Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Jan 2017, 10:56am
Eve is fantastic if you don't have the time/money to learn something fancy like Maya. I would like to pickup Lightwave again since I already kind of know how to use it, because then it'd be useful to make backdrops to composite my Eve dudes onto. Unfotunately, time and motivation are lacking at the moment, so I use what I have and know.

Edit: Whatever.

Last edit: 09 Feb 2017, 12:39pm
16 Jan 2017, 11:01am
Best way to do it, Im not master at any of it other than the act of 'producing' (I'm a damn good camera operator as well), so in most cases it's a little of this and that to make it work. If the results get the point across, that's all that matters.

For me it's about being able to have creative control however- and it's probably faster for me to composite than it would be learning Eve lol. Had to learn compositing and animation a long bit ago, now the tools are so much better they do a lot of the hard work for you.

Well done Simon.
16 Jan 2017, 12:17pm
I'm still trying to figure out my character(s) in the E:D universe.

Not having much luck.
16 Jan 2017, 12:19pm
Well, who do you see yourself as? Soldier? Smuggler? Just a regular person with a pilot's license, a solid ship, and a knack for adventure? (or trouble, trouble is good too!)
16 Jan 2017, 1:46pm
Isaiah EvansonWell, who do you see yourself as? Soldier? Smuggler? Just a regular person with a pilot's license, a solid ship, and a knack for adventure? (or trouble, trouble is good too!)

That's the problem! I'm vehemently schizophrenic with my interests in-game, bouncing between minding my own business as I ferry passengers and coffee between stations, to suddenly getting the bloodlust and spending an entire night liquefying pirates.

And it doesn't help that my two favorite ship makers are Gutamaya and Lakon, as different as two aesthetics can be.

So I've been playing with the idea of RPing two pilots, Avery and Yvonne Dolohov, siblings who are building lives for themselves on the shoulders of their late father's mining company, but that's as far as I've gotten. I have no idea of the demeanor of each pilot, which ships they prefer, which factions they're friendly with, anything. It's an unmitigated nightmare.
16 Jan 2017, 1:57pm
I'm really enjoying the exchanges between Jem and Strkyer!

They are well-rounded and convincing characters; everyday people, who have emotions, hopes and fears that we can relate to, set against the backdrop of bounty-hunters, smugglers and space-gangsters that makes it extraordinary!

Please keep it up, you two!
16 Jan 2017, 2:11pm
Thanks Marra!
16 Jan 2017, 2:27pm
Isaiah EvansonWell, who do you see yourself as? Soldier? Smuggler? Just a regular person with a pilot's license, a solid ship, and a knack for adventure? (or trouble, trouble is good too!)

That's the problem! I'm vehemently schizophrenic with my interests in-game, bouncing between minding my own business as I ferry passengers and coffee between stations, to suddenly getting the bloodlust and spending an entire night liquefying pirates.

And it doesn't help that my two favorite ship makers are Gutamaya and Lakon, as different as two aesthetics can be.

So I've been playing with the idea of RPing two pilots, Avery and Yvonne Dolohov, siblings who are building lives for themselves on the shoulders of their late father's mining company, but that's as far as I've gotten. I have no idea of the demeanor of each pilot, which ships they prefer, which factions they're friendly with, anything. It's an unmitigated nightmare.

I may have a idea?

How about they grown up inspiring the hard work of their father. The mining company was suppose to be his desire to launch their bloodline into wealth and prosperity. But time caught up to him and he perished before achieving that. They felt like it their was their duty then to see to it that their father's dream comes true. A very generic tale but maybe we could toss in a Greed angle? They want this wealth they can earn by launching their father's small company into a Corporation (Could start a wing, then eventually get a Minor faction named after it). Not for some "Common good" but to "Insure the future of your bloodline" to make sure your decedents are taken care of.

You don't have to be dicks though. You would be free to be generous and kind siblings. But you guys want something more "Valuable" than just looking like heroes. They are hard workers and prefer to do things themselves. Rather than hiring others to do it for them. They repair their own ships, move their own cargo and learn to fight to protect their lives and whats rightfully theirs. A "Blue collar" kinda character? Live on the fringes of space, maybe in a system uncontrolled by any bubble. Western style sifi adventures.

Or you can do vise versa and maybe spin this as a upstart imperial mining company and play "White collar" nobles.

16 Jan 2017, 2:37pm
Stryker AuneThanks Marra!

I've enjoyed it too for the same reasons.
16 Jan 2017, 2:41pm
@Dolohov and Takito

Maybe have a rivalry?  One sibling is all for the family dream while the other can't be arsed, or is even openly hostile to it? Use that tension you feel in game when deciding activities to fuel their conflict.
16 Jan 2017, 2:42pm
SonofMacPhisto@Dolohov and Takito

Maybe have a rivalry? One sibling is all for the family dream while the other can't be arsed, or is even openly hostile to it?

Perhaps the loaf sees it as a hopeless dream. That they only bother with the corporation as its their only way to put food on the table. Hes not a depressed shit about it. Just someone who "moved on" and is just trying to get by. Not as ambitious.
16 Jan 2017, 2:50pm
Security and comfort vs. freedom and adventure, maybe?
16 Jan 2017, 5:10pm
Tokito YakenPerhaps the loaf sees it as a hopeless dream. That they only bother with the corporation as its their only way to put food on the table. Hes not a depressed shit about it. Just someone who "moved on" and is just trying to get by. Not as ambitious.

SonofMacPhistoSecurity and comfort vs. freedom and adventure, maybe?

You guys have been a huge help! Thanks for taking the time to brainstorm with me.

I'm thinking that maybe they floundered for a while after their father died, prompting Yvonne to reach out to the Empire for a favor (with interest attached), which Avery does not approve of. A bit of friction between the siblings, Yvonne wanting to be a part of something greater and step up from the humble edge-of-bubble they were born into, while Avery prefers solitude and self-sufficiency. "A man who owes is a man who's owned", in his words.
16 Jan 2017, 5:29pm
Stryker AuneThanks Marra!

I've enjoyed it too for the same reasons.

16 Jan 2017, 6:59pm
Marra MorganI'm really enjoying the exchanges between Jem and Strkyer!...

Diolch yn fawr, Marra.

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