Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

05 Jan 2017, 4:28am
I'm up for that.

I hope this means you will be staying, yourself, Mherra. I for one think you have a right to be here as much as anyone else, and I'd hate to see you leave as well.
05 Jan 2017, 4:47am
*FNG butts in*

I'm new here, but I've been a forum rat for a long, long time at other places. So to this, in the interest of encouragement, I say the words on this page are very lovely and needed. Bravo, Nsite and Mhera.
05 Jan 2017, 6:34am
All good?

05 Jan 2017, 7:25am
I like me some Daft Punk.
05 Jan 2017, 8:15am
Simon DaturaI like me some Daft Punk.

Not that it fits much into the Elite D. universe but his music in Tron Legacy is some of my favorite sci-fi music
05 Jan 2017, 8:29am
Markus Omni
Not that it fits much into the Elite D. universe

Are you kidding?!

Discovery is one of my favourite pirating soundtracks!
05 Jan 2017, 8:32am
Methinks the pop culture icons of today would endure for quite some time into the future, what with all of the digital mediums that are being created and refined. Daft Punk would have quite the legacy, I'd imagine.
05 Jan 2017, 10:57am
You guys have no idea about the grin this all put on my face right now. Great thing to wake up to
05 Jan 2017, 11:46am
I sent this to Rowan as I feel he may have felt singled out and/or responsible for the chaos that ensued. I post it here because I believe it covers everyones sentiments and since I took the liberty of speaking on behalf of everyone, it seemed only right to allow everyone to read what was written. If there is something in the message you disagree with, PM your thoughts to me. Purely to prevent a further argument ensuing, particularly during this sensitive time while wounds heal.

Thank you for your cooperation o7


I want to apologise on behalf of everyone if you felt singled out and/or picked on in the RP forums.

While initially it began as a discussion regarding the lore friendliness of a man wearing an emoji visor, it descended very rapidly into chaos and fighting. This was not your fault. I'm sorry to say that this isn't the first time it's happened, and while I'm hopeful it is the last it should be noted that this is a self governed community. There are no real 'authority figures' here besides (maybe) Artie. So disagreements are to be expected.

I only hope that we haven't chased you away as despite the initial misgivings towards the visor, most, if not all of us have concluded that there is little reason to say 'no this isn't allowed'.

Pleasre accept my apologies if we've caused any upset. I personally look forward to reading more about what you may post.
05 Jan 2017, 1:51pm
Mhera, you have my apologies as well. Hope you stick around. I never intended to see it get this out of hand.

I have a problem with 'letting go' apparently; for what it's worth it's not from a lack of caring, but it goes both ways as I would hate to be a reason you felt you didn't have the capacity to participate when what I was looking for was a better spirit of inclusion for everyone to begin with- you obviously included.

I'm still not perfect, but I'll keep working on it.
05 Jan 2017, 2:00pm
For the record, pretty sure Glitch Mob inspired the solar panels on the Large Planetary Landing pads, (As well as a ton of the other architectural art decisions in this game). I'd RP the hell out of their stage drums, and I'd fit right in too.

(Discovery Scanner noise, o7)
05 Jan 2017, 3:13pm
Daft Punk works really well, no doubt, especially when you just reloaded and repaired and are heading out for another excursion in a combat zone.  Badass mode: unlocked.

Edit: hey I just started hearing Glich Mob recently! Neat.
05 Jan 2017, 3:55pm
I listen to a myriad of music when I'm on this site and writing Things.
But, I feel dirty saying this. What gets me in the sci-fi mood the most, is listening to EvE-online's OST.
05 Jan 2017, 4:14pm
Wash your mouth out at once...

05 Jan 2017, 4:16pm
Stryker AuneEvE-online's OST.

Oh good choice!

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