Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Jan 2017, 7:02pm
SonofMacPhistoI've enjoyed it too for the same reasons.

Thank you, Phisto. Glad you like it.
16 Jan 2017, 11:48pm
Just make sure we get invitations to the wedding
17 Jan 2017, 3:57am
So boggy and Phisto. Im gonna be a bit afk for work so try not too leave me too far behind :c il slip a post if I can tho

Also I just noticed I got the first post of page 100. I declare myself king of the 100 page
17 Jan 2017, 9:44am
Have fun at work :p
17 Jan 2017, 9:51pm
Four way conversations are fun and challenging! In my mind, I'm kind of just mashing it all together and pretending it works out how conversations should work in real life, and then responding to that.
17 Jan 2017, 10:17pm
SonofMacPhistoFour way conversations are fun and challenging! In my mind, I'm kind of just mashing it all together and pretending it works out how conversations should work in real life, and then responding to that.

Which usually ends up with people breaking off into smaller groups
17 Jan 2017, 10:29pm
That would make sense. Fun, in any case!
17 Jan 2017, 11:00pm
Enjoyable, I like it! Very interested where this will lead. Such a combination of characters
17 Jan 2017, 11:40pm
"Whoa!" Maschil declared with genuine astonishment while looking down at his Pip-Boy 200k. "These are some nice captures. You really do get around." Maschil looked up from his data-pad to see Mathias eyeing it with aversion. "Hey, don't judge me. I know, I know, this things ancient, but like my dad always said 'why fix what isn't broken?' Right?" said Maschil defensively. 'Maybe it is time for an upgrade. They are giving out the newest data-pads for free now... No, no, no. What am I thinking? I must be getting a little tipsy. I love my Pip-Boy it's always done me solid.'

Is there any way that we can avoid shoehorning items from other sci-fi contexts? It severely weakens the RP that is assumed to take place in the Elite universe.

Perhaps any the following?

-Wrist computer (I've used that one several times myself!)

- Arm/wrist slate

- Projector

- Mini-holo

- Assistant

- InfoDisplay

- Net Link

- ArmNet

Last edit: 18 Jan 2017, 2:18am
18 Jan 2017, 2:31am
I actually already sent him a message, talking about it. Though I'm unsure as to whether or not he intends to keep doing it.
18 Jan 2017, 2:33am
Start of Animation

Middle of Animation

And only 2 more days of rendering to go.
18 Jan 2017, 2:38am
Since we're showing off character models. Here's Lilith,

Credit for image goes to: James "Albanach" Wallace
18 Jan 2017, 5:31am
Just getting warmed up.

18 Jan 2017, 5:56am
Lilith looks great Luke!
18 Jan 2017, 9:50am
M. Lehman
"Whoa!" Maschil declared with genuine astonishment while looking down at his Pip-Boy 200k. "These are some nice captures. You really do get around." Maschil looked up from his data-pad to see Mathias eyeing it with aversion. "Hey, don't judge me. I know, I know, this things ancient, but like my dad always said 'why fix what isn't broken?' Right?" said Maschil defensively. 'Maybe it is time for an upgrade. They are giving out the newest data-pads for free now... No, no, no. What am I thinking? I must be getting a little tipsy. I love my Pip-Boy it's always done me solid.'

Is there any way that we can avoid shoehorning items from other sci-fi contexts? It severely weakens the RP that is assumed to take place in the Elite universe.

Perhaps any the following?

-Wrist computer (I've used that one several times myself!)

- Arm/wrist slate

- Projector

- Mini-holo

- Assistant

- InfoDisplay

- Net Link

- ArmNet

@M. Lehman in a universe of over 400 billion systems how can you be sure that there are not any of the items or creatures I mentioned that you claim to not be of the Elite universe. As a man of science I am convinced it would be naive to believe that a "Pip-Boy" would only be in one single fragment of existance, but for your satisfaction we can assume that my character has attained the capability to travel between different dimensions and therefore may make reference or mention of objects and beings that are simply unfathomable to yourself and like minded individuals.

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