Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

01 Feb 2017, 7:35am
Desert Fox CXVIIOh shit, you know what I just realized?

Artie is going to be pissed when he sees all this. Xek, we better sacrifice a virgin before our god king smites us.

I may or may not have sacrificed one before we got started.
01 Feb 2017, 7:37am
With respect Xeknos, you've tried to reduce me this whole time. You two are the only two speaking. And when Artie rereads this I'm sure he will have the common sense to reread your positions, posts, your condescension, your constant need to needle me even after I let it go twice, and he'll see I stuck up for myself. So I'm really not all that worried.

You and your bud here are kind of assholes, there I said it. Just because no one else will doesn't mean they aren't thinking it.

I'd say the way you bully your way into these situations is going to be far more of a 'disservice' down the line when people figure you out.

You may be cool here hombre, but... well... Yeah... You may be cool here

Like I said earlier...

Move along good sir, and take your hypeman with you.
01 Feb 2017, 7:38am
Oh good, I was worried there for a second.

Makes another sacrifice to the God King just in case.
01 Feb 2017, 7:40am
Errrrraughhhhh, guys, it's so lateeeee

This is what's going to end my life

*rubs a half-rate Genie lamp*
My first wish is to have both parties stop talking about this.. NOW!

*crosses fingers*
01 Feb 2017, 7:41am
NsiteWith respect Xeknos, you've tried to reduce me this whole time. You two are the only two speaking. And when Artie rereads this I'm sure he will have the common sense to reread your positions, posts, your condescension, your constant need to needle me even after I let it go twice, and he'll see I stuck up for myself. So I'm really not all that worried.

You and your bud here are kind of assholes, there I said it. Just because no one else will doesn't mean they aren't thinking it.

I'd say the way you bully your way into these situations is going to be far more of a 'disservice' down the line when people figure you out.

You may be cool here hombre, but... well... Yeah... You may be cool here

Like I said earlier...

Move along good sir, and take your hypeman with you.

Except that "letting it go" does not mean "here's a useless point about Greece."

And I fully admit I'm an asshole. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if over half of this website hated me. While I sincerely don't think I've acted condescending toward you, I make my points directly and bluntly, and I will not apologize for that.
01 Feb 2017, 7:43am
I think you got your wish, mate. At least from our side. I got my kicks out of it. I'm satisfied.

EDIT: alright, xek. Lets leave it. There's no point. He wants to be obstinate, let him.
01 Feb 2017, 7:44am
Because your hipster comment, 'everything is everything' notion, telling me I'm freaking out (at least I didn't call you a c word?), playing the victim, couldn't argue (when your idea of an argument is constantly sidestepping it by saying something that isn't at all what I was arguing) and my position useless isn't condescending? Man, you have some serious entitlement issues my dude.

Silver platters exist in the Inara Writers Gang. Man, now I really wish you'd jump me in.

EDIT: sorry, the 'our side' thing just made me chuckle a little bit. Did you guys high five after you 'served' me? Lol. Someone get these idiots a laugh track and a live audience.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2017, 7:50am
01 Feb 2017, 7:45am
I bet you did Desert Then again, you elected yourself a hypeman, I'm sure getting your kicks isn't all that difficult when you have aspirations such as those.
01 Feb 2017, 7:58am
NsiteBecause your hipster comment, 'everything is everything' notion, telling me I'm freaking out (at least I didn't call you a c word?), playing the victim, couldn't argue (when your idea of an argument is constantly sidestepping it by saying something that isn't at all what I was arguing) and my position useless isn't condescending? Man, you have some serious entitlement issues my dude.

Silver platters exist in the Inara Writers Gang. Man, now I really wish you'd jump me in.

EDIT: sorry, the 'our side' thing just made me chuckle a little bit. Did you guys high five after you 'served' me? Lol. Someone get these idiots a laugh track and a live audience.

I'll end with this: if it looks like I'm sidestepping your arguments, it's because frankly, you're bad at articulating what your argument is, which leads me to respond to what I think your argument is supposed to be. I had gathered from your weird tangent about Greece that you seemed to think that because Rome had borrowed much of its ideas from Greece, that it was just as likely that the Empire could have been based off of Greece and not Rome. Is that incorrect?
01 Feb 2017, 8:03am
Are we playing nice here or are you going to quip some other non-condescending retort if I actually respond? What if you don't like it? Will it be another 'everything is everything' sentiment?

I articulated crystal clearly, and your response was fine- I let it go after. You felt the need to continue- saying that I was freaking out and angry, doing myself a disservice...

I was finished with this debate, and articulated my position crystal clear, down to a yes or no question. Because what you reduced it to was 'the imperials are greeks not romans' doesn't make that my argument. Never was. In fact that argument is based on the notion that I do agree with you that the Imperials are a direct parallel to Romans, but I don't. I don't think they're a direct parallel to anything. From a marketing and sales position, I think that FD is wise enough to understand that no matter the political ideologies of any of these factions they want to make some elements attractive enough to their end user that anyone could find something they relate to within in each.

I have been, this whole time, agreeing that there are many similarities between the Federation and the current US model. I asked if there could be a through line with all three factions and contemporary political climate, regardless of origin.

That's it. That maybe FD wasn't trying to slim down their narrative to such a structured and closed comparison.

And then I told you to die in a fire.


And if I knew this was speech and debate class, I would have preferred we handled it Lincoln Douglass instead of Policy- or maybe impromptu? This is an internet forum, my comment wasn't worthless, you're just used to allowing yourself to see people as less than you are. As you say, I am just speaking frankly. It's the truth. You have a huge head and ego, and each time someone says something you don't agree with you try to whip them with your intellect shtick. But dude, I wasn't being disrespectful to you, or condescending. You brought that on yourself.

EDIT: This all started with Trump. I just want that to be known. Had no one said that mans name we wouldn't be here right now... Coincidence? I think not.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2017, 8:19am
01 Feb 2017, 8:18am
NsiteAre we playing nice here or are you going to quip some other non-condescending retort if I actually respond? What if you don't like it? Will it be another 'everything is everything' sentiment?

I articulated crystal clearly, and your response was fine- I let it go after. You felt the need to continue- saying that I was freaking out and angry, doing myself a disservice...

I was finished with this debate, and articulated my position crystal clear. Because what you reduced it to was 'the imperials are greeks not romans' doesn't make that my argument. Never was.

I have been, this whole time, agreeing that there are many similarities between the Federation and the current US model. I asked if there could be a through line with all three factions and contemporary political climate, regardless of origin.

That's it. That maybe FD wasn't trying to slim down their narrative to such a structured and closed comparison.

And then I told you to die in a fire.


To which I would say "Probably not."

The Empire was formed because a group of people didn't like how the Federation conducted business, so a group of colonists traveled out beyond the fringes of Federation space to form a new colony, which slowly grew into an empire, and the two entities began butting heads once they expanded into each other. The Alliance is a loose confederation of independent systems that banded together because it gave them added security to stand against either the Federation or Empire.

The thing I think you missed when we were explaining what the big three are based on is that we weren't drawing parallels to any real world political situations beyond what the three governments were based on. If I had to guess, the situation between the Federation/Empire could sort of mirror America/Russia, but that wasn't the question: the thing that started all of this was essentially if Trump fit in better with the Federation or Empire. I still maintain that he'd fit in better with the Federation because I've long since held that it's based on a version of America that's been taken to an extreme and projected into a the future. The slavery point that you brought up, on its own, doesn't support the Empire being a Trumpian entity.
01 Feb 2017, 8:22am
I don't like Trump either Xeknos, and I wouldn't want him associated with my alignment in game as it were. But it does come down to an idealistic notion that is conjecture and based on personal opinion, how people see privilege. Personally, I see the Imperials as an entity that sympathizes with Privilege- I see Trump the same way. But as I said in the very beginning, I don't entirely disagree with you- but I don't agree with you either.

We done now?
01 Feb 2017, 8:22am
NsiteAnd if I knew this was speech and debate class, I would have preferred we handled it Lincoln Douglass instead of Policy- or maybe impromptu? This is an internet forum, my comment wasn't worthless, you're just used to allowing yourself to see people as less than you are. As you say, I am just speaking frankly. It's the truth. You have a huge head and ego, and each time someone says something you don't agree with you try to whip them with your intellect shtick. But dude, I wasn't being disrespectful to you, or condescending. You brought that on yourself.

EDIT: This all started with Trump. I just want that to be known. Had no one said that mans name we wouldn't be here right now... Coincidence? I think not.

From what I've gathered, you seem to be alone in this. I'm sorry that you seem to view me this way, but again, I've never been much for playing the internet popularity game.
01 Feb 2017, 8:23am
Oh wow, I wake up to 83 new posts in OOC!

That can only mean one thing: someone disagreed with IWG about something.
01 Feb 2017, 8:24am
Marra MorganOh wow, I wake up to 83 new posts in OOC!

That can only mean one thing: someone disagreed with IWG about something.

Omfg I spit out my liquid.

Morning Marra!

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