Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

09 Jan 2017, 11:52am
Tisiphone Moreau[quote=Reverend TZW]

Personally, I'd get sick of the delay after a while.  I've already disabled the pre-flight check nonsense for the same reasons, but in my fiction and mental roleplay, more realistic times are involved for everything.

Yeah, you're right, I suppose. I remember the videos of the cops and the mission-givers in FFE. They were a novelty for three days then I switched them off.

Still and all, we accept the time-delay in ship transfer, would it be so bad to have, I dunno, a minimum thirty second delay? Don't think it would bother me so much these days. I've got all the time in the world, after all
09 Jan 2017, 12:16pm
Here's how it works in my head:

I get to play for an hour, maybe two, on most days.

The things I do in-game in that window of my time represent what my character does in her whole waking day.

So, in my hour of playing, I might do a couple of missions to smuggle some slaves and weapons to a system 20ly away and shoot some bounty-hunting do-gooder scum along the way.

From my character's perspective, the flying around and shooting the bounty-hunter happened in real-time, as I played it. But maybe she spent an hour having a drink with the agent who gave her the mission. Then another down down at the docks whilst the cargo was loaded.
Then a couple of hours spent meeting her contact at the destination port and getting some dinner. And so on.

Reverend TZW
Still and all, we accept the time-delay in ship transfer, would it be so bad to have, I dunno, a minimum thirty second delay? Don't think it would bother me so much these days. I've got all the time in the world, after all

That would just be frustrating for me. I don't mind waiting for ship / module transfer because I can always do something else in-game whilst I'm waiting.
09 Jan 2017, 12:35pm
I deliberately take a few minutes break when I dock somewhere, watch a bit of TV, whatever. That's how I deal with it.

Like I say, I have all the time in the world but I really do understand that others don't have that lifestyle.
09 Jan 2017, 12:46pm
The ship transfer delay is as much a gameplay balancing mechanic as it is an immersion thing. The delay prevents someone from summoning a combat ship instantly if they're in their trade ship and they need to "fight off" someone who wants to kill them. This is particularly important for people like me who engage in Powerplay-related activities and have, on several occasions, encountered players pledged to an enemy power who are caught in a trade ship and not their preferred combat ship.

FDEV has to take into consideration both immersion and convenience. I personally would not want to wait 30 minutes to load up cargo. I already do that with fortification supplies and it sucks.
09 Jan 2017, 1:48pm
Hey, so, since I'm conducting a story in the first person, if I entered the bar I would presume I should remain in first person? They're all third. Before I enter today, what should I do?
09 Jan 2017, 2:23pm
Markus OmniHey, so, since I'm conducting a story in the first person, if I entered the bar I would presume I should remain in first person? They're all third. Before I enter today, what should I do?

Do it however you want, but I personally oppose 2nd person perspective. I don't much like being told what I'm doing.

Just makes sure the reader can follow along.
09 Jan 2017, 2:36pm
Markus OmniHey, so, since I'm conducting a story in the first person, if I entered the bar I would presume I should remain in first person? They're all third. Before I enter today, what should I do?

Personally, I preferred to use 1st person when I used to write my character's logbooks. It allows the reader to get closer to the character, to understand their feelings and motivations.

When doing RP on the boards, I prefer to use 3rd person as it gives me more narrative control when describing the characters and their actions. Also, I like to maintain a distance from what the character is thinking and feeling, leaving that up to the other participants to judge, based on what I've described.

Hope this helps!
09 Jan 2017, 2:44pm
Stryker Aune
Markus OmniHey, so, since I'm conducting a story in the first person, if I entered the bar I would presume I should remain in first person? They're all third. Before I enter today, what should I do?

Do it however you want, but I personally oppose 2nd person perspective. I don't much like being told what I'm doing.

Just makes sure the reader can follow along.

Stryker Aune
Markus OmniHey, so, since I'm conducting a story in the first person, if I entered the bar I would presume I should remain in first person? They're all third. Before I enter today, what should I do?

Do it however you want, but I personally oppose 2nd person perspective. I don't much like being told what I'm doing.

Just makes sure the reader can follow along.

Alrighty then.
09 Jan 2017, 4:18pm
I also prefer 1st person, and often share my thoughts.

As the RP rooms are meant to represent current activity, I adopt a present tense style of narrative. But as others have said, any style is fine as long as it's clear.

Last edit: 09 Jan 2017, 8:22pm
09 Jan 2017, 8:03pm
Hello! I'm new here, although I've been playing Elite: Dangerous like it's about to go out style the last few weeks, and got the game itself sometime around September, I've been forum roleplaying on and off for several years now.

I've posted in the INGABA at the moment, and just made a new post (I posted, went to bed, then posted once more).

Really excited to be here.
09 Jan 2017, 8:09pm

Any questions, feel free to ask here. Or PM them if you're feeling shy
09 Jan 2017, 8:29pm
Thank you very much! Does anyone know of a good avatar maker so I can stop using the default avatar? Also, anyone up to chatting with me in INGABA? Feelin' a little lonely here.

(Also, about the Asp Explorer being impounded? Happened to me just a couple of days ago...Was testing out the new exploraconda I had outfitted by flying out to the nearby planet and driving around in an SRV. I encountered some skimmers guarding some cargo and...uh...went full murderhobo on them. One thing led to another, and I jumped out of the system under fire from a Vulture, stolen cargo in my hold.)
09 Jan 2017, 8:34pm
Most people here use the Eve Online character maker. I was fortunate enough that a kind volunteer offered to make one for one of my character Bios since I'm on a tablet device with no computer access.

My current avatar image is just from a Google search if you're desperate to find something

If you're looking for someone to interact with, feel free to approach someone yourself. I can't speak for everyone else, but the character I have in the bar (Lilith) isn't prone to approaching people without good reason. Nothing to stop you trying your luck though, but fair warning, she might be a bit uhh... Mean...

As for the Asp Explorer being impounded... I'm not overly sure what you mean to be honest.
09 Jan 2017, 10:49pm
I'm referring to this series when I say my Asp Explorer was impounded.

But yeah, is the Even Online character maker free? Can I just access it?
09 Jan 2017, 10:57pm
Yes. Eve Online is free now. I have two accounts just to use the character creator, and considering a third since I need more slots and can't really sacrifice the ones I got to make room since I need all the faces.

The move to free-to-play from Eve has been wonderful.

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