Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

07 Jan 2017, 11:08am
NsitePS Markus and Marra, you're welcome.

Glitch and Punk, who could ask for more?

(in case you don't dig apple music, its Tron DeRezzed)

CLU is my favorite from the series. The sequencing of those light craft or starships, whatever they're called in the movie- when they're twirling about left and right, and then the scene where the little ship is chasing the bigger one vertically up into the sky, only to stall cause it's has a less powerful engine, and the music sort of stops along with it, and revs back up as the larger ship finally "endo's" in the air and comes swinging back down to chase what originally was the predator---now that's a scene I dig.
08 Jan 2017, 10:31am
Damn dude, that took fraken forever. I'm looking for tips, suggestions, ... corrections? I'll take any critism. : )

08 Jan 2017, 3:49pm
Can I ask people for advice?

With the sudden appearance of the "Thargoids" I knew instantly how Luke would react to such an event, Branders reaction is somewhat unimportant really but I have to admit, I'm a little stuck with Lilith.

So to those who have followed her, or even interacted with her, I'd ask what a realistic response might be from someone like her.

I considered multiple possibilities, but each one felt like it contradicted some part of her personality. Hence I'm asking for some help. Any input is welcome and appreciated.
08 Jan 2017, 4:07pm
Initial off the cuff thought: she's got a lot more to worry about than Thargoids.
08 Jan 2017, 4:09pm
Luke3107Can I ask people for advice?

With the sudden appearance of the "Thargoids" I knew instantly how Luke would react to such an event, Branders reaction is somewhat unimportant really but I have to admit, I'm a little stuck with Lilith.

So to those who have followed her, or even interacted with her, I'd ask what a realistic response might be from someone like her.

I considered multiple possibilities, but each one felt like it contradicted some part of her personality. Hence I'm asking for some help. Any input is welcome and appreciated.

Lilith seems intelligent, so I'd expect her to be somewhat curious. However, she is also very self-interested, so I think there would be a good deal of indifference - as long as they don't mess with her, she has no need to worry about them.
08 Jan 2017, 4:33pm
She seems to have a connection now with Isaiah and Cait.  As it seems they might be getting right up in the Thargoid mess, how might that affect her? If they don't bother her directly, how about folks she cares about?
08 Jan 2017, 4:42pm
I agree what Marra said. Lilith is self interested, and unless she had something to gain from the aliens, in my mind's eye, I see her being all like. "That's, nice." Taking a glance at the view screen while simultaneously holding a gun to some dudes head that didn't pay up, saying to the bloke, "where's my money?"
08 Jan 2017, 5:19pm
Do ships have escape pods? I mean when you die I've seen that you eject or whatever, but I mean a legit escape vessel that sits a person or persons in? Specifically thinking of an Anaconda and Corvette here
08 Jan 2017, 5:23pm
All ships are fitted with single-person escape pods. In lore they are supposed to take you to the nearest starport, having placed you in a form of suspended animation. In game terms you just wake up at your last save point.
08 Jan 2017, 5:29pm
Jemine CaesarAll ships are fitted with single-person escape pods. In lore they are supposed to take you to the nearest starport, having placed you in a form of suspended animation. In game terms you just wake up at your last save point.

This. Because actually picking up an escape pod is considered illegal. So they have become, for me, target practice.
08 Jan 2017, 5:45pm
Stryker Aune
Jemine CaesarAll ships are fitted with single-person escape pods. In lore they are supposed to take you to the nearest starport, having placed you in a form of suspended animation. In game terms you just wake up at your last save point.

This. Because actually picking up an escape pod is considered illegal. So they have become, for me, target practice.

This is true, though I've never understood why it's illegal to rescue someone...
08 Jan 2017, 5:50pm
Jemine Caesar
Stryker Aune
Jemine CaesarAll ships are fitted with single-person escape pods. In lore they are supposed to take you to the nearest starport, having placed you in a form of suspended animation. In game terms you just wake up at your last save point.

This. Because actually picking up an escape pod is considered illegal. So they have become, for me, target practice.

This is true, though I've never understood why it's illegal to rescue someone...

And yet you acquire no bounty or fine for maliciously killing a helpless person kept in stasus. Braben logic.
08 Jan 2017, 5:51pm
I don't think Lilith would be terribly concerned by the aliens - for the moment. Like everyone else has said, she's motivated by her own self-interest and even if she spoke with Cait and/or Isaiah on the subject, it'd be more of a topic of conversation rather than a "what-are-we-gonna-do" type of thing. I suspect Lilith would find it entertaining discussion at best but not much more than that.
08 Jan 2017, 5:56pm
Stryker Aune
Jemine CaesarAll ships are fitted with single-person escape pods. In lore they are supposed to take you to the nearest starport, having placed you in a form of suspended animation. In game terms you just wake up at your last save point.

This. Because actually picking up an escape pod is considered illegal. So they have become, for me, target practice.

Oh Mister Aune!

Bring the poor souls back to Clair Dock - I've set up a humanitarian programme that will help them recover from their ordeal and find suitable employment.
08 Jan 2017, 5:56pm
Stryker Aune
Jemine Caesar
Stryker Aune
Jemine CaesarAll ships are fitted with single-person escape pods. In lore they are supposed to take you to the nearest starport, having placed you in a form of suspended animation. In game terms you just wake up at your last save point.

This. Because actually picking up an escape pod is considered illegal. So they have become, for me, target practice.

This is true, though I've never understood why it's illegal to rescue someone...

And yet you acquire no bounty or fine for maliciously killing a helpless person kept in stasus. Braben logic.

I doubt that the escape pod has the required sensors and computers to identify your ship in a way secure enough to issue a bounty.

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