Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Feb 2017, 5:52am
Tisiphone Moreau
It worked for the Romulans! And now that I've said this, it will be impossible for me to ever see the Empire as anything other than the Romulan Star Empire.

But is that a bad thing tho?
01 Feb 2017, 5:53am
It's not a bad thing, and I'm pretty sure there was a Roman emperor (or General?) named Romulus...
01 Feb 2017, 5:54am
Desert Fox CXVII
Tisiphone Moreau
It worked for the Romulans! And now that I've said this, it will be impossible for me to ever see the Empire as anything other than the Romulan Star Empire.

But is that a bad thing tho?

So long as their star doesn't go supernova.
01 Feb 2017, 5:54am
Simon DaturaIt's not a bad thing, and I'm pretty sure there was a Roman emperor (or General?) named Romulus...

Romulus and Remus are the mythological founders of the city of Rome. As I recall, they were nursed into adulthood by a female wolf. Either that or they fled from the destruction of Troy. One of those two.
01 Feb 2017, 5:56am
Are we thinking of the same Ancient Rome? The similarities to the current US are uncanny, and simply not true Desert Fox, slaves were property, plain and simple.

Controlled land outside of their borders, had a legislative, executive and judicial branches, each had a large numbers of poor and unemployed and the government has used the dole and other aid packages to help the people causing a great drain on the finances of the government, apathy of many of the common people in politics and in life. Both had to throw off a foreign power to establish a nation. System of checks and balances to see that no single branch of government was stronger than another. The veto is idea taken from the Romans. Both have many similarities in individual freedoms like writ of habeas corpse, trial by jury, innocent until proven guilty, right of appeal, and many others; controlled large land mass.

Senate - In Rome these were the wealthy and were self-serving. In US many are career senators and from the elite in America, and focused often on pork-barrel money bills.

After hundreds of years, imports greater than exports, so money is rolling out and the government/economy is looking at rising debt. Religion was a central part of each societies, but religious tolerance also existed to some level. Any law that seemed unreasonable or grossly unfair could be set aside. In the US this is similar to declaring something unconstitutional.
01 Feb 2017, 5:57am
Right. I knew it was a name of significance, but I couldn't remember why.
01 Feb 2017, 5:58am
Found this helpful

01 Feb 2017, 5:59am
Desert Fox, Troy was between Greeks and Trojans if I'm not mistaken?
01 Feb 2017, 6:01am
I studied in Greece for over a year, as far north as Thessaloniki and as far south as Sparta. Went to most of the islands, (not the party ones, but meaningful ones such as Crete).

I often feel people subjugate Roman 'heroism and honor' with Greek notion. It's fitting considering the Romans stole pretty much everything they implemented from the Greeks, but they were far less honorable than popular culture and film make them out to be. They were crooks, from day one.
01 Feb 2017, 6:04am
Yes, American law and governance is based on certain Roman elements. How does that pertain to our discussion?

We're talking about how the Empire is obviously based on the Classical Roman Empire, albeit a little softer around the edges (except for that whole genocide thing, but we don't talk about that), and the Federation is obviously based on the United States, albeit taken to the extremes of corporate dominance. It's really not a hard comparison to make.

You're just trying to be contrary at this point.

EDIT: yes, Troy was between the Greeks and the Trojans. Did I not say "Mythological." Means its a myth. Ie, not true. In the myth, they flee Troy and found Rome. Found as in create, not as in discover.
01 Feb 2017, 6:08am
Fox about has the right of it. The Empire is based on Rome, the Federation is based on America (though, interestingly, its government type appears to be a hybrid of the US and UK's) and the Alliance is roughly analogous to the EU.
01 Feb 2017, 6:10am
Yeah Xek, don't the Feds have a parliament instead of congress? Or am I thinking of a different universe?
01 Feb 2017, 6:10am
Desert Fox don't condescend. I believe there's a much harder analogous to dissect from this 'obvious' correlation you draw, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Why would the lore be written to reflect an ancient superpower in contention with another power that reflects the current state of US Democracy? That's a stretch.
First of all, they're too similar, and it doesn't really reflect a very broad thought process in representing 'world view' within the Elite Universe. But besides that, it's makes EVERYTHING very small, something these creators have never attempted to do (small).

I'd say there are elements of ALL superpowers in all three factions. Elements of corruption, drawn in a way to specifically incite personal bias based on personal beliefs, with inherent contradiction within all three.

It is not OBVIOUSLY two specific world superpowers that existed at one time. Yes, the federation has MANY many consistencies with current US foil- but so do the Imperials. The Federation also has MANY MANY consistencies with current Australian, English, and any other predominantly western world view where democracy is one of the keynotes.

But more importantly than all of this, I feel Frontier is highly more intelligent than to draw such simple parallels when representing the ENTIRE GALAXY. They're not thinking in terms of pigeon holing their own factions with something as trite as that simple 'obvious' synonym. You should be able to look at all three and find a little of every culture within it. That was their goal- not the Ancient Empire vs the Current Capitalistic whatever America is turning out to be.

01 Feb 2017, 6:12am
If you want more proof, go read the tourist beacons in Sol. They explicitly state that the only nation that survives WW3 is the United States, which then proceeds to form a Federation with other nations - literally, "The Federation of the United States." The US part of the name is dropped when the few remaining countries on the planet complain about it.
01 Feb 2017, 6:13am
Desert Fox CXVIIYeah Xek, don't the Feds have a parliament instead of congress? Or am I thinking of a different universe?

It's a Congress. One of the factions in Sol is even named "Federal Congress."

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