Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

14 Mar 2017, 8:36pm

We don't bite.... Mostly....
14 Mar 2017, 8:45pm
Consent required.
14 Mar 2017, 8:49pm
Stryker AuneFrom what I am reading Silvoliouń didn't leave the bar. He's still standing there having a conversation with Stryker. Am I missing something?

Well, yes. I noticed I made that mistake yesterday just after falling asleep...
As soon as I woke up I edited it to a bathroom break, wich I thought was appropriate scince his last entry was 10 days ago...

Sorry if I did anything wrong, or not entirely as it was supposed to, I have never done any RP's before...

No, you didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes I miss things in posts, so I was trying to make sure. Your doing great! Don't worry about making mistake, but try to learn from them.
14 Mar 2017, 11:48pm
OK so i was about to start RPing but i had a few questions about more kind of general things just before i jump in, kind of more to do with wolrdbuilding terms as well as a few RP specific things:

1. Is the Inara station located somewhere specific in the elite universe like a specific system or is its location more vague like its just close to where ever you are coming from.

2. I was advised by someone not to make my character a special snowflake because that tends to get on peoples nerves but I've kind of based my character on my own personality but I'm a bit of a "mad bastard" myself and was worried about my quirkiness coming off the wrong way. I guess what I'm really wondering is how much I can actually get away with without it becoming the special snowflake thing.

3. In regards to cybernetic implants is there an agreed or canon social standing on the matter, like how common is it and to what extent is it usually done. like is it only ever done as extensive medical replacements or is it less common only really done by people who opted to have parts removed and replaced with cybernetics in the lower ranks of society or something. (my reason for asking this is I've been watching the Ingaba recently and saw Silvolioun's reaction to stryker's claws).

4. swearing - can I or cant I. personally I've a bit of a foul mouth (I'm Irish so its all "fecking" this and that) although its all in good humour, I don't mean it in a bad way. like should I try and avoid swearing entirely or is it OK ish if its in character? within reason of course.

5. spelling and grammar - Obviously I was advised to proof read anything before posting and generally my spelling and grammar is all right but I have a tendency to make small errors. (If I knew what was wrong with it the first time, sort of thing). just wondering if that's OK or do I really need to screen everything like a text to a crush?

6. how creative can I get with the log books. now of course I'm not gonna write anything that might influence the elite universe like someone who single-handedly takes down an in game faction or anything. I was thinking more in terms of ship tinkering. I take it it's my ship my rules so long as its not like a game breaking overhaul. like I was thinking of being an engineer with enough knowledge to tinker with modules but nowhere near the level of the in game special engineers.

7. Is it alright to message people if I have a question about their character or something. or is it weird. I don't wanna freak anyone out with messages from a stranger like.

8. I see that a lot of people have avatars for their characters that look like they're from the elite engine but they've had them since before the 2.3 beta was released. how did you get them? 

9. generally these questions are just my curiosity. I'm probably overthinking this aren't I.

thanks in advance for the answers.
15 Mar 2017, 1:01am

1) the station name is Citi Gateway. It is located in the Inara system. Next time your in game, give it a look up!

2) special snowflakes are boring. And they are unfortunately a dime a dozen. People would rather read about characters the can relate to. That is, the plain hum drum nobodies. Super people are, super boring.

3) Stryker here has a cybernetic claw like hand and forearm. According to some lore, cybernetics were once a thing, but now rare due to Progenative technology. This tech doesn't always work though. People with cybernetics are typically mistrusted by the general population.

4) Swearing. That's up to you. I typically don't because the site hosts younger people. But I haven't been very consistent.

5) that's a good idea. I dont mind small errors and I tend to look over them.

6) log books are your own thing. Do what you want with them. However the same is NOT true with posting on the RP boards.

7) I pm people all the time. It's a great way to communicate and fix errors in the RP. No one will find it strange.

8) They have access to the beta version. However, I will not be using holo-me for my Inara avatar as it will most likely lack an avatar with my characters build and dimensions.

9) not at all. It's good you asked and opened lines of communication. My advise is that it is a good thing to be willing to receive and consider constructive criticism.

Last edit: 15 Mar 2017, 1:08am
15 Mar 2017, 1:05am
Hey Bryan. I'll answer the best I can, but my answers may be slightly different to others so unless you're desperate to jump in, feel free to await responses from others.

1. There is a system called Inara in the game. Inside is a station called Citi Gateway (amongst others). While the Galactic Bar itself is a fan creation, along with the other details within Stations in general, everything surrounding it is based on in-game material.

2. Basically, as many people have put it, a "perfect character" is boring. They need to have flaws or they can't be interesting to read about. Have quirks if you like, or exceptional skills in one or two particular fields (say, combat and engineering) but offset it with a disadvantage elsewhere (say, poor communication skills and/or short tempered). I usuyally refer people to The Marybelle Incident courtesy of Stryker as an example of characters that take things too far. It was deliberate, so he got away with it, but if your creations can be compared to the ones contained there, you've likely gone too far already. An option may be to create a biography and send some people a link for their opinions on if you have gone too far.

3. There's no specific 'canon' that I'm aware of that anyone draws from. However I find cybernetics to be about as common as current day prosthetics, if a bit more advanced. Others might see them as more common as they do tend to crop up quite frequently in the forums. My advice is keep it vague in how they work.

4. Yes, but try to keep it toned down. This is more a matter of personal taste, some people like swearing, others don't. Put as much or as little foul language in as you want, but bare in mind some people may decline to participate in RP with you if you average 17 swear words per post.

5. Nobody here is perfect. We all make mistakes, which may get pointed out or may not. I'm certain that some people here may even be dyslexic, but as long as we can understand what you're trying to say/do, there is no issue. Just don't be offended if someone does pick up on an error or two, they're just trying to be helpful.

6. Log-Books are fair game really. You can go as crazy or Lore friendly as you like, it depends who you are targeting as an audience. Of course, if you are hoping to get other peoples characters involved in your stories, you will have to accomodate how far from the lore they are willing to stray. However RP here needs to be as lore friendly as possible. My RP with Mhera has us flying in a Diamondback Explorer kitted out as a portable science lab, with a vehicle best described as a modified Scarab to boot. Best I can say is, keep it believable and remember that the ships have limited space. So your collection of 21st Century Sports Cars won't fit in the Cargo Bay of a Sidewinder.

7. Message away. It's better to make sure you get it right than make an assumption that results in you having to edit several posts. If they don't respond, it's because they're busy. If that's the case, probably avoid RPing with them until they become active again, otherwise you may end up in a dead end interaction.

8. They were mostly created using the character creator of another game called EVE Online. It's free to use but requires a download, although I wouldn't worry about it too much, as 2.3 will drop soon and 99% of peoples avatars will end up being pulled from there anyway.

9. Curiosity killed the Cat. But then lack of it completely halts learning, so ask away!!!

Hope that helps, looking forward to your participation
15 Mar 2017, 1:16am
I'm not even going to bring up Mitch, the surgically altered idiot to look like a Kajhit, Mork the genetically engineered "super" mutant, and Mindy the poor scientist who's reputation was destroyed by Mork. The once reputable EMT that did nothing but scowl, now working as a pole dancer that does nothing but scowl, and the security drone programmed to be like Judge Dredd...

Yes, special snowflakes, the lot of them.

Last edit: 15 Mar 2017, 1:32am
15 Mar 2017, 1:32am
I was going to, but couldn't find the pages
15 Mar 2017, 1:35am
I think those occured right after Artie added the other RP pages. Not sure though. I can fish for them later. Anyway, don't let this detour you Bryan. We are pretty cool. If we start sqwaking, there is probably a good reason.

Last edit: 15 Mar 2017, 3:27am
15 Mar 2017, 1:41am
Yeah, we can come across quite harsh sometimes, but rest assured we don't mean to do so.

Just communicate with us and we can fix any issues together
15 Mar 2017, 1:48am
Think of it as wordy snuggles!
15 Mar 2017, 2:55am
Come join the Inara discord channel, too! We'll be able to answer all your questions pretty quickly there. It even has an RP channel too which could use an injection of activity
15 Mar 2017, 3:00am
Nova CassidyCome join the Inara discord channel, too! We'll be able to answer all your questions pretty quickly there. It even has an RP channel too which could use an injection of activity

Nuh uh!! We call first dibs!!!
15 Mar 2017, 3:08am
Nova CassidyCome join the Inara discord channel, too! We'll be able to answer all your questions pretty quickly there. It even has an RP channel too which could use an injection of activity

Nuh uh!! We call first dibs!!!

Hey! Sharing is caring!
15 Mar 2017, 3:28am
I second the use of the discord.

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