Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Feb 2017, 9:33am
Over-easy, and a pox on anyone who says otherwise! *flips table*
01 Feb 2017, 9:33am
Well I wouldn't know. I hate eggs.
01 Feb 2017, 9:34am
Dress is blue. If you see anything different you're racist.
01 Feb 2017, 9:35am
Bitch please. It was red.

Edit: Fight me.

01 Feb 2017, 9:38am
Oh yeah? Well I just bought my second Anaconda... Debate that.
01 Feb 2017, 9:39am
Laughs in Python
01 Feb 2017, 9:52am
01 Feb 2017, 1:24pm
It appears running away was not a terrible choice, but also perhaps an uninteresting one.  But alas, sleep took me.

Shooting from the hip here a little, I think I'm fine with space America and space Empire insomuch as they are used like aphorisms to communicate complex ideas quickly.  I don't think they are the best aphorisms we could come up with, but hey they're not terrible.  I certainly prefer Nsite's type of take on the matter, because poking around with things like this is more fun than just slamming down the aphorism and callin' it good.
01 Feb 2017, 1:56pm
They thought it was all over
01 Feb 2017, 2:53pm

Just tossing my two cents in the ring (since my question about scientists was partially the genesis for all that). All good either way if anyone wants to respond or not.
01 Feb 2017, 2:54pm
I'm hoping not lol
01 Feb 2017, 3:20pm
Luke3107I'm hoping not lol

Bah! Have you no courage?
01 Feb 2017, 4:23pm
Luke3107I'm hoping not lol

Bah! Have you no courage?

I'd fight you but I'm scared I'll lose...
01 Feb 2017, 4:41pm
Fear is wisdom in the face of danger.
01 Feb 2017, 5:51pm
Oh geeze I logged in this morning and saw a solid 100+ posts. I was worried it had become a political argument, but no, just which faction was more closely based on the US.

Honestly I just had the opinion of Fed being based off of the US because most of their ships have a motif of tanky ships with lots of big guns (such as the simple and crude beauty that is the Federal Corvette).

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