Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

12 Jan 2017, 11:47pm
Sudden outburst of violent emotions? Do sudden outbursts of regular violence count?
12 Jan 2017, 11:57pm
I'm not very interested in regular acts of violence. Only those that are induced by stimulating the lamina quadrigemina. But, by all means, don't let that denture you. Murder away my finely dressed collegue

Last edit: 13 Jan 2017, 12:05am
13 Jan 2017, 12:00am
None so far. Though I suppose you're not likely interested in being around to find out either.
13 Jan 2017, 12:08am
Isaiah EvansonNone so far. Though I suppose you're not likely interested in being around to find out either.

Quite the contrary, my good subject. Under careful environmental controls, I dare say it would be quite safe for me to "find out."

Last edit: 13 Jan 2017, 12:27am
13 Jan 2017, 12:10am
And under not-so-careful environmental controls?

Yeah, I don't think you'd like me very much when I'm angry.
13 Jan 2017, 12:32am
Isaiah EvansonAnd under not-so-careful environmental controls?

Yeah, I don't think you'd like me very much when I'm angry.

That's the idea....
13 Jan 2017, 12:56am
We'll see. We may yet meet again, and the tables might be turned next time around.
13 Jan 2017, 2:25am
Wow... Uhh... Thanks for the messages guys

I really just meant to allow the RP to continue in my absence but this was very nice to wake up to, even at 0230am GMT lol, so much appreciated. The back and forth between Dr G and Isaiah was rather amusing too.

As for Glaboski's umm... Kind suggestion??? I have it on good authority there is treatment for headaches that don't require an icepick through the tearduct. But then I'm not a Doctor so what do I know?

At this time in the morning I don't anticipate a response but mine will be up in due course. Thanks again guys, really much appreciated
13 Jan 2017, 2:42am
Luke3107Wow... Uhh... Thanks for the messages guys

I really just meant to allow the RP to continue in my absence but this was very nice to wake up to, even at 0230am GMT lol, so much appreciated. The back and forth between Dr G and Isaiah was rather amusing too.

As for Glaboski's umm... Kind suggestion??? I have it on good authority there is treatment for headaches that don't require an icepick through the tearduct. But then I'm not a Doctor so what do I know?

At this time in the morning I don't anticipate a response but mine will be up in due course. Thanks again guys, really much appreciated

Feel better, Luke.
13 Jan 2017, 2:46am
Much better, thanks. It really was only a headache, perhaps bordering on a migraine. Either way, I just mentioned it purely to allow others to continue the RP in my absence.

Nonetheless, I should thank everyone who opted to wait for me to return instead. It was unnecessary but definitely appreciated
13 Jan 2017, 3:05am
Hooray! You're not dead! This is the best thing.
13 Jan 2017, 3:47am
SonofMacPhistoHooray! You're not dead! This is the best thing.
I've had a near death experience before. One was enough

Thanks anyways though
13 Jan 2017, 12:58pm
Hey can anyone help clear up for me what exactly everyone is doing in the bar? Tried reading up on it but I'm completely lost :s
13 Jan 2017, 1:03pm
Tokito YakenHey can anyone help clear up for me what exactly everyone is doing in the bar? Tried reading up on it but I'm completely lost :s

Stryker and Jem are dancing.
13 Jan 2017, 1:15pm
IRL about to grab me... So If I stare at a wall for a while, you know why.

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