Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Feb 2017, 4:36am
The Federation is space 'Murica. Trump just happens to be the purest expression of that ideal, which is why the Federation fits Trump the best. In essence, the Federation is what 'Murica looks like if Trump gets his way unequivocally.
01 Feb 2017, 4:40am
So Trump is ok with combat logging, just like Zach Hudson?

*ducks and runs away*
01 Feb 2017, 5:20am
If anything, the Empire is space Rome, as evidenced by the fact that their patronage system of government is very similar to that of the Romans, and various other similarities to which I won't list right now because I am hungry.
01 Feb 2017, 5:31am
Bah, you all win. What do I know
01 Feb 2017, 5:33am
It does help to read up on some of the lore.
01 Feb 2017, 5:34am
Simon I don't agree. And you building an Analogue to Ancient Rome only echoes my point. If that eludes you, it does help to read up on some World History. I'm just not interested in a debate with the 'who knows more' on subjective topics like these. Its politics, and arguing politics here is not going to make any friends, whatsoever.
01 Feb 2017, 5:36am
As far as the Elite Universe is concerned, I may not be the most 'versed', but I am reading every day. Participating in all aspects of the developing story from Colonia to the Ruins. I'd say as far as a contemporary read on the current state of this evolving arch, I'm doing my fair share of gaining an education on the matter, and then some.
01 Feb 2017, 5:38am
Another similarity between Rome and the Empire is their voluntary servitude thing, which to my knowledge, Rome had a very similar system in place (alongside the classic slavery, of course). It sounds like the Romans were a bit (a lot) less civil about it though.

And I'm sorry, but where did this 'who knows more' rubbish come from? I simply stated my thoughts on the subject based on what I have read about the lore, and what I know from history, and supplied a fact to support my reasoning...

I'm sorry if that doesn't align with your ideas.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2017, 5:54am
01 Feb 2017, 5:44am

The Empire is absolutely space Rome. A senate that is made up of immensely rich, immensely powerful patrons that command private fleets and armies, an emperor, non-chattel slavery, a system of government based on patronage/fuedalism with deep rooted values of honor and personal glory?

As apposed to a corporate controlled democracy fueled by consumption and wage slavery?
01 Feb 2017, 5:45am
I'd agree with Psymon that the comparison is a little more nuanced than "both the Federation and Empire are based on aspects of America, and America is shit, so both of them are shit." One could argue that it's that kind of thinking that got us Trump in the first place.
01 Feb 2017, 5:46am
And anyway, the idea of Romans in Space is pretty awesome.
01 Feb 2017, 5:46am
That came out wrong, I apologize, but your comment could have been interpreted as rather snarky as well Simon. So if I misinterpreted you, my apologies. Often though, when conjecture comes around here, its greeted with similar judgment such as yours, where a remark like that is based on the assumption others don't know as much as you do. Am I entirely wrong to see it that way?

As far as Rome and the Empire is concerned, Rome was a military industrial complex. It was one of the most oppressive orders the world has ever known. And there was voluntary servitude to a degree, but it wasn't like you're thinking. You are referring to a more Ancient Greek notion of slavery, which Rome somewhat emulated later in their history. Slaves could be subjected to corporal punishment, sexual exploitation (prostitutes were often slaves), torture, and summary execution. The testimony of a slave could not be accepted in a court of law unless the slave was tortured, etc etc etc. People chose slavery in extreme instances where it was better than death basically.

Based on my (limited) notions of the Imperials, I would venture to say they model Ancient Greece (Athens) more than they do Ancient Romans. Rome is far more synonymous with CURRENT American sentiment and practice. The Crusades should be enough of a case study to prove that sentiment in its own right.

No disrespect.
01 Feb 2017, 5:49am
When we say Rome, we are absolutely not talking about the byzantine empire. Fuck those guys. The crusades have nothing to do with what we're talking about.

We're talking about classical rome, especially the early empire with Augustus ruling.

EDIT: Athens was a democracy, albeit not a very inclusive one, but a democracy none the less. The Empire is nowhere near democratic. It's an empire
01 Feb 2017, 5:50am
All glory to that particular part of Roman history.
01 Feb 2017, 5:51am
Simon DaturaAnd anyway, the idea of Romans in Space is pretty awesome.

It worked for the Romulans! And now that I've said this, it will be impossible for me to ever see the Empire as anything other than the Romulan Star Empire.

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