role-play here? I've gone through and read some of the older posts. Do you just make up stuff and jump in? Or insert yourself into something that is going on? (based on some of the older posts I've read, this appears to turn into world war 3). Any suggestions?

Though it's quite dead in the RP sense as of now. I think the only real active participants right now are Luke and Isiah. I could be wrong.

I'd put this down to it being the festive season. I imagine it will pick up again after the New Years.
27 Dec 2016, 7:34pm
Work too - it's a busy time of year for some people (like me!).
27 Dec 2016, 7:44pm
That's kinda what I meant, one half are busy working loads, the other half is spending the holidays with family and friends.

Then there's the plebs like me who only realised it was a holiday because a tree appeared in the local shopping mall
27 Dec 2016, 9:19pm
Another question, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Should what I do in game reflect what I RP here? As in I haven't smuggled yet in game, so should the RP I do reflect that I've never smuggled? How parellel should the two be to each other?
27 Dec 2016, 9:27pm
As parallel or as far apart as you like.

My character Luke is a representation of me, and based on my in game exploits, up to, and including ranks and alliances. He's even had a slightly altered surgery based on my own real life experiences. (I.e. He does jobs that might entertain him, does things that might challenge him and aims to avoid trouble.)

However Lilith is probably the one I've RP'd as most at this point, and I haven't done in game, a lot of what she's done in her RP or Logbook stories. (Has multiple active bounties in various systems, is hostile to both the Empire and Federation, fairly hostile towards everyone she meets. Also... Is a woman...)

As an addendum: Whichever you choose, it is wise to stick to what you know. So if you are unfamiliar with the nuances of smuggling, let it show in your character. But if you try to blag it, someone might call you out on it
27 Dec 2016, 9:32pm
Mhera BathanaAnother question, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Should what I do in game reflect what I RP here? As in I haven't smuggled yet in game, so should the RP I do reflect that I've never smuggled? How parellel should the two be to each other?

90% of what I do in game has absolutely nothing to do with what I've RPed here and vise versa. I sometimes use in game events or situations to provide inspirarion

Last edit: 28 Dec 2016, 12:40am
27 Dec 2016, 9:37pm
This is a BIG QUESTION for all those with active RP storylines in Inara.

Some of you may been reading the posts of a new PC called Mr. Poach.  He started a storyline and my character Alivar Gold (also new to Inara but not to RP) decided to join in.  Luke also helped out with my request for him to RP Branders.

We have been waiting a couple of days now for Mr. Poach to post and answer some questions in PM, but have not heard from him.  In my opinion, he started what could be an interesting story for several-to-many PC's but what he did could have a station-wide impact.  This is the reason I am trying to start this discussion to decide where this should go or to drop it (re-write history) if Poach does not return.

The crux of the matter, is that in his first post (likely unwittingly) Poach U.A.-bombed Inara!  The effects have not been seen yet, and I have a few ideas of how my PC can advise station security to act, and I have some other ideas about what to do...

But the jist is, that if we go down this story line, there will likely be some (big or small) effects in Inara, and the station governance (probably made up of us playing various station NPCs) will need to make some decisions about what to do.

So let's discuss this here...
27 Dec 2016, 10:25pm
Mhera BathanaAnother question, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Should what I do in game reflect what I RP here? As in I haven't smuggled yet in game, so should the RP I do reflect that I've never smuggled? How parellel should the two be to each other?

As I'm new as well, I've focused on the old adage "write what you know," so I'm sticking, more or less, to what I do in-game and with my wing on Inara.
27 Dec 2016, 10:36pm
Stryker Aune
Mhera BathanaSo, how does one just jump into the role-play here? I've gone through and read some of the older posts. Do you just make up stuff and jump in? Or insert yourself into something that is going on? (based on some of the older posts I've read, this appears to turn into world war 3). Any suggestions?

Well, you could just crash your ship into a docking pad, then stagger over to the bar. Buy a round of drinks mumbling how awesome you are, then lob a grenade, make the "oh no, I have to save everyone" face, jump on it using your body as a sacrifice yourself because that's the noble thing to do. End up in the medical ward where your magically reconstructed (humma numa numa numa numa numa, cure light wounds) and you walk out unscathed....


You can land your ship sensibly. Meander around the station like a normal person, looking at various things, end up in the bar. Get a drink, drop some RP hooks and see who bites. Though it's quite dead in the RP sense as of now. I think the only real active participants right now are Luke and Isiah. I could be wrong.


If you have something specific in mind, just PM some of the regulars around here, and see if they can help you kick your role play adventure off.

In my defense, I landed the ship well and was poisoned not drunk when I almost could have blown up on a nonexistent grenade hallucination.
27 Dec 2016, 10:42pm
Deadeye Snipes
Stryker Aune
Mhera BathanaSo, how does one just jump into the role-play here? I've gone through and read some of the older posts. Do you just make up stuff and jump in? Or insert yourself into something that is going on? (based on some of the older posts I've read, this appears to turn into world war 3). Any suggestions?

Well, you could just crash your ship into a docking pad, then stagger over to the bar. Buy a round of drinks mumbling how awesome you are, then lob a grenade, make the "oh no, I have to save everyone" face, jump on it using your body as a sacrifice yourself because that's the noble thing to do. End up in the medical ward where your magically reconstructed (humma numa numa numa numa numa, cure light wounds) and you walk out unscathed....


You can land your ship sensibly. Meander around the station like a normal person, looking at various things, end up in the bar. Get a drink, drop some RP hooks and see who bites. Though it's quite dead in the RP sense as of now. I think the only real active participants right now are Luke and Isiah. I could be wrong.


If you have something specific in mind, just PM some of the regulars around here, and see if they can help you kick your role play adventure off.

In my defense, I landed the ship well and was poisoned not drunk when I almost could have blown up on a nonexistent grenade hallucination.

We still love you, and you learned oodles from the whole ordeal!
Edit: Deadeye, I wasn't trying to pick on you specifically. I was just making a point as some of the various methods of introduction.

Last edit: 27 Dec 2016, 10:58pm
27 Dec 2016, 10:52pm
Maestro_57This is a BIG QUESTION for all those with active RP storylines in Inara.


The crux of the matter, is that in his first post (likely unwittingly) Poach U.A.-bombed Inara!  The effects have not been seen yet, and I have a few ideas of how my PC can advise station security to act, and I have some other ideas about what to do...

But the jist is, that if we go down this story line, there will likely be some (big or small) effects in Inara, and the station governance (probably made up of us playing various station NPCs) will need to make some decisions about what to do.

So let's discuss this here...

Here is my take on it.


I would do, what the Captain of the Titanic didn't, and steer away from that iceberg...
No one man has enough power to influence an entire system (in this case when you say Inara, you mean Citi-Gateway station) its inhabitants, and governing authority. UA's may be a thing in game, but it won't fly here on the forums because you are essentially ramming your RP down other peoples throat and saying "deal with it..."

It won't turn out well for you. Much hurt feelings, yadda yadda yadda, shit storm on the OOC forums, etc.

My advice is if you want to do something along the lines of a UA bombing, move it over to the Off Station thread, make up a outpost (I would shy away from an actual full blown space station, its too large and complicated and I don't think it would be feasible to shut one down (that pesky suspending disbelief thing...)) and have at it there.

That way your not forcing others into it. And, you could leave it open to invention for others that might want to join in.
27 Dec 2016, 10:57pm
Stryker Aune
My advice is if you want to do something along the lines of a UA bombing, move it over to the Off Station thread, make up a outpost (I would shy away from an actual full blown space station, its too large and complicated and I don't think it would be feasible to shut one down (that pesky suspending disbelief thing...)) and have at it there.

That way your not forcing others into it. And, you could leave it open to invention for others that might want to join in.

If Citi Gateway was actually UA bombed in-game, then I would fully accept it happening in the RP.

Otherwise - nah.
27 Dec 2016, 10:59pm
Marra Morgan
Stryker Aune
My advice is if you want to do something along the lines of a UA bombing, move it over to the Off Station thread, make up a outpost (I would shy away from an actual full blown space station, its too large and complicated and I don't think it would be feasible to shut one down (that pesky suspending disbelief thing...)) and have at it there.

That way your not forcing others into it. And, you could leave it open to invention for others that might want to join in.

If Citi Gateway was actually UA bombed in-game, then I would fully accept it happening in the RP.

Otherwise - nah.

Good point. I agree.
27 Dec 2016, 11:57pm
Let's not give anyone any ideas.
28 Dec 2016, 1:01am
This is going to be extremely unlike me to say, but if someone actually went to the effort and grind of UA bombing City Gateway just to have it suit their RP, I would actually find myself totally willing to roll with that in RP.

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