Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

14 Jan 2017, 12:37am
Lilith seemed to have kind of an idealized vision of who Marra was, based off her reputation, and now she's like... "Well, shit. That didn't go how I expected it to at all."
14 Jan 2017, 12:41am
Lilith should be terrified that even when inebriated and amid distraction, Marra could so easily manipulate her into agreeing to being a prostitute. Given the character's poor grasp of subtlety and verbal judo, she should probably avoid further run-ins with the Heiress of Rabat.

Now she just needs to decide whether to flee across the bubble or honor her agreement.

Last edit: 14 Jan 2017, 2:08am
14 Jan 2017, 12:50am
M. LehmanLilith should be terrified that even inebriated and amid distraction, Marra could so easily manipulate her into agreeing to being a prostitute. Given the character's poor grasp of subtlety and verbal judo, she should probably avoid further run-ins with the Heiress of Rabat.

Now she just needs to decide whether to flee across the bubble or honor her agreement.


I found it interesting that Lilith's bravado meant very little to the sly undercurrent and manipulative tact that Marra has so keenly refined, and used.

If you really want to know. Stryker had a poor opinion of Lilith to start with. Now he sees her as little more then a pet and plaything for the organization.
14 Jan 2017, 1:24am
What a pleasant turn of events. Looks like Dr. Glaboski now has a house favorite down at Exotica, Susan........

And now onward with one of my more favorite subjects. Reproductive anatomy. And it's time to take the practical!


Last edit: 14 Jan 2017, 1:36am
14 Jan 2017, 3:41am
You went full creep... you never go full creep!
14 Jan 2017, 4:35am
Dr. GlaboskiWhat a pleasant turn of events. Looks like Dr. Glaboski now has a house favorite down at Exotica, Susan........

And now onward with one of my more favorite subjects. Reproductive anatomy. And it's time to take the practical!


A roleplay character, commenting in-character on the roleplay, in the out-of-character board.

So meta.
14 Jan 2017, 5:58am
Isaiah, Lehman and Stryker... 3 Responses and 3 people hit the nail on the head in different ways. Not to blow my own trumpet but I call that a win.

It's true I'd had her think Marra was basically a more successful version of herself. Even hoped that given their similarities, they'd get on well. Not necessarily allies, but not enemies either. Perhaps if Glaboski wasn't there it would have gone down differently... But I'll wager you put him there specifically for that purpose, which I hate you for by the way

The bravado is how she's always handled herself. While I'm inclined to say it's not so much a poor grasp of subtlety as a lifetime of not using it, it is nonetheless a weakness and I'm glad it came across.

The only point I'll deduct from myself will be that I hadn't wanted it to appear that Lilith gave in easily. But at the same time, I didn't want to drag it on endlessly, as I'm sure both Marra the character and the user woud have gotten very bored of it, as would I.

Although as Lehman says though, I haven't 100% committed to the Exotica route. I may have her follow through on it, or backtrack and find another avenue of approach to get a tail on Luke.

Either way, Glaboski... She doesn't need a gun, or even clothes on, to kill, so approach at your own peril.

And on a final note, thank you very much Marra for the opportunity to pit two 'Alpha Type' females together. And everyone else who contributed. We'll see what the future holds for all involved
14 Jan 2017, 6:28am
Damn dude the bar blew up since I was gone (even though it was mostly two to three sentence messages haha)
14 Jan 2017, 7:49am
Thank you to everyone involved in Marra's party and for the OoC commentary, that was good fun!

Stryker and Locke were great as Marra's henchmen, whilst getting their characters' independence across. I loved the soap-opera-esque encounter with Jemine! That made me giggle at how close they were to realising that Jem has slept with Marra's husband! That would've turned things around very quickly, but I liked how it ended with neither of them any the wiser!

I got the impression that Lilith bit off way more than she could chew. Her bravado was bold and what I expected from the character, but her refusal to tone it down earned her the sadistic and humiliating deal that Marra gave her. I must admit, I did feel like I was slipping out of character sometimes with Marra being so generous with her patience. Lilith as an Alpha-female? She just got Omega'd!
14 Jan 2017, 10:56am
Marra MorganThank you to everyone involved in Marra's party...

It was a pleasure to be involved, and thank you for inviting me. It was an absolute hoot!
14 Jan 2017, 11:17am
Aw, I wasn't invited?
14 Jan 2017, 12:29pm
Lilith doesn't come off as "alpha female" at all. Instead, she comes off as... emotionally unstable and needy? Her agreement with Marra seems strangely appropriate for her character.
14 Jan 2017, 12:44pm
Oof, the bar's got a lot of noise pollution going on. Kind of hard to find a foothold.
14 Jan 2017, 1:35pm
DolohovOof, the bar's got a lot of noise pollution going on. Kind of hard to find a foothold.

Other people's roleplay is "noise pollution"?
14 Jan 2017, 2:25pm
M. Lehman
Dr. GlaboskiWhat a pleasant turn of events. Looks like Dr. Glaboski now has a house favorite down at Exotica, Susan........

And now onward with one of my more favorite subjects. Reproductive anatomy. And it's time to take the practical!


A roleplay character, commenting in-character on the roleplay, in the out-of-character board.

So meta.

Now that Artie is back, we should ask him to implement Simon's idea of adding a new RP room for in character chat and communications. Because, what you said Lehman, this is meta.

And ya, that was extremely creepy. My apologies.

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