Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Jan 2017, 7:24pm
Markus Omni
Luke3107Just bare in mind, Maschil, that we aren't trying to push you out of the RP. All we are asking is that you respect the lore of the universe the RP is set in. Nothing more. A wristpad or similar device is fine, it's pseudoscience that we have to accept for the Universe until such a time as Frontier gives specifics on such equipment.

However, no matter how you try to explain it away, a Pip-Boy, is Fallout Lore, not Elite Lore. Simple as that. Sure, it's a small thing now, but the knock on effect is potentially huge.

We allow a pip-boy because "Fallout existed in the past therefore someone must have made a Pip-boy" Then we get "Star Trek existed, so teleporters must have been invented." Followed by "Skyrim existed so someone got plastic surgery to look like a Khajit." (Something we've already discouraged I might add.) This might be a small insignificant thing to you, but to the community as a whole it is a stone in a pond. It will create a ripple effect. If we allow that logic to apply once, we are forced to allow it to apply time and time again. (If you want to keep it Fallout related, what about the BigBoy Nuke Launcher thing? No reason someone hasn't invented one of those either after all).

To put it into a different context for you imagine joining a badminton club then saying "I can hit the shuttlecock because it bounces therefore hitting the ground isn't enough". In some weird way, yes, it makes sense. But at the end of the day, that's not the rule. The same applies here.

There is a small amount of logic to your argument, Fallout is a small part of Earth history. But it is, nonetheless, a VERY small piece. Insignificantly small I might add. I subscribe to the theory of infinite probability but does that mean I'm going to shoehorn a Daedra invasion into Citi Gateway? No.

Again, we are not here to be your enemy. We are here to collectively create stories for each others enjoyment. Unfortunately this means having a set of ground rules so that no-ones story contradicts anothers. The main one being, as has been pointed out to you, Respect the Lore of the Elite: Dangerous Universe. The Pip-Boy, is not part of that universe.

It's a simple thing. All we want, is that you refer to it as a wristpad from now on. In your Logbooks,GO WILD!!! Call it a Pip-Boy, Fight Deathclaws, drink your Nuka Cola or play with Dogmeat. But in the RP, Stick to the Lore, preferably without making excuses to shoehorn other lore stuff in.

Ok Im done repeating myself about this. Like I said before contact Frontier and have them completely disassociate anything relateable to ours or any other universe. They opened the floodgates to the saturation of the universes history not me. I believe that was part of their intended purpose in fact to further expand on the "limitless" boundaries of the game.

That's all you'll hear from me on this subject. See you at the InGaBa. No hard feelings I hope.

CMDR Crane Out.

I have an idea (probably should've said this a long ass time ago)- Elite is based off earths previous history right? So Star Wars was created, lord of the rings was rehearsed in massive leap events, and the GAME FALLOUT 4-'dun dun da dun- was made and played and enjoyed.
So, ahem- here's an idea- just an idea! Bear with me-

Your father had an ancient copy, and you made a computer/wristwatch that WASNT a pop boy 2000 or whatever, but looked LIKE one and acted like one from the ancient days. Something you spent tinkering with for months to replicate and make and enjoy. A trinket if you will. My "model".

Eh? Eh? Yeh? :3

That sounds fine too. I never mentioned how I got the device. Just that it was old. Mine is, however, for the time being, a "Pip-Boy 200,000" so it would be quite a bit newer than the version you use in Fallout. Therefore it would be even more probably my character has one, or a replica of one because the model I have is not from as far away.

You actually brought a new point to my mind. According to my knowledge a new Fallout game is already in the works. So who's to say Fallout wont be a long lasting franchise like Zelda or Mario or Halo?

Thank you for your insight. So, there, hopefully this pleases everyone who seemed to have their panties in a bunch: my wrist computer is most likely a replica.

Yeah, again I mean, the whole reason why guys here go super butt hurt was that you didn't explain yourself thoroughly enough. It was an accident, on both parts. I should also mention that one of the primary lore lovers here stated something along the lines of him playing a game like Warcraft or some other MMORPG, and watched it tear itself apart with people bringing in far fetched ideas that were beyond the idea of "non-lore." As Syndrome from The Incredibles said, "everyone become special. And when everyone is special, no one is special." You just gotta suck it up, cover the angles, and especially ask. We're a friendly community, and will be more than willing to provide the help or advice necessary, provided a little initiative is given : )
19 Jan 2017, 7:55pm
Markus OmniYeah, again I mean, the whole reason why guys here go super butt hurt was that you didn't explain yourself thoroughly enough. It was an accident, on both parts. I should also mention that one of the primary lore lovers here stated something along the lines of him playing a game like Warcraft or some other MMORPG, and watched it tear itself apart with people bringing in far fetched ideas that were beyond the idea of "non-lore." As Syndrome from The Incredibles said, "everyone become special. And when everyone is special, no one is special." You just gotta suck it up, cover the angles, and especially ask. We're a friendly community, and will be more than willing to provide the help or advice necessary, provided a little initiative is given : )

That was me. I watched the World of Warcraft roleplay community collapse in on itself because everyone was tripping over themselves trying to be "the specialist panda," which, frankly is what the initial Pipboy reeked of, though I'll admit you've done a halfway decent job of walking it back.

The thing that I think you missed while trying to play scientist is that the station names that exist in the universe were named that way because the Frontier Dev team loves them some pop-culture references. While I recognize that your initial attempt at the Pipboy was also a reference, it seems like you quickly learned that there's a right way to referencing something and a wrong way to do it. Initially claiming that your Pipboy was indeed a continuation of the Robco technology line is the wrong way to do it, but backpedaling to where your character's father built him a replica of one is a little bit closer to the correct way.

I try not to play lore police too often, but my experience in WoW has caused me to be a little more hard-lined about it than some of the others here. I also try not to be a dick about it, but you people make that kind of difficult sometimes.
19 Jan 2017, 10:18pm
John "Xeknos" Mathurin
Markus OmniYeah, again I mean, the whole reason why guys here go super butt hurt was that you didn't explain yourself thoroughly enough. It was an accident, on both parts. I should also mention that one of the primary lore lovers here stated something along the lines of him playing a game like Warcraft or some other MMORPG, and watched it tear itself apart with people bringing in far fetched ideas that were beyond the idea of "non-lore." As Syndrome from The Incredibles said, "everyone become special. And when everyone is special, no one is special." You just gotta suck it up, cover the angles, and especially ask. We're a friendly community, and will be more than willing to provide the help or advice necessary, provided a little initiative is given : )

That was me. I watched the World of Warcraft roleplay community collapse in on itself because everyone was tripping over themselves trying to be "the specialist panda," which, frankly is what the initial Pipboy reeked of, though I'll admit you've done a halfway decent job of walking it back.

The thing that I think you missed while trying to play scientist is that the station names that exist in the universe were named that way because the Frontier Dev team loves them some pop-culture references. While I recognize that your initial attempt at the Pipboy was also a reference, it seems like you quickly learned that there's a right way to referencing something and a wrong way to do it. Initially claiming that your Pipboy was indeed a continuation of the Robco technology line is the wrong way to do it, but backpedaling to where your character's father built him a replica of one is a little bit closer to the correct way.

I try not to play lore police too often, but my experience in WoW has caused me to be a little more hard-lined about it than some of the others here. I also try not to be a dick about it, but you people make that kind of difficult sometimes.

What do you mean "You people"? ahaha.

I only ever mentioned the name though. I didnt back pedal because my character never said where it came from or who it was made by. He only said that it was ancient. You all assumed it was a Robco model, but even so how is it only a "little bit closer?" Can we just admit that we've come to an agreeable compromise? I wont directly involve other worldly objects into roleplay, but I can name or call things whatever I desire. If someone wants to name their ship the USS Enterprise then that's well within their right and in no way at all does it conflict with the lore of the Elite universe.
19 Jan 2017, 11:12pm
John "Xeknos" Mathurin
Markus OmniYeah, again I mean, the whole reason why guys here go super butt hurt was that you didn't explain yourself thoroughly enough. It was an accident, on both parts. I should also mention that one of the primary lore lovers here stated something along the lines of him playing a game like Warcraft or some other MMORPG, and watched it tear itself apart with people bringing in far fetched ideas that were beyond the idea of "non-lore." As Syndrome from The Incredibles said, "everyone become special. And when everyone is special, no one is special." You just gotta suck it up, cover the angles, and especially ask. We're a friendly community, and will be more than willing to provide the help or advice necessary, provided a little initiative is given : )

That was me. I watched the World of Warcraft roleplay community collapse in on itself because everyone was tripping over themselves trying to be "the specialist panda," which, frankly is what the initial Pipboy reeked of, though I'll admit you've done a halfway decent job of walking it back.

The thing that I think you missed while trying to play scientist is that the station names that exist in the universe were named that way because the Frontier Dev team loves them some pop-culture references. While I recognize that your initial attempt at the Pipboy was also a reference, it seems like you quickly learned that there's a right way to referencing something and a wrong way to do it. Initially claiming that your Pipboy was indeed a continuation of the Robco technology line is the wrong way to do it, but backpedaling to where your character's father built him a replica of one is a little bit closer to the correct way.

I try not to play lore police too often, but my experience in WoW has caused me to be a little more hard-lined about it than some of the others here. I also try not to be a dick about it, but you people make that kind of difficult sometimes.

What do you mean "You people"? ahaha.

I only ever mentioned the name though. I didnt back pedal because my character never said where it came from or who it was made by. He only said that it was ancient. You all assumed it was a Robco model, but even so how is it only a "little bit closer?" Can we just admit that we've come to an agreeable compromise? I wont directly involve other worldly objects into roleplay, but I can name or call things whatever I desire. If someone wants to name their ship the USS Enterprise then that's well within their right and in no way at all does it conflict with the lore of the Elite universe.

I'm sorry, but what?

If you merely wanted something that you called a "Pipboy" but was actually a regular wrist-pad, you wouldn't have launched into your poor multiverse argument, which was pretty clearly designed to try and justify your Pipboy being an actual Robco Pipboy from the far future. You didn't soften your stance on that until you agreed to Luke's idea above and hedged by finally saying, "oh, no, this is just a replica we built out of Sidewinder parts."

You think you're clever, but it looks like you're a smidge too clever for your own good.
20 Jan 2017, 12:03am
Prancy Paws. Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.
20 Jan 2017, 12:15am
Desert Fox CXVIIPrancy Paws. Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

He's also seemingly the richest person in all of Equestria half sprung between here and the muggles of middle earth. "4,953,480,265,100 CR"

Holy shit yo. Wish I had some of that. *looks into own meager bankings*
20 Jan 2017, 1:16am
Markus Omni
Desert Fox CXVIIPrancy Paws. Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

He's also seemingly the richest person in all of Equestria half sprung between here and the muggles of middle earth. "4,953,480,265,100 CR"

Holy shit yo. Wish I had some of that. *looks into own meager bankings*

TARDISes and Portal Guns don't come cheap y'know.
20 Jan 2017, 4:06am
Tardises? What the hek is that?
20 Jan 2017, 4:25am
It's from the Sci Fi series Doctor Who.
It is a space / time ship that is larger on the inside then the outside. It's chameleon circuit is stuck and resemble a British police box.

TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space.

The show has been mostly on the air since 1963 and has had approximately 1000 episodes.

Last edit: 20 Jan 2017, 8:58am
20 Jan 2017, 5:30am
Holy shit, I step away for a couple of days, and the whole OOC/Q&A board blows up!
20 Jan 2017, 6:09am
John "Xeknos" Mathurin
John "Xeknos" Mathurin
Markus OmniYeah, again I mean, the whole reason why guys here go super butt hurt was that you didn't explain yourself thoroughly enough. It was an accident, on both parts. I should also mention that one of the primary lore lovers here stated something along the lines of him playing a game like Warcraft or some other MMORPG, and watched it tear itself apart with people bringing in far fetched ideas that were beyond the idea of "non-lore." As Syndrome from The Incredibles said, "everyone become special. And when everyone is special, no one is special." You just gotta suck it up, cover the angles, and especially ask. We're a friendly community, and will be more than willing to provide the help or advice necessary, provided a little initiative is given : )

That was me. I watched the World of Warcraft roleplay community collapse in on itself because everyone was tripping over themselves trying to be "the specialist panda," which, frankly is what the initial Pipboy reeked of, though I'll admit you've done a halfway decent job of walking it back.

The thing that I think you missed while trying to play scientist is that the station names that exist in the universe were named that way because the Frontier Dev team loves them some pop-culture references. While I recognize that your initial attempt at the Pipboy was also a reference, it seems like you quickly learned that there's a right way to referencing something and a wrong way to do it. Initially claiming that your Pipboy was indeed a continuation of the Robco technology line is the wrong way to do it, but backpedaling to where your character's father built him a replica of one is a little bit closer to the correct way.

I try not to play lore police too often, but my experience in WoW has caused me to be a little more hard-lined about it than some of the others here. I also try not to be a dick about it, but you people make that kind of difficult sometimes.

What do you mean "You people"? ahaha.

I only ever mentioned the name though. I didnt back pedal because my character never said where it came from or who it was made by. He only said that it was ancient. You all assumed it was a Robco model, but even so how is it only a "little bit closer?" Can we just admit that we've come to an agreeable compromise? I wont directly involve other worldly objects into roleplay, but I can name or call things whatever I desire. If someone wants to name their ship the USS Enterprise then that's well within their right and in no way at all does it conflict with the lore of the Elite universe.

I'm sorry, but what?

If you merely wanted something that you called a "Pipboy" but was actually a regular wrist-pad, you wouldn't have launched into your poor multiverse argument, which was pretty clearly designed to try and justify your Pipboy being an actual Robco Pipboy from the far future. You didn't soften your stance on that until you agreed to Luke's idea above and hedged by finally saying, "oh, no, this is just a replica we built out of Sidewinder parts."

You think you're clever, but it looks like you're a smidge too clever for your own good.

I jumped into that because you all were insistent that there was no possible way I could have a "Pip-Boy" of any sort and I was arguing that it was entirely possible. That was the basis of the argument. Again taking what I say out of context. maybe yall should try reading the entire post before you make your rebuttal. My explanation of the multi-verse, as I've said twice before, was for you to assume if it was more convenient for you. My only argument was that a Pip-Boy could exist and I'd say we've come to the conclusion that it could. I never had any backstory in mind for how I got my Pip-Boy tbh. I just thought I'd mention it because it was funny to me. I wasnt aware a bunch of cry babies were going to make a huge deal about something so trivial.
20 Jan 2017, 8:17am
Desert Fox CXVIIPrancy Paws. Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

I couldn't disagree more.

I've put in an ask for an Ignore function on the first board and a couple of others have backed it. Why not get behind that, instead of an immersion-shattering troll?

You can ignore Pip-Boy and I can ignore Prancy-Prick - everyone wins!
20 Jan 2017, 9:54am
Markus OmniTardises? What the hek is that?

Well, I can see that you and me are just not going to get along...
20 Jan 2017, 12:41pm
Ok, now I have to pipe in here...

And you all know what I'm going to say....



Time travel is possible- quantum mechanics is barely understood but since the discovery of the HB particle there is more evidence that it is possible than isn't as supported by the standard model.

Stryker I know you're a smart dude but the whole argument of quantum mechanics, string theory, and even the multiverse hypothesis all support the likelihood of 'more' life out there than less. Elon Musk's recent commentary on simulation almost has me somewhat convinced that We're all just the experiment of some greater intelligence out there.

Even Einstein and basic relativity denotes the possibility of time travel (Forwards) as a reality- but entangled particles that react like waves when not observed, and act as particles when observed is the one aspect of quantum mechanics that has me a) baffled, and b) absolutely convinced that anyone who claims they have even a basic grasp of quantum mechanics really hasn't got a grasp of reality. Even the greatest quantum physicists in the world articulate they really have no clue.

What they have articulated however is that in almost every hypothesis, the 4th dimension proves that moving through space and time without limitation 'could' be possible if some 'thing' could move beyond the 4th dimension.

Multiverse supports the notion of 12 possible dimensions, and it hasn't been 'disproven' either, in fact it's gaining traction. The reality is even in our galaxy, comprised of 400 billion stars, the likeliness of another you, exactly as you are today, is mathematically more probable than not.

Thought I was going to say something about your role play didn't cha?

As far as the pip-boy is concerned... Wrong game.

And Stryker.. He said George Lucas and you mentioned Star Trek... Blasphemy bro... Sickening...
20 Jan 2017, 2:03pm
In all honesty we're playing a game that uses the foundation of the Alcubiere Drive to explain how we travel faster than the speed of light without everyone we know and love dying of old age in the process.

Time travel is possible, if you're traveling at the speed of light. However I'm a military man and no science freak, so I won't go into that. Pip-boy would've been a lot better if the term of "wrist data pad/link" was used at it is technologies being developed now to the point the Americans have a trial aiming aid built into a monocle thing.

So by gods please shut the hel up. I mean damns, I use freaking Vikings in a freaking future setting but at least I fucking can justify it and not get petty about it. End of the day this is fan fic about a game.

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