Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

21 Jan 2017, 7:38pm
Nsite that TL,DR was still TL,DR
Earlier I thought I would throw my knowledge in here, but naaah I think it would be too basic and wrong on some corners, don't want to get scientifically smacked by Stryker's cybernetic arm And honestly I didn't expect such man of knowledge behind that character.
21 Jan 2017, 7:42pm
LeifNsite that TL,DR was still TL,DR
Earlier I thought I would throw my knowledge in here, but naaah I think it would be too basic and wrong on some corners, don't want to get scientifically smacked by Stryker's cybernetic arm And honestly I didn't expect such man of knowledge behind that character.

Lol! Yeah neither did I! It was a welcome and pleasant surprise and reminded me why I still love elite so much. The player base is inundated with individuals who at the very least care enough to have some basic scientific theory behind them.
21 Jan 2017, 7:42pm
And what I know the internet knew first nothing fancy here.
21 Jan 2017, 9:44pm
An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the solution

I pop this quote out when mom asks who took the cookies from the cookie jar :3

Last edit: 21 Jan 2017, 11:01pm
22 Jan 2017, 6:37pm
Logan DarklighterHey all you role-players and others who get into the setting of Elite and like to inhabit it, have I got something amusing for you!


I had to read this a few times.

I'm not quite sure what this is about. An amusing read, or transcribing a character from the Traveler pen and paper game? Maybe both?

I have had, in the past, a musing to write satirical posts. In fact, quite a few people do, with their log books. Which, I really don't think would be a problem.

But for forum RP, if that character were transcribed over to ED, it should be done with none of the Traveler lore (nods and acknowledgments would be fine.)

As for making the character related to the Duvals, or any of the Frontiers characters. My advice. Don't. People have tried it in the past and it eventually turns into an OOC fury of angry posts. (which, I am tired of, and will no longer participate in. Characters like that, in my books, are black-listed)

The reason behind this, is simple. Trying the make the character more special then any other. And in all honesty, characters that are more special, are more boring. There is nothing to relate to as a reader.

I don't know if your asking for advice, or what, but that's my two cents.
22 Jan 2017, 8:02pm
Really, having any one-on-one interaction or association with any of the faction leaders is a little bit of a faux-pas.
22 Jan 2017, 8:05pm
Agreed. To both of the above posts.
22 Jan 2017, 8:45pm
We have certainly had enough Aisling fanboys. What makes those boys think they have a chance with her anyway?
22 Jan 2017, 9:04pm
Kyla EmmerichWe have certainly had enough Aisling fanboys. What makes those boys think they have a chance with her anyway?

Doesn't matter what chance a boy has, they see something worth taking, and they shoot, regardless of their chances at gambling.
I personally think I should be the expert of this, as I am the undoubtedly the "best" at this fun little game.

I think it's actually the idea of achieving the impossible.
22 Jan 2017, 9:15pm
Some guys just like Aisling because she has blue hair, though I think that's more common with the younger dudes.

Now me personally, I'm rather fond of Arissa's character.  Strong convictions, strong sense of justice and honor - my type of lady.
22 Jan 2017, 9:21pm
Markus Omni
Kyla EmmerichWe have certainly had enough Aisling fanboys. What makes those boys think they have a chance with her anyway?

Doesn't matter what chance a boy has, they see something worth taking, and they shoot, regardless of their chances at gambling.
I personally think I should be the expert of this, as I am the undoubtedly the "best" at this fun little game.

I think it's actually the idea of achieving the impossible.

Well, it's not like you can walk up to Aisling all like "Yo, aren't you the head bitch of the Empire? Are you here often?"
22 Jan 2017, 9:57pm
All she does is throw tantrums anyway. She's a spoiled brat.
23 Jan 2017, 12:10am
Is there any group, or person who would like to RP in game at some point, pick a planet and just have some fun exploring?
23 Jan 2017, 12:24am
Logan DarklighterStuff

So what are you getting at?
23 Jan 2017, 12:31am
Maybe the idea is that there are enough similarities between Elite and Traveler that the source material from the latter could be used to sort of fill in the gaps of the lore of the former?

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