Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jan 2017, 1:47am
Mhera BathanaI will be taking my leave.

Sorry to have unconvinced anyone.

My comment wasn't directed at you.
04 Jan 2017, 3:24am
A malevolent spin? Wow. I definitely will not say another word. I'll go ahead and take it up the ladder. Have a good one. For the record I went to bat for the one who got the short end of the stick here, not the person who's playing the victim for treating another human being like less than. Malevolent spin. My lord.

Xeknos, and that would be because somebody who's barely been here a few days had something to say about the behavior they see? Because if that's all it takes to bust up RP around here it's probably for the best. If you'd rather participate in a toxic environment because your good time depends on it at someone else's expense, you can keep it. Considering this is all happening in OOC I don't see how it has any bearing on roleplay- or your experience, as you've never had to interact with me.

Direct your comments to me though, feel free to use my name. I won't be offended, I have thick skin. I know the difference between roleplay and a genuine intention to beat someone up in a disrespectful way. I can handle the swings. But so far nobody has given one viable argument as to why it's ok to treat people poorly, other than the person who treated someone poorly- ironically she actually has a point. I don't agree with it but at least it was beyond accusatory vitriol with zero substance behind it.

Simon, and whoever else is in your wing, you can withdraw my name from consideration. I'm good

Last edit: 04 Jan 2017, 3:59am
04 Jan 2017, 4:09am
Oh no... I was having fun with our little roleplay so far too... (in spite of my piss-poor response time)

I'm sad now.
04 Jan 2017, 4:17am
Can we all take a step back for a second and relax, before somebody says something they'll regret? Everyone just take a deep breath.

Okay, deep breath taken.

Let's try to act like rational adults here for a second and think about why we RP in the first place. It varies from person to person obviously, but I think, in general, we all tend to RP because a.) we enjoy writing and b.) we enjoy seeing what others write. 

That said, people will have varying levels of writing proficiency and knowledge of Elite's lore. I think it goes without saying that calling people out on gross abuses of the lore is necessary, but it doesn't have to be done in a condescending or demeaning way. Just the same, going after someone for grammatical errors can be done constructively.

The back-and-forth accusations are pretty harmful to the perception people may have of this part of Inara, and that's something we should all take into consideration. We should try to be more aware of our attitudes towards new people and how we might come across to them if we approach them about something.

I just want to see everyone relax and chill out. Debate if you want, but don't.. y'know, bite someone's head off or have a volatile reaction if someone disagrees with you. We're all friends here. Right?

Last edit: 04 Jan 2017, 4:35am
04 Jan 2017, 4:29am
Thank you Isaiah for bringing sense to this madness.

Honestly with all the bickering, I think we may have scared off Rowen. Doesn't that kind of defeat the entire purpose?
04 Jan 2017, 4:30am
Well said Isaiah. Being one of the new who's still formulating an opinion here, I appreciate your perspective. Big time. I hate to say it but this probably isn't the only avenue to engage in a meaningful way with others who appreciate the Elite Universe. Been in enough social situations to be able to gauge the audience and community, and how it responds to critique and or polarizing topics. The strong ones take it in stride, they look at opportunities for improvement, not avenues to justify, divert, and or dismiss what was brought to their attention- whether they agree or otherwise. Those are my kind of people. At least now there won't be any confusion as to where I stand on these matters. Fly safe Commanders. Still having an incredible time out there with those who are willing to participate in a more inclusive fashion.
04 Jan 2017, 4:34am
Cartlidge1000Thank you Isaiah for bringing sense to this madness.

Honestly with all the bickering, I think we may have scared off Rowen. Doesn't that kind of defeat the entire purpose?

My fears exactly. I haven't seen him post since. :\
04 Jan 2017, 4:40am
It wasn't the bickering, he stopped commenting and left his final thought many hours before this even came up. It was pretty clear he wasn't 'feelin' it here- and it's precisely why I spoke up. Ironically doing so became the reason why now some believe he left in the first place.

But that's none of my business...
04 Jan 2017, 5:06am
Mhera may not have exicuted her RP well, but she did take it to the OCC forums. I suprised she was stringed her up for that, after all it was suggested that clear communication is key.

But what I saw, is, using that it to further tighten the noose. That makes it incredibly unsafe situation to open dialogue.

From what I see, there is a claim that the culture here is toxic. I'll tell you what toxic is...

I am an analytical chemist is real life. I work for the National Enforcement Investigation Center, the law enforcement branch of the Environment Protection Agency. The summer of 2016 saw over 1800 reports of the misuse of Dicamba, one resulting in a farmer blowing the brains out of another. In 2015, there were only 500 give or take. Next year it is projected to be over 2500.

Dicamba is an herbicide used to kill weeds, and it is quite good at it. In fact it's quite good at killing any broad leaf plant the utilizes photosynthesis. Dicamba can only be applied on crops resistant to it, at a very specific time of year, under extremely specific weather conditions. Why? Because if the applied Dicamba plums, and is caught in the wind, it can be carried over to neighboring fields, whos crops may not be Dicamba resistant. And that's the problem.

So what does that have to do here?

Wasn't it state that judgmental ass hat RPers should be weeded out to cultivate a flourishing healthy environment for all? (I'm paraphrasing I may be wrong). In a way Dicamba was sprayed all over this site. The intention may be good, and it's clear that some crops are resistant to it. But I can tell you this. After seeing the way this situation was handled, my crop has been poisoned. I have no desire to roleplay here anymore. Did anyone bother to spot weed? Did anyone contact Mhera via PM? Maybe she's is playing the victim. Or maybe she has been cut her deep. I'm not justifying her behaviour good or bad, but something I am working on, is giving the benefit of the doubt. I was hoping that Rowen would stick around. And I do believe I saw a post from Mhera where she stated she was sorry for stirring up the pot.

Nsite, you are a very specific, and detailed person and I have no doubt in my mind that you have gone back through the RP, and have seen the myriad of judgmental and not so kind posts that I have made. I should be up on the gally just as much as Mhera.

Was there once a time in your early RP endeavours where you made a mistake? Let's be kind. As Isaiah put it, we are all here for different reasons, and with different expectations. Let's be kind to each other.

Blunt words are often wall builders. They don't often work, unless the person specifically asks for it.

Also, long posts like this, is hell composing on a phone.

This isn't meant to shame anyone. It's my perspective, take it or leave it.

Last edit: 04 Jan 2017, 5:14am
04 Jan 2017, 5:06am
And again, everything is taken out of context and there are no winners in the end. Not the first time this occurred and it will again.
04 Jan 2017, 5:18am
I can't speak for anyone else, but I write what I know. I am incapable of opening up in just about any way in real life. It causes many problems for people around me. My character is an analogue for various real life facets that don't mesh well with social interaction yet in the story of a digital facsimile, nobody is any worse for the exposure. I had received criticism from some of the community for my character in the past, but that's fine because I know it's not personal. I've been working on books for 2 decades yet have never published anything because I don't like that portion of my mind being opened for all to see. As such, rp here is precisely an exercise for me personally to build confidence. I am more confident looking down the barrel of a gun than letting others read my characters. Yet without constructive feedback, how could anyone be expected to grow. My 2 cents on the matter because I'm new and have seen both sides and am better off for it here. Everyone has a story to tell, some just get better publishing.

Last edit: 04 Jan 2017, 5:32am
04 Jan 2017, 5:23am
Since we're sharing, I'm new here as well, and what brings me here is a chance to explore characters and stories that have just developed in my mind as I've played Elite.  This game is such a good sand box, and for what it's worth, not taking myself too seriously and just looking for a bit of fun is what I'm about.  The few interactions I've had have been great, and I hope the ones involved got a kick or two as well.

Thoughts from the FNG, carry on.
04 Jan 2017, 5:25am

Thoughts from the FNG, carry on.

04 Jan 2017, 7:30am
Im not looking to ostercize anyone, target anyone, or ruin anyone's play. Why don't we just move forward and see what happens? Many of you have a position, as do I- lets leave it at that and see if there's room for both.
04 Jan 2017, 7:51am
New to INARA and this rp, what should I know to get started?

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