Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC
02 Feb 2017, 4:19am
02 Feb 2017, 4:37am
Simon DaturaHow dare you visit people.
I probably shouldn't have. Got lost on the way there and added an extra half hour to my drive.
02 Feb 2017, 5:42am
02 Feb 2017, 11:18am
02 Feb 2017, 11:19am
Jemine CaesarI'd never heard of Firefly until fairly recently. Apparently Nathan Fillion is in it. He's quite dishy in Castle, so maybe I'll give Firefly a go...
Firefly is ok, a bit trashy maybe but story and characters make up for that
02 Feb 2017, 1:15pm
02 Feb 2017, 1:45pm
Chocolates and Cuddles are ready for the response team...
Edit: And yeah Cartlidge, jeez... Everyone knows RP is WAAAAYYY more important than RL friends. So inconsiderate...
02 Feb 2017, 1:57pm
02 Feb 2017, 2:30pm
02 Feb 2017, 4:06pm
SonofMacPhistoAny thoughts on how the Engineers fit into roleplay? I'm thinking about how they fit into my character's back story.
I feel like they're best left as shadowy, mysterious figures in the background. Mentioned in passing, maybe, and never by name at that. The idea that there's one guy in the whole galaxy who knows how to make a pulse laser shoot faster is a little absurd. I tend to see them as gameplay placeholders for thousands of backyard mechanics and underground savants who like to tinker.
So I approach them not as "Today I made friends with Didi Vaterman and she made my shield boosters stronger!" but something more like, "My cousin Eddie knows a guy who knows a guy who runs a little performance shop at Cliffton Orbital. I brought a few cases of whiskey and the parts he needed to fix up my power distributor."
02 Feb 2017, 4:54pm
Tisiphone MoreauSonofMacPhistoAny thoughts on how the Engineers fit into roleplay? I'm thinking about how they fit into my character's back story.
I feel like they're best left as shadowy, mysterious figures in the background. Mentioned in passing, maybe, and never by name at that. The idea that there's one guy in the whole galaxy who knows how to make a pulse laser shoot faster is a little absurd. I tend to see them as gameplay placeholders for thousands of backyard mechanics and underground savants who like to tinker.
So I approach them not as "Today I made friends with Didi Vaterman and she made my shield boosters stronger!" but something more like, "My cousin Eddie knows a guy who knows a guy who runs a little performance shop at Cliffton Orbital. I brought a few cases of whiskey and the parts he needed to fix up my power distributor."
02 Feb 2017, 5:02pm
Tisiphone MoreauSonofMacPhistoAny thoughts on how the Engineers fit into roleplay? I'm thinking about how they fit into my character's back story.
I feel like they're best left as shadowy, mysterious figures in the background. Mentioned in passing, maybe, and never by name at that. The idea that there's one guy in the whole galaxy who knows how to make a pulse laser shoot faster is a little absurd. I tend to see them as gameplay placeholders for thousands of backyard mechanics and underground savants who like to tinker.
So I approach them not as "Today I made friends with Didi Vaterman and she made my shield boosters stronger!" but something more like, "My cousin Eddie knows a guy who knows a guy who runs a little performance shop at Cliffton Orbital. I brought a few cases of whiskey and the parts he needed to fix up my power distributor."
It is not to say that there isn't some player characters that are tinkers of the machines. Stryker here was created before the Engineers, with a Kaylee, Mac Guyverish aptitude for making things work and jury-rigging. I won't say he is the same as the Engineers, but in moderation, I think it is fair to say that some characters could be "asked" to "modify" stuff.
Another player that comes to mind is Muinnin.