Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

13 Mar 2017, 10:51am

I think you shouldn't regard the contributions of others as being "interruptions". The whole point of RP, to me at least, is that it allows creative interaction with someone else. That, in turn, means having to deal with the odd unexpected input and incorporating it somehow. You, as the author, will derive a lot more pleasure from not knowing what's coming next, and your readers will respond accordingly.

My other piece of advice, for what is worth, is to keep your individual posts reasonably succinct. Imho RP "turns" ought to be fairly short and snappy, otherwise what you've got is a story.
13 Mar 2017, 3:01pm
In all fairness, interruptions was simply the only word I could think of. I relish in the unpredictability that RP can bring and don't regard them as a negative thing in the slightest, even bad RP can be good fun if the intention is clear .

That said, my intention is indeed to keep the posts short and sweet, moving the story forward only after enough time has passed to allow another participant to, well... Participate. I just don't want to be seen to be flooding the forum with my own posts simply because no one was available, or willing, to contribute.

Cheers Jem
13 Mar 2017, 3:17pm
Jemine CaesarLilith/Luke,

I think you shouldn't regard the contributions of others as being "interruptions". The whole point of RP, to me at least, is that it allows creative interaction with someone else. That, in turn, means having to deal with the odd unexpected input and incorporating it somehow. You, as the author, will derive a lot more pleasure from not knowing what's coming next, and your readers will respond accordingly.

My other piece of advice, for what is worth, is to keep your individual posts reasonably succinct. Imho RP "turns" ought to be fairly short and snappy, otherwise what you've got is a story.

In all honesty, I agree with Jem here. Also, another thing to point out...

RP between alts, is really just another form of a log book (this is why Glaboskis' and Strykers interactions are so short) and, the other thing to be aware of, is the "instantaneous" transfer of information between both alts. This knowledge of how they will interact and respond to each other, before anything is actually posted. (another reason why I'm not inclined for my characters to interact on the boards.)
13 Mar 2017, 3:39pm
Agreed Stryker.

The issue of knowing what each character will do is part of the reason I intend to leave a decent amount of time between posts to allow others to join in. Their action may change how each character ends up reacting.

Without outside influence, the interaction is intended to be a short, but hopefully sweet, meeting before they go their separate ways. But the reason it's happening in Citi Gateway is because I'm a bit unsure where they intend to go afterwards so hopefully another participant will give me inspiration
13 Mar 2017, 3:57pm
"Another participant," you say?
13 Mar 2017, 4:01pm
Silvoliouń hasn't posted for almost 10 days now. I'll give him a few more before I call the RP dead. In that case, Stryker might be free, depending on how things go between Cartlidge, glaboski and claire.
13 Mar 2017, 4:12pm
Don't get ahead of yourselves. I have a backlog I'm working on and I have no intentions of joining an RP event while I have Lukes Logbook story in the works, Liliths RP being detailed and another Lilith story in the works simultaneously
13 Mar 2017, 4:23pm
You're lucky Phisto is patient.
13 Mar 2017, 4:32pm
In my experience that translates to "I have nothing better to do".
13 Mar 2017, 9:27pm
Luke3107In my experience that translates to "I have nothing better to do".

A patient man can be very dangerous indeed, sir.
13 Mar 2017, 10:49pm
Welcome to the RP HappyComrie.

Any questions don't hesitate to ask.
14 Mar 2017, 12:25am
From what I am reading Silvoliouń didn't leave the bar. He's still standing there having a conversation with Stryker. Am I missing something?
14 Mar 2017, 6:02pm
Stryker AuneFrom what I am reading Silvoliouń didn't leave the bar. He's still standing there having a conversation with Stryker. Am I missing something?

Well, yes. I noticed I made that mistake yesterday just after falling asleep...
As soon as I woke up I edited it to a bathroom break, wich I thought was appropriate scince his last entry was 10 days ago...

Sorry if I did anything wrong, or not entirely as it was supposed to, I have never done any RP's before...
14 Mar 2017, 6:11pm
Its fine, although for future reference, making assumptions about what another persons character is doing, without asking them, is a bad idea. Try to avoid doing it, and if you can't, message the person or persons involved first
14 Mar 2017, 8:32pm
Don't be shy! Being new just means only improving from there.

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