Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Feb 2017, 6:14am
John, I get it- but considering that everything stems from that nation, then so everything after then is articulated from that basis of history- hence my argument that all three factions represent the similarities we are discussing right now.

Look, if you all want to make it 'that simple' be my guest. I give more credit to the writers than that.
01 Feb 2017, 6:14am
Desert Fox CXVIIYeah Xek, don't the Feds have a parliament instead of congress? Or am I thinking of a different universe?

That's correct.

In any case, we can argue semantics all day. Not to put too fine a point on it, but if the original question is "Which Elite faction is closest to Trump's America," then the answer - The Federation - is pretty obvious.
01 Feb 2017, 6:14am
And with that, I'm bored. It's like throwing spaghetti at a brick wall. Five years in the army has taught me that if everyone says something is wrong, its wrong. But what do I know, yeah? I'm just some dude on the internet with a keyboard.
01 Feb 2017, 6:16am
Isaiah Evanson
Desert Fox CXVIIYeah Xek, don't the Feds have a parliament instead of congress? Or am I thinking of a different universe?

It's a Congress. One of the factions in Sol is even named "Federal Congress."

Or rather, it's a Congress, but it has a few Parlimentary elements built in, like the vote of no confidence.
01 Feb 2017, 6:16am
I haven't said anyone is wrong, you all are telling me I am wrong. I have said you're right actually. I have a different perspective. Never said 'you are wrong'. You said that.
01 Feb 2017, 6:23am
John "Xeknos" Mathurin
Isaiah Evanson
Desert Fox CXVIIYeah Xek, don't the Feds have a parliament instead of congress? Or am I thinking of a different universe?

It's a Congress. One of the factions in Sol is even named "Federal Congress."

Or rather, it's a Congress, but it has a few Parlimentary elements built in, like the vote of no confidence.

Yeah, that's accurate. Votes of no confidence, "Shadow" officials, etc.
01 Feb 2017, 6:25am
I tried to let this go a long time ago, do you know why? Because this is how 'some' of you react anytime someone challenges your opinion, with, an opinion. Show me where FD said that analogous is true? Where they say specifically 'This is obviously a Romans vs Americans' simulation. They've never and will never. Ask them - they engage their base.

I have an interpretation of the lore I enjoy, I offered it, I get this type of nonsense. Jesus. Someone doesn't see it your way. End of story. You, however, are no more right than I am. You have your reasons for your perception of the 'lore' (mythical, made up) as do I.

And finally, the majority of Roman culture, science, policy and politics is derivative of the Greeks. So by your own notion, since time had passed, and a senate was a senate, they even 'called it a senate', there was also a 'Colosseum' they even called it a 'Colosseum' doesn't that mean they were, in their day and age the contemporary analogue to the Greeks? Hell no, they were far different than the Greeks, they used the same words, true, profited from the stolen philosophies, math, and art-- but they represented some entirely different fundamental practice. Are you telling me that's not remotely possible in this universe as well?
01 Feb 2017, 6:28am
Is this another of those "everything is everything" arguments? Because those are getting awful tiresome.
01 Feb 2017, 6:31am
Thanks for the pigeon hole Xeknos, but no, it was once again trying to extrapolate on a notion that the analogy you're telling me 'is obvious' could be a little more intelligent in design than some give it credit for. That's it. But thanks buddy- I'm not an idiot, you know that, I know that- don't pander. If you're going to say something, answer the question you know I'm asking.

Want it simplified?

Here we go, again: Could elements of contemporary culture and politics, as well as historical, be foiled in all three of these factions, and not simply cut and dry to one or the other?

In other words, could there be a little more diversity to their writing than you're giving them credit for. Yes or no?
01 Feb 2017, 6:39am
It's an imperfect analogy. The Federation literally rose from the ashes of the United States, so it follows that it's Space America with a bit of parliamentary modifications. Your original point was that the Empire is the closest thing to Trump, based upon something about slavery.

Give this topic a read, as the rundown does a good job of outlining how each faction operates and gives more credence to the idea that the Empire is roughly analogous to Space Rome, the Federation is roughly analogous to Space America, and the Alliance is kind of close to a Space EU. Again keeping in mind that these analogies are somewhat imperfect, as we never claimed that these things were EXACTLY these things, simply what they were closest to.
01 Feb 2017, 6:42am
Like I stated before, waaay before. You win, what do I know.
01 Feb 2017, 6:43am
NsiteLike I stated before, waaay before. You win, what do I know .

So why are you getting angry? Seems like you're doing yourself a disservice each time you freak out about something minor.
01 Feb 2017, 6:47am
Each time? Lol. Dude, just stop. I haven't freaked out at all. And I'm not angry. The only disservice being done here is you trying to once again manipulate what happened here and pretend to be some intellectual nice guy so you can what, be more popular among people here? When in fact right this second you've continued to try and needle. Same as last (the one other) time when I had a polarizing opinion that challenged something many of you didn't agree with.

I don't come here for service, I come here to have a good time and contribute. That's it. No sweat of my nose if people (you) don't like me here. Plenty enough do for me to accomplish what I was hoping to get out of this place.

Move along good sir.
01 Feb 2017, 6:56am
I think you've misunderstood me - and to answer your question, no, I've never been much for internet popularity contests, though I am curious as to why you seem hellbent on painting me as the bad guy, when I'm simply trying to get to the bottom of why you respond the way you do.

I want you to think about something, as the crux of your argument seems to be based on the idea that the Empire is copying America copying Rome copying Greece. Which is more likely:

1. That the Empire is copying America copying Rome copying Greece, as your suggest, or -
2. That the Empire is roughly analogous to Rome.

Not to appear condescending, as there's a lot of room in the Elite universe, but some of these lore questions have been answered for a while. And us deciding to toss out our opinions on a lore question probably shouldn't be taken as "you guys are telling me I'm wrong because I'm trying to get involved."

Playing the victim probably doesn't help your case.
01 Feb 2017, 6:57am
Oh boy. Xeknos, have a good day dude. I'm not playing a victim, in fact I've handled myself just fine in regards to my points of view.

Respectfully, die in a fire.

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