Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Mar 2017, 12:05pm
To whom it may concern, my posting may be a bit slow for the next few days. My internet has been cut off due to an unpaid bill so am reliant on 4G which hits 2 bars on a good day.

Thanks for your patience
04 Mar 2017, 1:21pm
Apparently my ISP is better than I thought. All back up and running already
05 Mar 2017, 6:59am
My spidey sense is tingling.

Are you playing dress up again Glaboski???
06 Mar 2017, 1:57pm
Rebecca HailMy Internet got shafted last night and the only thing I can currently write on is my mobile phone (which is a real pain in the ass), so my response May take a little time.

Go to $5 and below and get a blue tooth keyboard for your phone/tablet....you won't regret it!
06 Mar 2017, 7:26pm
Cartlidge1000*flashbacks of engineered corvettes killing vipers*

I think I'll pass...

Meant to say, there was none of that don't worry. I've never participated in PvP but not for any reason. However, if I ended up in that situation, then no matter which side I was on I'd leave. It's not fun, at all.

That said, we mostly did PvE HazRes Bounty Hunting. Was a good laugh and I look forward to doing it again. Especially once they update the bounties so they're no longer split equally
06 Mar 2017, 7:57pm
It was a lovely time! Look forward to it again. You're welcome to join, Cartlidge. We're not bad allll the time.
06 Mar 2017, 8:29pm
Well... Phisto caused trouble constantly but the rest of the guys were cool
06 Mar 2017, 9:15pm
Excuse me running over my own fighter was an ACCIDENT.
06 Mar 2017, 9:25pm
What about landing your Anaconda on my FDLs cockpit?
06 Mar 2017, 10:22pm
Yield to tonnage! Besides, I had healing lasers!
06 Mar 2017, 11:56pm
Hahaha! Now I'm jealous! I don't often get the opportunity to play with others in elite.
07 Mar 2017, 12:52am
SonofMacPhistoYield to tonnage! Besides, I had healing lasers!
Thought we agreed it was Yield To Handsomness? In which case I totally have you beat with my majestic long hair!!!
Cartlidge1000Hahaha! Now I'm jealous! I don't often get the opportunity to play with others in elite.
My Xbox GT is the same as my Inara username, for both accounts. Add one or both and I'll gladly wing up!!!

08 Mar 2017, 2:21am
SonofMacPhistoIt was a lovely time! Look forward to it again. You're welcome to join, Cartlidge. We're not bad allll the time.

If I wasn't dealing with exams, I woulda been right there with you guys!
10 Mar 2017, 8:27pm
Mhera BathanaThis is the Mobile Observation Operative Nexus. Or the MOON-buggy." She laughed. "I know its redundant, but we had a lot of fun naming it!"

I am in stitches... Smart-Ass

Last edit: 10 Mar 2017, 9:01pm
13 Mar 2017, 2:00am
Out of curiosity, somewhere down the line I intend to have Luke and Lilith meet up again. I'm thought I might have it just happen in a logbook but I think it might be nice to have it happen here. Naturally, this leaves it open to interruptions from other users (wherever you are all hiding ), which I'm cool with, but I figure having something like that might constitute story writing and be frowned upon. So here's me asking what others thoughts are on this.

I know some people have already had alternate characters meet up, Stryker and Glaboski for example, but they have often been brief. Mine might be longer.

Also, I don't intend to write constantly for hours. I'd do a post for each character every now and again, say around 4 hours apart, to allow for others to join in if they wish.


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