Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Jan 2017, 4:27pm
I'm curious, what do you think of [redacted]'s work on Ten, Doctor?
13 Jan 2017, 4:30pm
Dr. GlaboskiAnd while your in Inara, would you consider participating in a "study?" We will pay you of course!

(And welcome!)

You may ask "me" once I am there. But from what "I" see from here I wouldn't want you to touch me. Even if my full nick would include "Head".
13 Jan 2017, 4:31pm
LeifI'm only reading this for three days now, but yesterday I lost track of what's going on. Thanks for the sum-up although I didn't ask
It's been a short read while exploring (again ... if you're capable of german you might read my logbook) and didn't end up smashing into a sun so far.

So Thanks to all you creative heads participating in this RP.
I might jump in when I return from my trip, I like to keep my RP close to what I'm actually doing. (By jumping in I mean literal - I'd visit Inara at least once)
It's our pleasure. Thanks and welcome.

Unfortunately I'm only fluent in three languages. English, Scottish and Sarcasm so apologies that I can't read your log books without Google Translate giving me somewhat unreliable translations. However I look forward to seeing you join us in the RP when you get around to it.
13 Jan 2017, 4:31pm
Dr. Glaboski
Luke3107(Bet I get told I'm wrong now and end up looking a complete idiot)

Looking like an idiot? Does it make you feel self conscious? Awkward even? We here at the Glaboski institute can help make a new you!

With over 15 years of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery experience, Dr.Glabiski can help you become the fabulous you, you can be!

Risk Free. Just call, for a free consultation!

The Glaboski institute, making idiots look good.

Oh so it IS Glaboski? I thought it was Richard, or another name that can be shortened to something just as offensive

Yes, Richard McTool, is an alias glaboski uses when he's feeling particularly dickish. Or when he's baking a souffle for important house guests.

Last edit: 13 Jan 2017, 4:55pm
13 Jan 2017, 4:33pm
Cartlidge1000Out of curiosity, where did you... find Idris, Marra? Is the answer in one of your stories? Or is there a more simple answer? Or is it a secret all together?

The answer lies within!
13 Jan 2017, 4:35pm
Well Luke has no beef with you, although a man with multiple identities will make him very suspicious. Although I'm sure Lilith would gladly join you for a meal. She'll even invite Cait and Isaiah to help fill the seats
13 Jan 2017, 4:37pm
Marra Morgan
Cartlidge1000Out of curiosity, where did you... find Idris, Marra? Is the answer in one of your stories? Or is there a more simple answer? Or is it a secret all together?

The answer lies within!

*Breathes sigh of relief*

13 Jan 2017, 4:38pm
Luke3107It's our pleasure. Thanks and welcome.

Unfortunately I'm only fluent in three languages. English, Scottish and Sarcasm so apologies that I can't read your log books without Google Translate giving me somewhat unreliable translations. However I look forward to seeing you join us in the RP when you get around to it.

That's already one language we're both fluent in - but my english is not the best and my posts may not be lyrical top-of-the-notch, as I've only got it in school for 5 years and deselected it in 11th grade because I didn't see much potential teachers could teach me that is actually useful. I've been in the internet for longer now and I'd say it teached me better than school did.
I've already thought about switching my log language to english, as the entire page is on english and I only see some logbooks in other than english language flying through.
13 Jan 2017, 4:42pm
Marra Morgan
Cartlidge1000Out of curiosity, where did you... find Idris, Marra? Is the answer in one of your stories? Or is there a more simple answer? Or is it a secret all together?

The answer lies within!

Fascinating. Thanks for the link. I was particularly curious because I realized a little while ago that the "products" of my logbooks' main antagonist are very similar to Idris. Not intentionally of course but I'm sure you can agree the best bodyguards/soldiers are the ones that don't hesitate, never ask questions, and can break a man in two when asked.
13 Jan 2017, 4:45pm
If it makes you feel more comfortable, feel free to write out in whichever language you feel most comfortable in. Don't delete the originals, just translate it and leave two copies, one in German, one in English. I'm sure there are plenty Germans lurking around that would appreciate it.

Although I accept this would be very time consuming. So just do as you feel best
13 Jan 2017, 4:53pm
In fact I did it with my initial interview. This is pretty old by now, and if you're watching the introductions thread, you may have seen my Broadcast to the void I did there recently. No need to say it is newer and still true to my current situation.
13 Jan 2017, 4:58pm
I'll be sure to have a look when I get the opportunity

Likely later tonight if/when things calm down a little bit.
13 Jan 2017, 6:12pm
For the record, I should have implied it better, but I meant the marble was under our table still. It had not rolled over to Marra's table yet.
13 Jan 2017, 6:18pm
14 Jan 2017, 12:20am
Opinion time:

Those that followed Lilith and Marra, I'd like to know what you think Lilith feels about her previous to the meeting and how you think she feels about her now.

I ask, because I'd set out with a goal in mind to convey her thoughts and feelings, without explicitly stating them. So I'm keen to find out if I succeeded or not. Don't be concerned with getting it right or wrong. If someone thinks one thing and another person feels the opposite, it means I've done something wrong so I'd like to know where improvements might need to be made.

Thanks in advance

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