Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

19 Mar 2017, 6:56pm
Captain Prancy Paws

Just stop.

We all know there is no uncle. Take responsibility for your piss poor behaviour, and move on.

Says the troll alt.
19 Mar 2017, 6:57pm
Captain Prancy Paws
GTxMUSHxHis lost xbox for 2 months lol as his account was on my console

Just stop.

We all know there is no uncle. Take responsibility for your piss poor behaviour, and move on.

RIP lmaoo
20 Mar 2017, 2:08am
Anyone got any advice on how to motivate myself to clear my backlog of stories that I should really sort out, like, soon?

I keep getting distracted by playing Xbox instead...
20 Mar 2017, 2:11am
Get someone to the bar? Grab some inspiration?
20 Mar 2017, 2:17am
Are you suggesting I write my Logbooks at my local watering hole or just hinting you want Lilith and/or Luke to come meet Phisto?
20 Mar 2017, 2:19am
20 Mar 2017, 2:27am
Lol, well sadly Luke is preoccupied with trying to calm a very panicky Mhera in a Moon Buggy in a distant System, and Lilith is uhh... Working in the background...

Whilst it is tempting to create a one off character for shits and giggles, it would only serve to distract me from the writing I'm supposed to be doing...
20 Mar 2017, 2:27am
Although it seems clear I have at least two fans, so I appreciate the compliment
20 Mar 2017, 2:34am
Phisto is occupied at the moment... but it's certainly recharged my batteries after the last batch of stories.  But hey, I was also never one for rushing anything either.  Do what you like, buddy.  Ain't no one keeping score.
20 Mar 2017, 2:59am
Luke3107Lol, well sadly Luke is preoccupied with trying to calm a very panicky Mhera in a Moon Buggy in a distant System, and Lilith is uhh... Working in the background...

Whilst it is tempting to create a one off character for shits and giggles, it would only serve to distract me from the writing I'm supposed to be doing...

"Working in the background."

But not for much longer.
20 Mar 2017, 3:09am
Luke, personally I wouldn't worry so much about it, but then again I expected my little "Novice Assassin" ark to have ended a month or two ago.
20 Mar 2017, 3:26am
LOL @Luke3107 I hear you about the XBox preoccupation... I still need to finish my Wars and Rumors log book series... Just spending to much time in Elite.
20 Mar 2017, 8:06am
Is anyone here coincidentally familiar with the name Marko Ramius, and / or Bart Mancuso?
20 Mar 2017, 9:32am
HappyComrieIs anyone here coincidentally familiar with the name Marko Ramius, and / or Bart Mancuso?

I've read Hunt for Red October - great book!

When I was in my teens I wanted to serve on a Royal Navy submarine, but back then women were not allowed to. Recently (around 2011), the ban was lifted in the Royal Navy and I think on US subs too. I'm too old to join now
20 Mar 2017, 9:49am
Wow, That sucks...

I know the feels. Wanted to join the police or customs (really important in Holland) but can't because of my shit-useless eyes... (I have glasses)

But what do you mean too old? You're never too old unless you're retired, right?

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