Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

09 Jan 2017, 11:18pm
Simon DaturaYes. Eve Online is free now. I have two accounts just to use the character creator, and considering a third since I need more slots and can't really sacrifice the ones I got to make room since I need all the faces.

The move to free-to-play from Eve has been wonderful.

Do you know of an online browser that can be used to make the same avatar skin (since I don't have a computer and all)?
09 Jan 2017, 11:25pm
You mean like a browser-based avatar generator thing? Not for Eve. I have dabbled with a few here and there but they are usually very cartoony and I hate them.

Look up Hero Machine. That might work? It's not too bad.
09 Jan 2017, 11:27pm
Simon DaturaYou mean like a browser-based avatar generator thing? Not for Eve. I have dabbled with a few here and there but they are usually very cartoony and I hate them.

Look up Hero Machine. That might work? It's not too bad.

09 Jan 2017, 11:39pm
How is using Eve's creator? Just reading a bit left me utterly intimidated.
09 Jan 2017, 11:44pm
It's really not that difficult at all. Very easy to pick up on.
09 Jan 2017, 11:50pm
Perhaps a go I shall give it this weekend then.
09 Jan 2017, 11:50pm
It isn't much different from any other one (say, mass effect, for example) though, I would say it is one of the best character creators I have ever used.
10 Jan 2017, 12:34am
With regards to joining the Inara Writers Guild, what is expected of the members? I was termpted to put in a request to join, thinking it would be a good place to promote my inane scribblings for criticism without regularly posting in the public forums. I'm a needy little brat like that y'see
10 Jan 2017, 1:03am
This is amusing since I too was considering asking to join the writers guild, but I didn't know if there were any necessary prerequisites (like oh I dunno, maybe actually owning and playing the game to begin with lol).
10 Jan 2017, 1:14am
Joshua SnowI'm referring to this series when I say my Asp Explorer was impounded.

But yeah, is the Even Online character maker free? Can I just access it?

Have to admit, that series was rather amusing
10 Jan 2017, 1:29am

I just realized that I was addressed IC! Crud.
10 Jan 2017, 1:36am
Joshua Snow...

I just realized that I was addressed IC! Crud.

Just a correction, but I think it was Per-Ja Ferra that tried to interact with you. Locke is sitting amongst the group with Marra, the dark haired stranger he mentioned was Jemine.

But it did look like Ferra attempted to engage you and may have been awaiting a response ever since lol

Edit: It's about halfway down page 82
10 Jan 2017, 1:43am
Joshua Snow...

I just realized that I was addressed IC! Crud.

Just a correction, but I think it was Per-Ja Ferra that tried to interact with you. Locke is sitting amongst the group with Marra, the dark haired stranger he mentioned was Jemine.

But it did look like Ferra attempted to engage you and may have been awaiting a response ever since lol

Edit: It's about halfway down page 82

Er- I don't know if that's right or wrong maite, he might have been talking to Jem! : o
Unless it is Ferra- in which you're correct. But you said something to Locke lol!
10 Jan 2017, 1:45am
To answer both your questions, entry to the IWG is based on a few things:

- Writing consistency. You don't have to be a Victor Hugo-esque machine, but we do want to know that you finish what you start, with intentions of keeping up with your characters' arcs. Writing a Thing or two and then abandoning your story when it's a third done is frowned upon. You have to show us that you want -and are able to- weave a compelling, multi-part story.

- Writing competence. Not to get high-handed or nitpicky, but there are a few clear, objective measures of good writing that are simply non-negotiable. Spelling, punctuation, properly structured dialogue, pacing, sentence structure- all the basics of fiction writing are things that we strive to achieve. None of us are professional writers in RL, but the core goal with all our work is to write the stories that we'd like to read. This means paying attention to detail, thinking hard about the words we use, and going through an editing process before hitting "submit".

- Fidelity to lore. There is a clear difference between paying homage to an outside influence and blithely shoehorning it into a narrative. For example, if one of our characters murmurs "I've got a bad feeling about this", then it's a subtle but clear Han Solo shoutout- yet a totally plausible thing to say in the Elite universe. If they show up in the Millenium Falcon to smuggle onionhead, then they've unimaginatively ripped off an iconic ship that has no business being in an Elite-based work of fiction. Inserting characters, organizations, and objects from other sci-fi universes makes us cringe.

- Chillness. This one is harder to nail down. Your personality has to mesh with ours. We're not clones and we sometimes have disagreements among ourselves, but I can honestly say that the IWG is a zero drama group. I've been regularly conversing with the founding members for almost two years, and I count them among my RL friends. We're a rather irreverent bunch that disdains virtue-signalling PC culture, but we don't tolerate things like racial or sexual harassment, either. To some, that might be a weird line to walk. To us, it's just being decent, real human beings.  

And yes, Markus- you need to own the game

Last edit: 10 Jan 2017, 6:59am
10 Jan 2017, 1:54am
M. Lehman And yes, Markus- you need to own the game

Damn.. lol. I figured as much. Oh well! At least I know that's the only real criteria I'll need to worry about.
I'll submit my application in June. Should give me plenty of time as to think of what I want to say. XD

But, even though I personally wont be in said group, will you, or they, or y'all still be willing to promote tips and the occasional critique?

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