Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jan 2017, 7:54am
You do realize that you literally just drove someone off, don't you. Thanks to you, a good RP'er is gone now. Good job.
04 Jan 2017, 8:09am
After reading this discussion I'm done RPing here, too. Bye o7
04 Jan 2017, 8:35am
04 Jan 2017, 8:37am
Anna ReidYou do realize that you literally just drove someone off, don't you. Thanks to you, a good RP'er is gone now. Good job.

Sadly you're still here.
04 Jan 2017, 8:47am
I'm really not going to get into it with you today. There's enough toxicity being thrown around without you adding to it.
04 Jan 2017, 8:52am
Can we not? Please?
04 Jan 2017, 8:54am
Seriously, guys, what the hell? Chill out.

EDIT: Oh, Isaiah, say hi to Corrigendum for me. I haven't spoken to that guy in a while.
04 Jan 2017, 8:56am
Desert Fox CXVIISeriously, guys, what the hell? Chill out.

EDIT: Oh, Isaiah, say hi to Corrigendum for me. I haven't spoken to that guy in a while.

Can do. 
04 Jan 2017, 9:09am
Anna ReidI'm really not going to get into it with you today. There's enough toxicity being thrown around without you adding to it.

Read your own replies and think on them before you accuse others of being toxic. Not reacting well to your own medicine eh? And yes, done here too. Not going to lower my standards any more.
04 Jan 2017, 9:09am
You guys are right, I'll stop. My bad.

Last edit: 04 Jan 2017, 9:54am
04 Jan 2017, 10:11am
KazickNew to INARA and this rp, what should I know to get started?

The RP here is grounded in Elite Lore, and all the in-game rules apply here too. So while strange and wonderful things may happen, they do have to be possible to an extent. That's really the main thing.

Please don't be dissuaded by the disagreement that has been going on, unfortunately there is something of an uncertainty about what is and isn't suitable within the RP, and as a result several people have felt singled out and/or have announced their departure from either RP or the site altogether. This might mean it takes a while for someone to join in with you but feel free to just initiate an interaction yourself if no one is taking your bait.
04 Jan 2017, 11:31am
Speaking of which, I'm feeling a little lost now too.

I had hoped that Lilith would meet up with Stryker at some point, as that interaction could have been a very interesting clash of personalities. I was looking to bring Luke in to see Ten again, and meet Mhera at the same time.

Perhaps in the future Lilith and Luke could have met in the bar, which may well have instigated a very widely inclusive story with peoples loyalties being tested, for example, (without making presumptions of course), Jacob and Ten I imagine would take the side of Luke, Stryker may feel obliged to stand by Lilith for whatever reason, and Isaiah and Cait would be stuck wondering what side to take given Lilith is essentially a career criminal while Luke prefers to keep his nose clean.

However with the wave of people announcing their departure, some of those seeds have now been lost. Fortunately the Lilith/Glaboski story has met something of a conclusion, with a possibility of a 'sequel' of sorts. But a sequel seems like nothing more than a pipe dream at this point.

This isn't me saying I am leaving. I want to stay and contribute. But sadly, I really don't know how to proceed at this point.

Nsite, I hope you will continue your RP despite everything. I sense something interesting could come from it, it was an interesting way to initiate an RP. I would have joined in myself had I realised your intention was to hook whoever took the bait.

Rowen, I hope you'll continue also as despite feeling initially uncertain about a character with emotes on his face, I have grown to enjoy following him. Although if Lilith comes along, don't expect a similar response from her of course.

Mhera, I hope you'll see this as simply a hazard of multiple personalities converging to write one big story. It was, and is, refreshing to see someone play a character that isn't a 'gun-ho, stern, no nonsense pilot who only wants credits'. And play it well I might add.

Stryker, I hope you stick with us. Stryker is a very interesting blend of serious story and comic relief, the Marybelle incident, while utterly ridiculous and nonsensical, was funny and served its purpose. But most importantly, and selfishly, Glaboski vs Lilith was the single most entertaining interaction I've had with anyone. (Obviously not a slight at anyone else, I have fun interacting with everyone of course)

Rebecca, I hope that even if you don't continue RP, you at least continue to put out Logbook stories. Perhaps in the near future, things will settle down into a nice equilibrium and you'll feel like coming back. I think it goes without saying that your input would be missed.

Ryan, I hoped to see more of you in the RP but sadly, in between RL and my own escapades I never had much of an opportunity. It disappoints me that you would leave before I had a chance to get to know the character a bit better.

Yes, I am begging. I may have only been here since September, and only began RPing since October I think, but I've had fun with it and on a personal note, doing this has helped me through a difficult period of my life. I'm not just invested in the site through stories, but genuinely emotionally attached to the RP section in particular. There are many talented writers here. Unfortunately, that means there is also creative differences. You show me a site where people all write different stories within the same universe and get along, I'll show you a dictatorship where opinions are punished.

Do I think we, as a group, are occasionally a bit heavy handed with what is and isn't acceptable? Yes.
Do I think I am responsible for at least occasionally contributing to the heavy handedness? Yes.
Do I think this singular discussion has escalated way beyond proportions? Yes.

There is an underlying issue. That much is obvious. As far as I can tell, that issue is partly not knowing 100% what may or may not exist in Elite Dangerous. Be it, Emoji visors or genetically modified pilots who look like Khajit. The other part is that a new person coming in with a different idea, is often met with multiple people swarming in saying "This is unacceptable". Each person might only say it once, but that newcomer is hearing it 3, 4, 5 times. To them, that simple sentence changes from saying " Sorry, that doesn't fit here" to "Your kind ain't welcome in these parts".

The intention is always good. I'd be hard pushed to find someone here who is actively and deliberately chasing people off. But even the best intentions can have the worst results.

So I suggest this. We, as a group, put our heads together and nominate a sort of, ambassador if you will. The job of that person will be to recieve the complaints about a users RP, collate them, and address the issues by posting the issue on the OOC forums and/or either PMing the user who sent the issue, or the user causing the issue. This way, a newcomer who has entered the bar via jetpack, doesn't get inundated with loads of people saying the same thing. He/she gets one voice stating that jetpacks don't fit the universe setting. It ought to garner a more consistent positive result than what we've been experiencing recently.

It should be stressed that an ambassadors position does not enable them to dictate what is or isn't allowed. They simply act as a bottleneck to prevent a newcomer, or indeed anyone else, being swamped with people complaining that x y or z is inappropriate. It's not a position of power. It's essentially customer service.

As I said, I am scraping the barrel in the hopes of keeping this community from splintering, as it already has begun to do so. I may be desperate here, or emotional, but I truly, and honestly want what is best for the community.
04 Jan 2017, 2:31pm
That was very well written, Luke, and has suppressed my own urge to jump on board the seemingly rapidly filling train out of Inara.

I think your ambassador idea should have been what we were doing all along. I know I've sent a couple of messages to help others, rather than argue about it in this forum.
04 Jan 2017, 2:48pm
Thank you Cartlidge. I fear it's already too late to pull some back but knowing it has prevented one potential leaver has granted some level of relief.
04 Jan 2017, 3:34pm
Though now I don't know how to proceed either since one of the people I was interacting with may have just left (I'm aware of your post, phisto, I just don't know how to proceed).

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