Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Jan 2017, 6:28am

I have an idea (probably should've said this a long ass time ago)- Elite is based off earths previous history right? So Star Wars was created, lord of the rings was rehearsed in massive leap events, and the GAME FALLOUT 4-'dun dun da dun- was made and played and enjoyed.
So, ahem- here's an idea- just an idea! Bear with me-

Your father had an ancient copy, and you made a computer/wristwatch that WASNT a pop boy 2000 or whatever, but looked LIKE one and acted like one from the ancient days. Something you spent tinkering with for months to replicate and make and enjoy. A trinket if you will. My "model".

Eh? Eh? Yeh? :3

This idea is a step above what Crane is attempting, but is still not ideal for quality roleplay. One of the surest signs of lazy and/or amateur sci-fi writing is to have a character in the far future possess a bizarrely deep understanding or interest in 20-21st century cultural minutiae.  Of course, the reason for this is that the author is simply sticking to what he/she knows. It's understandable, but still a cliche to be avoided.

If contemporary goings-on absolutely must be mentioned, it's best (in my view) to keep it both brief and mixed in with other future history.

Last edit: 19 Jan 2017, 7:17am
19 Jan 2017, 6:32am
M. Lehman

I have an idea (probably should've said this a long ass time ago)- Elite is based off earths previous history right? So Star Wars was created, lord of the rings was rehearsed in massive leap events, and the GAME FALLOUT 4-'dun dun da dun- was made and played and enjoyed.
So, ahem- here's an idea- just an idea! Bear with me-

Your father had an ancient copy, and you made a computer/wristwatch that WASNT a pop boy 2000 or whatever, but looked LIKE one and acted like one from the ancient days. Something you spent tinkering with for months to replicate and make and enjoy. A trinket if you will. My "model".

Eh? Eh? Yeh? :3

This idea is a step above what Crane is attempting, but is still not ideal for quality roleplay. One of the surest signs of lazy and/or amateur sci-fi writing is to have a character in the far future possess a bizarrely deep understanding or interest in 20-21st century cultural minutiae.  The reason for this of course is that the author is simply sticking to what he/she knows. It's understandable, but still a cliche to be avoided.

If contemporary goings-on absolutely must be mentioned, it's best (in my view) to keep it both brief and mixed in with other future history.

Mm, good point.

Desert Fox CXVIIWe've had pandas, khajiit, dolphins, penguins, ponies (although that one is an obvious joke),  and Mass Effect transplants. It was only a matter of time until we got a time traveling, dimension hopping fallout enthusiast. Whats next boys? I'm taking bets.

EDIT: Also, I vote we start ignoring this person. He's either a troll, a douche or a moron. No use arguing.

Can I keep the next one as a pet daddy? :3
19 Jan 2017, 6:37am
Don't call me daddy. It's weird.
19 Jan 2017, 7:12am
Luke3107Since we're showing off character models. Here's Lilith,

Credit for image goes to: James "Albanach" Wallace

Dammit. Is there anyone out there that can crop this image down to a size that will fit the Inara Profile Image boundaries please?

Or send me a couple of hundred pounds in cash so I can buy a damned laptop already!!

Here you go. If you're on a tablet you can try to use Photoshop Mix, it's not as powerful as the PC/Mac one but it works just fine for cropping and resizing.
19 Jan 2017, 8:21am
Desert Fox CXVIIDon't call me daddy. It's weird.

Okay my "acquaintance" XP
19 Jan 2017, 8:31am
Steve Sake
Luke3107Since we're showing off character models. Here's Lilith,

Credit for image goes to: James "Albanach" Wallace

Dammit. Is there anyone out there that can crop this image down to a size that will fit the Inara Profile Image boundaries please?

Or send me a couple of hundred pounds in cash so I can buy a damned laptop already!!


Here you go. If you're on a tablet you can try to use Photoshop Mix, it's not as powerful as the PC/Mac one but it works just fine for cropping and resizing.

Thanks very much. Will do
19 Jan 2017, 9:21am
Desert Fox CXVIIWe've had pandas, khajiit, dolphins, penguins, ponies (although that one is an obvious joke),  and Mass Effect transplants. It was only a matter of time until we got a time traveling, dimension hopping fallout enthusiast. Whats next boys? I'm taking bets.

EDIT: Also, I vote we start ignoring this person. He's either a troll, a douche or a moron. No use arguing.

Terminator, like straight up Arnie in here
19 Jan 2017, 1:18pm
Desert Fox CXVIIWe've had pandas, khajiit, dolphins, penguins, ponies (although that one is an obvious joke),  and Mass Effect transplants. It was only a matter of time until we got a time traveling, dimension hopping fallout enthusiast. Whats next boys? I'm taking bets.

EDIT: Also, I vote we start ignoring this person. He's either a troll, a douche or a moron. No use arguing.

Terminator, like straight up Arnie in here

I'm betting a jedi, either by using a laser sword or having a mystical power to move stuff remotely with a flick of the wrist.
19 Jan 2017, 4:51pm
Nope Doctor Who
19 Jan 2017, 4:53pm
Looks like you were all wrong in the end.
19 Jan 2017, 4:53pm
You both lost lol....
19 Jan 2017, 4:53pm
JQLooks like you were all wrong in the end.

19 Jan 2017, 5:05pm
Darn. He had my hopes up when I read the R2D2 bit.
19 Jan 2017, 6:15pm
Arguably, this is the logical progression when one guy shows up claiming Fallout technology exists in the Elite universe.

Stuff like this happens.
19 Jan 2017, 6:33pm
Markus Omni
Luke3107Just bare in mind, Maschil, that we aren't trying to push you out of the RP. All we are asking is that you respect the lore of the universe the RP is set in. Nothing more. A wristpad or similar device is fine, it's pseudoscience that we have to accept for the Universe until such a time as Frontier gives specifics on such equipment.

However, no matter how you try to explain it away, a Pip-Boy, is Fallout Lore, not Elite Lore. Simple as that. Sure, it's a small thing now, but the knock on effect is potentially huge.

We allow a pip-boy because "Fallout existed in the past therefore someone must have made a Pip-boy" Then we get "Star Trek existed, so teleporters must have been invented." Followed by "Skyrim existed so someone got plastic surgery to look like a Khajit." (Something we've already discouraged I might add.) This might be a small insignificant thing to you, but to the community as a whole it is a stone in a pond. It will create a ripple effect. If we allow that logic to apply once, we are forced to allow it to apply time and time again. (If you want to keep it Fallout related, what about the BigBoy Nuke Launcher thing? No reason someone hasn't invented one of those either after all).

To put it into a different context for you imagine joining a badminton club then saying "I can hit the shuttlecock because it bounces therefore hitting the ground isn't enough". In some weird way, yes, it makes sense. But at the end of the day, that's not the rule. The same applies here.

There is a small amount of logic to your argument, Fallout is a small part of Earth history. But it is, nonetheless, a VERY small piece. Insignificantly small I might add. I subscribe to the theory of infinite probability but does that mean I'm going to shoehorn a Daedra invasion into Citi Gateway? No.

Again, we are not here to be your enemy. We are here to collectively create stories for each others enjoyment. Unfortunately this means having a set of ground rules so that no-ones story contradicts anothers. The main one being, as has been pointed out to you, Respect the Lore of the Elite: Dangerous Universe. The Pip-Boy, is not part of that universe.

It's a simple thing. All we want, is that you refer to it as a wristpad from now on. In your Logbooks,GO WILD!!! Call it a Pip-Boy, Fight Deathclaws, drink your Nuka Cola or play with Dogmeat. But in the RP, Stick to the Lore, preferably without making excuses to shoehorn other lore stuff in.

Ok Im done repeating myself about this. Like I said before contact Frontier and have them completely disassociate anything relateable to ours or any other universe. They opened the floodgates to the saturation of the universes history not me. I believe that was part of their intended purpose in fact to further expand on the "limitless" boundaries of the game.

That's all you'll hear from me on this subject. See you at the InGaBa. No hard feelings I hope.

CMDR Crane Out.

I have an idea (probably should've said this a long ass time ago)- Elite is based off earths previous history right? So Star Wars was created, lord of the rings was rehearsed in massive leap events, and the GAME FALLOUT 4-'dun dun da dun- was made and played and enjoyed.
So, ahem- here's an idea- just an idea! Bear with me-

Your father had an ancient copy, and you made a computer/wristwatch that WASNT a pop boy 2000 or whatever, but looked LIKE one and acted like one from the ancient days. Something you spent tinkering with for months to replicate and make and enjoy. A trinket if you will. My "model".

Eh? Eh? Yeh? :3

That sounds fine too. I never mentioned how I got the device. Just that it was old. Mine is, however, for the time being, a "Pip-Boy 200,000" so it would be quite a bit newer than the version you use in Fallout. Therefore it would be even more probably my character has one, or a replica of one because the model I have is not from as far away.

You actually brought a new point to my mind. According to my knowledge a new Fallout game is already in the works. So who's to say Fallout wont be a long lasting franchise like Zelda or Mario or Halo?

Thank you for your insight. So, there, hopefully this pleases everyone who seemed to have their panties in a bunch: my wrist computer is most likely a replica.

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